Chapter 5

Chapter 5: Selling Point – Part 4

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“Megu. Smells like. Sunlight.”

Kirara said abruptly.

“Aah… Kirara, we’re done with that already.”

After Kyouya told her that he needed a “more concrete” explanation of Megumi’s smell, Kirara had been consulting the dictionary

nonstop. Now, she’d finally come up with an answer.

“Kirara takes some stuff very seriously, huh?”

“She really does. I’ve never seen her trying to make fun of me, not even once. I have it written down in my notebook actually.

President’s currently at 57 times, Shion-san is at 123, but Kirara is still at zero.”

“Are you serious!?”

Mao turned to him with a frightened face.

“Of course not. Do you think I’d count each and every time like that? It would be scary to have them written down in my notebook.”

“R-right… Y-yes, of course.”

For some reason Shion had a relieved expression on.

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Shion was the one who teased Kyouya the most.

“I smell like the sun? Are you complimenting me? I guess I have no choice but to bring out my special snacks then.”

Megumi stood up and went to open a secret cupboard.

“Do you think being strong counts as a compliment?”

Kyouya tried to start with what he’d come up with. The nearby culture club would often come by asking for help. After going with them,

Kirara carried around cupboards and tables weighing several tens of kilograms.

“I don’t know about that. You don’t really think much of Kirara as a girl, huh?”

“Of course I do.”

“Well then you must be the type of rude guy who thinks saying a girl has retarded strength is a compliment.”

“I guess I can’t go with that then?”

“Kirara. Strong?”

Kirara flexed her arm revealing a large bicep. She grinned sweetly.

“Isn’t strong okay? Kirara herself seems to like it.”

“Let’s see… oh right. Kirara also eats a lot. It’s so amazing she could even appear on TV for it.”

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“You really know no manners do you? This much is certain already.”

“But why?”

“Kirara. Amazing?”

“Well, Kirara herself liked it, so why not go with that?”

“You’re one to talk president. Aren’t you always going on and on about how you think Kirara is weird? Is that not rude?”

“I have no idea what you’re talking about. ‘Weird’ is a compliment, right?”

She said with a straight face.


Kyouya tilted his head. Suddenly he wasn’t so sure anymore.


He was about to retort when Kirara stopped him with a scary expression on her face.

“Fighting. Bad.”

“Ah. No. We weren’t really fighting. Look, she didn’t even bite me.”

Kyouya showed Kirara his arm free of wounds. She seemed satisfied with that. In addition, she said:

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“Kirara. Weird.”

She puffed her chest with conceit.

Kyouya was growing even more uncertain. He was starting to lose sight of what was real and was not.

“Kirara is very reliable, isn’t she?”

Megumi said. She had placed the special snacks on the table and started pouring tea for everybody.

“That’s right. She’s definitely much more reliable than Kyoro here.”

“Just because I’m a boy I have to be more reliable? I think that’s prejudice.”

Kyouya drank the black tea while hiding his expression behind the teacup. Being called unreliable had bothered him a bit.

“I told you that men aren’t allowed in this club, didn’t I? If you were really a boy, then you’d not be allowed in here.”

The wound was only getting deeper. Kyouya hung his head low upon hearing Mao’s harsh words.

“Hm. Kyoro. Cheer up.”

Kirara’s grasp was tight.

She’d enveloped his head in her arms to comfort him.

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“Wah! Wait. Err… I-I’m fine! I’ll do my best!”

Kirara was a very physical about showing affection. She lived within the world of her senses of touch and smell.

If you showed her even an opening, you’d end up in caught in her grasp as she patted you. It often happened to Megumi, but watching

such a scene between two girls was actually quite enjoyable.

Kirara doesn’t speak much, but she’s earnest and strong, making her a reliable person. She has some weird sides to her, but it’s

not as if there’s anything wrong with that. They’re just her personal quirks.

That’s what he’d tell Yokomizo.

“Kirara. Strong?“


Kirara – Part 1

A mysterious girl with a slightly wild aura about her.

Loves physical contact. Likes being in the sun too. Likes meat even more.

Apparently, because Kyouya “smells good” she’s really fond of him.

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