Reborn Man (3)

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Translated by Jev Kaez
Edited by Jev Kaez


Lu Yi’s uncle was hit by such a big shock, and he was a little confused.

He had stayed in the big city for a long time, and he had seen a lot of things. The city where Lu Yi lived was small, Lu’s father and Lu’s mother may not be able to accept this, so it was better to wait until Lu Yi graduated from university, so as not to ruin the child’s future and make the family uneasy.

He went to the smoking area to smoke a cigarette, Uncle Lu called Lu Yi out, he snuffed out the cigarette butts, and then said earnestly: “You are still young, so maybe you don’t know, anyway, this matter, hide it from your parents first.”

Lu Yi looked at himself in the mirror, and the mirror showed a youthful face.

Knowing that Uncle Lu was also doing his own good, he responded, “Okay.”

Since the original owner liked Zhao Wuchen, he liked men, and sooner or later he would come out of the closet. He just moved the time forward a little bit, and the target was his uncle, not his parents.

He didn’t have anyone he liked now, and the original owner’s little boyfriend had also broken up with him. It was not embarrassing to agree to the condition of the elders.

Uncle Lu’s expression relaxed slightly.

Lu Yi said again: “I will find a place to live myself, so I won’t bother you at my uncle’s house.”

“No trouble, I promised your parents.” He remembered that Zhao Wuchen just now, “You can’t be with that boy, right?”

“It has nothing to do with him, I just want to see my school in advance.”

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When he became the original owner, the other party’s major had already been applied for, and he had set a major, which was computer.

The original owner’s grades were considered to be relatively good among his peers, but for Lu Yi, it was not enough. And computer was not his favorite major, so if he got in, he would definitely transfer to the finance department.

Although his body had become younger, Lu Yi didn’t really want to experience the life of an IT man in a university dormitory. He planned to go to the school ahead of time to figure out the rules and regulations for changing majors and prepare for relevant exams. If possible, it was better to live alone.

For college students from ordinary families, the network of contacts in the university was also very important, but in fact, after graduation, most of them went their separate ways, unless they were in the same city, otherwise there would be no contact at all.

As a college student who was financially controlled by his parents, it was actually very difficult to come out loudly. Don’t talk about coming out of the closet, even if he didn’t live in the dormitory and move out, for the original owner, it was a matter of asking his parents and negotiate the plans.

Uncle Lu’s words reminded him in disguise that he needed enough freedom, at least financial independence.

There was still so much time in the summer vacation, he could at least try to make some money for himself.

Lu Yi’s uncle wanted to persuade something else, but his nephew’s gaze was unexpectedly firm. Looking into Lu Yi’s eyes, he couldn’t say what he wanting to persuade him, and he swallowed it abruptly.

The phone in his trouser pocket vibrated at this moment. He glanced at the caller ID, and then answered, “No, I’m right here in the toilet, I’ll be out soon, yes, Lu Yi is also…”

After hanging up the phone, he patted Lu Yi on the shoulder: “Okay, you are an adult, just do things in a measured way. Don’t make your aunt wait in a hurry, let’s go out.”

Along the way, Uncle Lu didn’t mention Lu Yi’s “little boyfriend”. Lu Yi also played the role of a sensible and well-behaved younger generation very cleverly.

Although Lu Yi’s uncle and aunt kept him warmly, Lu Yi lived in their house for two days before moving out.

The original owner’s funds were only more than 10,000 yuan. This was all his savings. That amount of money was simply not enough for anything. All his priority was to make money, make a lot of money.

Nothing reassured him more than money.

Here Lu Yi planned his life for the next few years, while Zhao Wuchen took a taxi to a high-end community in the direction he remembered.

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Originally, he planned to rely on Lu Yi, which would save a lot of accommodation costs, but now Lu Yi was gone. The hotel on the edge of that high-end community was too expensive.

He gritted his teeth and chose the cheapest youth hostel nearby to stay in. If he saved a little on food, he could stay there for half a month.

In order to meet his sweetheart, he would go to the nearby park for a morning run every day.

He calculated his age, and the other party was about the same age as Lu Yi. At this time, he should also be graduating from high school and studying at university.

The love in the student days was the most unforgettable. Once you enter the society and involve money, many feelings were not so pure.

When he met that person, the other person was already very good. Really at that time, even if he came back, he couldn’t count on it. So, if possible, he must seize this opportunity to meet by chance.

He still had two years left. He remembered the university graduate school the other party went to, and he also knew what university the other party went to.

Taking advantage of the fact that the other party had not yet entered the university and was chased by the more effective seniors and juniors, he must create opportunities in advance to impress the other party.

The community that the person lived in was a high-end community. He knew the address, but he couldn’t get in.

There was a park near the community. He remembered that the other party said that when he was young, he would often exercise in that park in the morning.

He had been so deliberate, if he didn’t come across this by chance, was there really no fate?

No, it was impossible. Since the rebirth, everything that had happened matched his memory. He did not travel to any parallel world, but was completely reborn.

It stood to reason that at this age, the other party would definitely be in this park, his memory couldn´t be wrong. Unless the other party deceived him when he was talking, but according to the other party’s ability and family background, there was no need to deceive him at all.

He looked at the words on the stone outside the high-end community, which were said to have cost millions of experts to write, and looked at the pedestrians coming and going with admiration.

Most of the cars that come in and out were luxury cars. In his last life, after earning ten or twenty years, he might not be able to afford the kind of car.

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Zhao Wuchen was thinking about a better life in the future, and he was very patient, but he kept guarding for more than ten days, and he couldn’t meet Ji Rui, and he couldn’t help but start to get irritable.

Before, Ji Rui himself said that at this point in time, he was staying near this place. This was the only date and place he remembered clearly. Otherwise, why did he have to come here at this time.

He still wanted to persevere, but he was only a high school student now, and being able to run out for such a long period of time was entirely due to the money he had saved during this time, even if he lived in a cheap hotel and ate less expensive meals, that was already the limit.

No one was found, and so much money was spent, Zhao Wuchen couldn’t help but feel a pain in the flesh.

He wasn’t the kind of person who gave up easily. In the end, he still wanted to struggle a little bit. He took out his mobile phone, and thought of Lu Yi, who he was taking advantage of.

He looked at the contact information for a long time. When Lu Yi said that kind of nasty words, he blocked the other party, thinking that unless the other party came to apologize, he would never forgive him.

But not long ago, he released Lu Yi from his blacklist, but Lu Yi still didn’t speak to him.

He felt that, according to Lu Yi’s character, even if it was not a person he liked, but a classmate in the class who encountered difficulties in other cities, as long as it was confirmed, Lu Yi should be able to help.

However, he was sitting on a park bench and the phone and couldn’t get through at all.

He tried several times, but found that Lu Yi really blocked him.

He angrily threw the empty mineral water bottle in his hand and rolled in front of a young boy.

The boy looked a little familiar, Zhao Wuchen raised his head to look, and felt that the other party was somewhat similar to the person he was looking for.

But the other party was wearing a mask, wearing a white-washed gown, and bowing his head, he skillfully flattened the bottle with his dirty gloved right hand, and put it into the snakeskin bag he was carrying.

It could be seen that although the boy’s eyes were bright, his skin was dark yellow and rough, completely different from Ji Rui, who was fair-skinned and pampered at first glance.

He was ashamed of his mistake. For a boy like this who picked up trash, he would actually recognize him as his male god, which was simply sullying Ji Rui.

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He sat in the park for a day, but he still didn’t wait for the person he wanted to wait for. Finally, he returned to the hotel dejectedly, packed his things and left.

Could it be that this was the lesson that God had taught him, that he should not be too ambitious and cherish the people in front of him?

Although Ji Rui could save him thirty years of struggle, no, two lifetimes less, but Lu Yi seemed to have gotten along pretty well with him in his last life. And the two families were neighbors… But thinking about Lu Yi’s appearance, he still thought that the ordinary man really couldn’t do it.

He sighed and sighed, and the boy who had picked up the plastic bottles was also carrying a large bag of waste snakeskin bags to sell for money.

Of course, plastic bottles were mainly convenient, and his big target was still the trash cans in those high-end communities.

He had just graduated from high school. Because of an accident at home, his mother was ill, and his performance was abnormal, and he was not able to be admitted to the university of his choice.

Prospective college students work part-time, basically doing simple sales, and at most a hundred yuan a day. Downstairs of the community where he lived was a waste collector, and the other party earnt tens of thousands a month.


After measuring his ability, he felt that collecting scraps was a serious and fast-moving industry, and it was a relatively legitimate industry, and relatively speaking, it was relatively free.

Although it was hard work, he still wanted to do what he could for the family. Even the young man was thin-skinned, so he still wore a mask when it was hot, and because of this, he was not recognized by Zhao Wuchen.

After wandering around a few neighborhoods, Ji Rui washed hid hands and went home. When passing by his neighborhood, he habitually looked at the notice board and found a new part-time advertisement posted on it, asking others to cook at home, including Chinese dinner, 5,000 yuan a month, the address was the nearby community.

The food money was always provided by the owner, and it was only for one person. There was a trial period. If the food was not delicious, it would not be hired.

The paper was newly posted, and Ji Rui stood for a while with a snakeskin bag, then tore off the advertisement.

This kind part-time job, at the beginning, he was deceived not once or twice. Their community was not very high-end, and no one should specially invite people to cook.

One, it was a liar, and eight out of ten times it was a liar, most likely a liar who wanted free cooking.

But he still tore it off, and he wanted to give it a try, after all, he was short of money now.

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