“Si-Sir Ian. Could it be next to me now?”

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I said it, my voice trembling with fear.

When I learned the enemy was invisible, my fear intensified.

I mean, when it comes to ghost stories, I’m a complete wuss.

“May-maybe it’s going over my head right now……”

I peered above, frightenedly whispering.

Ian just stared at me.

“That’s funny.”


“The fact that you are a Saintess and don’t feel the magic at all.”

Cough. Without realizing it, I coughed.

Ian casually murmured, hitting the nail on the head.

“Well, I think it’s better because you’re more at ease.”

Before I could reply, Ian raised his arm.

The tip of the blade was aimed at me.

Right behind me.


Ian extended his other hand, which was not holding the blade.

I dashed behind Ian and hid behind him.

Ian drew the air with his sword as I moved behind his back.

‘What is it?’

The tense situation was only for a short time.

Ian’s sword began to tremble when it passed as if the air had been split apart.

“Uh, huh……”

The incredible sight left me speechless.

The open air gap filtered dark light.

“Hee-hee. Krunggg.”

A strange sound came out through it.

It’s like a giggle.…..

My spine shuddered as though I were being drenched in ice water.

At the same time, something crawled through the fissures in the ripped air.

I rushed to place my hand on the bracelet’s jewel, straining my entire body.

‘He said there was a Balrog.’

Even I am aware of this famous demon.

In expectation of seeing that terrifying creature, I tightened my quivering hands.

The shape of the crawling creatures became distinct.

The figure of the creature who was wholly exposed to the outside soon……


Squinting my eyes, I braced myself for the great demon.

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The identity of what crept out of the opening in the air was a certain young man.

He was also handsome.

“Oh, there’s a young man. It’s annoying.”

The demon, who appeared like a young man, blinked his eyes and chuckled.

His voice sounded just like a human’s.

“Oh? But never mind. Withdraw it. There’s a girl, too”

Once he discovered me cowering behind Ian, his eyes twinkled.

“Hi! You look cute. I’d like to speak with the lady. Handsome guys are annoying just by looking at them.”

The young demon flapped his wings and tried to fly to me.

Hiiik. I quickly backed away. Desperately clutching the bracelet with one hand.

Ian’s sword tip was pointing at the demon.

“Don’t mess with me. I want you to vomit Lakeia and then I’ll kill you.”

“Whoa. How scary. How dare you, a human, say that to this Incubus king?”

Wait a minute. Incubus?

I knew that name. It was famous in the world where I lived.

Indeed, the demon burrows into the dream of a sleeping person and sucks their energy.

He was a demon with a penchant for seducing people of the opposite sex.

“Haha. Why is the lady in front of you suddenly avoiding my gaze? Are you scared? Are you afraid you’ll be taken in by me? Right?”

Even though I was flattered, I kept my guard up.

After all, he is a demon of seduction. I don’t know how much beauty you have compared to your reputation, but it would have been better to be careful.

“Do not make eye contact.”

Ian whispered to me.

“Because you are susceptible to temptation.”


Ian has lost a lot of my trust.

“Hold on a second. I recognize you.”

The demon then turned to face Ian, his eyes wide with fear.

“Silver hair……Human. Sword Master. That face still makes me sad.”

Ugh. You’re revealing Ian’s important secret!

In shock, I opened my eyes wide.

Fortunately, it was only me and Ian in the church, so it was not revealed that Ian still had chaste man characteristics.

After all, it was almost revealed that nothing had happened between Ian and me that day.

“You are Ian Esteban. Right?”

The demon giggled and licked his lips.

“The most beloved son of the Emperor.”


He didn’t budge at any of his words, but Ian’s expression hardened for a moment at the story of the emperor.

He didn’t say anything as he swung his sword.

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The materialized sword slashed violently through the air, but the demon quickly jumped back and avoided it.

“The commander of the Holy Knights has already arrived. Have I gone too far? Haha…….”

The battle broke out in an instant.

When Ian swung his sword, the demon escaped.

With a slim body shape, the demon managed to run away. Even though I didn’t know much about fighting, his ability to run away astounded me.

‘What is it?’

Even more strange is that the demon didn’t get hit even though the sword tried to slash at him.

Purple smoke billowed from the area where the sword had struck. The demon laughed and escaped, and the first thing the part noticed was itself growing up as if it were an illusion.

“Tell me. How did it feel to be loved?”

The devil talked incessantly as he ran away.

“What does it feel like to be born good? Were you distraught to see your brother, who can’t even do half of what you can?  Didn’t you think you’d be a better emperor if you’d been born a few years earlier?”

The guy was constantly babbling nonsense.

Ian remained silent. The demon pouted her mouth as if in mockery before his eyes lit up, and he smiled.

“Oh, right. How did you feel when you pulled the rotten, decomposed bodies of your father?”

He whispered in a peculiar voice.

“You barely found your father’s ruptured corpse after several years. Did you cry as you gathered the corpse fragments? Or did you promise vengeance on whoever killed your father?”

I clenched my fist.

That bastard was also a devil.

Digging into the opponent’s most personal memories was nauseatingly cowardly.

“I will help you. Your revenge, I can help you very hard.”

The devil’s voice rang strangely, whispering in my ear.

“Let’s kill them all. Huh? Your filthy older brother and the saintess who helped him…… I will wipe it all away and give you the throne! Do you want your name to be praised by everyone?”

Regardless of how much the devil flirted and tempted him, Ian didn’t utter any words.

Finally, he spits it out.

“I’m so annoyed, Hop Hop.”


Ian tossed his sword to the ground.

I watched with wide eyes as an expensive sword rolled around like trash.

“Huh? What happened? Do you finally have the courage to approach me without using a weapon……”

The demon mumbled the end of his words

Ian put his hand on the empty waist and stretched it out. Then he took action as if drawing a sword.

After a while, I opened my eyes wide.

Ian’s hands were empty until a gleaming longsword appeared out of nowhere.

The demon’s face had hardened into a cold expression.

“F*ck, What the hell is that?”

The voice that had been whispering as a fox fell over in an instant.

Ian’s sword left me with mixed feelings.

It was the same one-handed sword as before, but everything was different.

The pure white sword gleamed like a pure white flash, and the cross guard on the hilt, which appeared to be made of pouring gold, was more beautiful than any sculpture I’d ever seen.

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‘That’s a real holy sword.’

Ian’s only inheritance from the Emperor, which he keeps hidden in subspace.

‘I had never seen it in the original novel.’

There was a description of Ian, who had already turned evil and became the final boss, pulling out a holy sword against the main protagonist couple.

At that time, Ian had failed to draw the holy sword because he had already been corrupted.

However, Ian was naturally wielding the holy sword as if it were his own.

The image of Ian slashing the demon with his holy sword was like a torch.

I wasn’t the only one who felt this way.

“Where the hell did that disgusting thing come from?”

The demon clenched his teeth.

It was a completely different tone than his previous relaxed demeanour.

Ian kept raising his sword without having to respond.

At the same time, the demon spread his wings.

“Tch……It’s annoying, and it hasn’t yet been digested, but there’s nothing I can do about it.”

‘Huh? That, right now……’

I felt something and instinctively pointed my finger at the demon.

“He’s running away!”

Before I could finish shouting, the demon flew away.

The dark purple wings flapped loudly as the demon’s body flew away.

“He is flying!”

How dare you run away!

I couldn’t think of anything to say and kept pointing my finger around.

Hey! Someone there! The same thing comes out.

“Thank you.”

Ian said out of nowhere.

There was laughter at the end of that voice.

“Thanks to your pointing finger, I can easily see the target.”

“This is not the time for playing around……Ahhh!”

Because I couldn’t finish my sentence, I screamed.

This is because Ian threw his holy sword.

The holy sword, which flew in a neat parabola, accurately hit the flying demon’s wings.


The devil let out a terrifying scream.

I looked at the holy sword that Ian threw down like a boomerang with my eyes, that seemed unbelievable to me.

‘Da….Damn. A famous sword that even millions of Mars cannot buy.’

The demon staggered and fell, clutching the holy sword in its wings.

“It hurts…… It hurts like hell.”

The demon was panting heavily.

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His eyes were filled with fear and confusion, as if this was the first time he had ever felt such pain.

“Why am I being treated like this? … Huh, it hurts. It hurts so much.”

Like a madman, the devil murmured frantically.

The demon’s body was covered in a web of white energy emitted by his holy sword.

“He-Help me.”

The devil stuttered and looked around.

His gaze eventually fell on me.

“He-Help me. Please help me.”

I flinched and stepped back.

The devil crawled up to me, clutching the holy sword as if I were his last line of defence.

“It hurts……Noona, it hurts so much. Could you help me, please? I’ll be sure to express my sincere thanks. Raspel doesn’t want to be sick….”

Crawling on his knees, the devil begged.

“Don’t look down like that because it’s scary. If you can help me, Raspel, I’ll do anything. I will serve you as master. You can own me now that you know my real name. Please sign a master-slave agreement with me. I’ll do anything… Right? Please help me.”

The watery devil’s eyes gleamed peculiarly.

The wet, purple eyes looked like something out of a dream.

The sight was so beautiful that most people fell in love with it right away.

But I just stared down at the devil in horror.

The more the devil suffered, the more disgusted I became.

This demon instantly destroyed Rycallion.

They injured civilians and killed the Holy Knights who had come to protect them.

Even though Ian has been ridiculed, it must be because Ian is a monster that only comes out once every few centuries.

This demon must have been a great high-ranking demon, too. It had to have taken countless lives.

I remember Dame Joan struggling to keep a straight face when he said he didn’t know whether her family was alive or dead.

‘On a subject that has killed so many people and has tormented so many others.’

How can a single pain make you feel so desperate?

I mumbled, my hatred heating up.

“You’re going to die.”

For a moment, the devil’s eyes opened wide.

The devil’s purple eyes, which had opened so wide that they couldn’t open any wider, turned red with the agony of death.

“Ha….Haghhh. Ka-Kaaaagghh!”

My ears were filled with a flurry of sound that seemed to rip through the air.

The demon’s body crumbled like sand at the same time.

In an instant, the demon vanished without a trace, as if it didn’t exist in the first place.

Only Ian’s holy sword and the devil’s swallowed holy stone of Lakeia remained in the devil’s lair.

At the same time, that is confirmed.


My vision had become blurry.

My body began to fall over.

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