Chapter 25

Chapter 25: Want Some? – Part 2

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Kirara’s meal of the day was manga meat.

“(Hey, look at that…)”

Mao drew her face close and whispered in Kyouya’s ear.

“(You always see meat shaped like that in manga.)”

“(Actually, I always see it in games. The ones that increase your stamina.)”

“(No, that’s not it. It’s the kind that people love to eat in TV and manga.)”

“(Well, maybe. I think we’re talking about the same thing though.)”

Kyouya looked towards the far side of the room.

As usual, Kirara was sitting by herself on the worn out antique sofa.

On the table, there was a silver platter, on top of which lay a pile of the “manga meat” Mao was talking about.

They were big, round pieces of meat with a bone pierced through the center.

While holding the two ends of the bone, Kirara sunk her teeth into the meat and pulled until it tore off.

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She looked delighted as she chewed.

“M-makes… makes you want to try eating it like that, huh? Doesn’t it?”

They were supposed to be whispering when Mao suddenly stopped speaking so quietly. Her cheeks flushed pink, she sought everybody’s agreement, particularly Kyouya’s.

“That’s impossible.”

Shion whispered, joining in the conversation.

“Everyone knows this already, but Kirara-san has never shared her meat with anybody. Apparently, it violates some sort of self-enforced codes that she maintains.”

“What? Say it in Japanese.”

Kyouya had somehow understood Shion’s big words, but another question popped in his mind. He tilted his head.

“Huh? She gave some meat to me the other day.”

“What?! Alright then, go get ourselves some!”

At Mao’s orders, Kyouya stood up.

He approached Kirara, stopping about a meter away, and called to her.

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“Er… Kirara-san?”

There was no reply.

Just like a kitten that was shown a golden can of tuna, Kirara was completely focused on eating the meat.

She looked kinda cute… no, this was not the time.

“Er, then… Kirara?”

The girl’s ears twitched. Not her real ears, but her ear-like hair.

“What’s wrong? Kyoro?”

As if she’d just noticed him there, the girl looked at him in puzzlement.

Kyouya stared intently at the manga meat on the girl’s hand. Without the need for words, his body language conveyed his request.

“Want some?”

Kirara smiled brightly, handing him the piece that still had about 70% of the meat left on it.

“Hooray! Well, don’t mind if I do too.”

All of a sudden, Mao was already standing by their side, motioning to take one piece of manga meat from the platter.

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Smack! Her hand was struck.

Mao stubbornly tried it with her other hand, but that was shot down too.


Mao screamed. Without answering, Kirara silently began to eat a new piece of meat.

“Among mammals that move in packs, there are some species with established rules for dividing food. For example, animals like the wolf. The higher ranked individuals will share their food with the lower ranked ones. In other words, Kirara sees Kyoro-kun as being under her care.”

“Well, I’m her underclassman after all.”

That made Kyouya kind of happy.

“Well, I’m the president! I’m the highest ranking one here! That means I’m the one who decides how to divide the meat! Hand me a piece!”

Mao extended her hand, but she was struck again.

It made a loud, painful sound. Mao held the back of her hand.

After having her hand slapped three times, Mao finally lost her temper.


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Baring her teeth and using her biting technique, Mao advanced towards Kirara’s calf. However, Kirara wasn’t the type of person that allows herself to lose like that.

She bit her! Kirara bit her!

It was the first time Kyouya saw someone biting Mao!

“Let’s leave them alone.”

Giving up on the two, Shion returned to her paperback.

Kyouya followed her lead.

The meat he’d received from Kirara was incredibly delicious; the stuff of legends.

The GJ Club’s Bookshelf

It’s filled with material that Kyouya has been assiduously bringing in.

It’s contents include boy oriented manga, light novels and so on.

Lately Megumi has also been bringing shoujo manga in.

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