Chapter 1

Chapter 1: Nothing to Do 

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After school as always, in the usual clubroom.

Mao, who had been searching her hair for split ends for a while now, suddenly spoke up.

“Ah, nothing to do.”

“Yeah, nothing.”

Kyouya immediately replied while reading a manga.

He’d been thinking that maybe she was bored for a while now. Specifically, since about ten minutes before she started staring at her hair.

“Say something funny.”

“What do you mean by something funny?”

Kyouya asked.

Mao was always saying unreasonable things, but even so, Kyouya just couldn’t get used to it.

“Anything’s fine, just say something.”

“Er… something.”

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“Wow, that was really funny!”

Mao said, baring her fangs as she smiled.

“Really? I’m glad you like it.”

Kyouya felt relief. When he was about to go back to his manga…

“Ok, ten more to go.”

“What’s that? What’s with that scary countdown?”


Mao gave him no answer. Instead, she procceeded with the countdown.


Kyouya turned to the only person capable of toying around with Mao.

However, his last ray of hope was currently at the old computer which could do nothing but connect to the internet, having a match with someone.

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Probably that “Chess World Champion” person. Recently, even his screen name had changed to “World Union Champion”, though it seemed a lot like a self-given title. He had quite a lot free time for a world champion too. On top of that, Shion was giving him the works as usual.

Shion loosely waved her hand in the air.

That indifferent back turned to him and her long hair were incomparably eloquent in conveying the message: “Keeping Mao company is your job.”


The countdown moved down another step.

Having found another split end, Mao reached for a pair of scissors.


The next person Kyouya turned to was Megumi. Mao’s sister, the GJ-club’s resident angel, and more importantly, the only one capable of scolding Mao.

Megumi, who’d been keeping a watch on the fire as she boiled the water at the stove, smiled peacefully at Kyouya.

“You two always get along so well. You’re going to make me jealous like that, hu hu hu.”

No good.

With Megumi’s Angelic Love everything was always seen in a positive light.

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Mao idly said.


Kyouya cried out to the last person left.

Kirara could always be found eating something at the inner end of the room. She had a wildness to her, as if there was a lion sleeping inside her, which gave the impresssion that when the time came she was someone you could depend on, but it was really nothing more than an impression. She was the only person capable of biting back against Mao.

In case you’re wondering why Kyouya didn’t use an honorific like “san” when calling her name, even though she was his senior, that’s because if he did, she’d just reply by saying: “One Kirara, not three.”

Kirara turned her head in Kyouya’s direction with a chicken leg in her mouth and tilted her neck with a confused look. After giving it some thought she took another chicken leg and held it out towards him.

“That’s not what I mean.”


Mercilessly, Mao skipped a step of the countdown.

“Something funny… Something funny…”


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Kyouya desperately tried to come up with something.

“When the president feels anger, that’s a clear sign of danger!”


“Why did you just jump three steps all of a sudden? That’s dishonest! It’s not fair!”


Mao attacked him. In the end he got biten anyway.

“I’m bored.“


Amatsuka Mao – Part 1

The tiny club president. She’s energetic, obstinate and has a habit of biting people.

Boredom is her natural enemy, as well as loneliness.

“Stay sharp! Or else I’ll bite you!”

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