I jumped up from my seat.

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“Oh, we’ll bring it. Just tell me what you need.”

Ian and the knights called me, but I didn’t hear them.

I walked over to the kitchen’s side door, where the owner had left, as if something possessed me.

“You damn bastard. I’m glad I caught you. Wasn’t it you who smashed Ricky’s nose last time?”

“His brother’s nose is completely crooked. You know what? I’ll give you a great shot at your nose, you cheeky bastard.”

Through the open door, a group of boys could be seen kicking someone who had fallen.

“Hey, you guys. These guys! these naughty bastards! Go away!”

“Grandpa, get out of here!”

The owner bravely rushed in but was kicked in the stomach and thrown to the floor by one of them.


“Oh, damn… we can’t do it here. Hey, bring him here. I’ll break my habit somewhere quieter.”

“Hey, you sly dog. If you want this bracelet or a piece of rag, follow me!”

I found a boy being beaten by men.

Even though it was a mess with footprints and dust from head to toe, only the boy’s piercing eyes were clear.

Black hair and dark red eyes.

It was similar to the description of the male protagonist, Elliot, in 『The Saintess Doesn’t Know About Love』.

The boy’s eyes flashed bright red with rage when someone provoked him by waving his bracelet.

‘Those scumbags.’

The thrill of finally meeting the original male protagonist lasted only a few moments.

I snatched a poker[1] on the kitchen stove and dashed out the side door.

“What are you doing, you scumbags!”

That bracelet was Elliot’s only memory of her mother.

Knowing how much comfort Elliot had found while looking at that bracelet, I couldn’t take it any longer.

‘Oh, my poor Elliot. After only reading it in print [2], it’s even pitiful to see it with my own eyes.’

“Wh-What’s wrong with this girl?”

“She…..She is crazy.”

The bullies stopped momentarily as I rushed in, swinging poker violently.

“You’re a bunch of lunatics. Many people attack one person, how weak and dirty are you all? No, how many of you are there altogether? one, two, three, four……”

Pointing my finger at them, I counted the bullies one by one.

Each time, the faces of the bullies turned red.

“Six, seven. Oh my gosh. Seven people band together because you can’t play against only one person? You guys are truly nothing.”

“Who are you to say we’re nothing?”

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“This woman is really crazy!”

The bullies began to approach me in a fit of anger.

One of them dragged down the back of the fallen Elliot.

“Sh*t! Why are there so many disturbances today? Come here, you bastard. Let’s get to the end of the day! I’ll make certain that there is no sanctuary from head to toe.”

I was furious at the sight of Elliot, who had no family, being dragged away.

“Hey! Over there! The hair mop over there! Put that kid down. You refuse to let him go? I will break your bones one by one until none remain intact—”

That was the moment I spoke up.

My vocal cords were enshrouded in a strange sense of discomfort.

What exactly is this? I vaguely recall feeling the same when dealing with the King of Incubus.

Simultaneously, a large hand appeared from behind me and covered my mouth.

“Eum. Eum?”


A low voice echoed from behind.

“If you want to curse someone, call me. I was wondering what had happened to you all of a sudden……”


“Who messed with your temper?”

“Eum! Eum! Eum!”

In order for me to speak, I must first open my mouth.

I looked up at Ian in protest.

It is not once or twice that Ian does things I don’t understand, but it was nonsense and unfair to block my freedom of speech suddenly.

Ian would have read my eyes, but he pretended not to know and didn’t take his hand off while staring at the bullies.

“Who did my wife want to break the bone with?”

“……Who-Who are you?”

“Do-do don’t meddle in!”

The bullies shouted, but their voices were already trembling like goats.[3]

I wanted to commend them for their bravery in standing on two legs, even after seeing his ferocious eyes.

Then Ian smirked.

“If you come here right now, I’ll only break one of your arms.”


“Not enough? Then another leg.”

Ian looked down at me and offered a strange agreement.

It was never intended as a joke. With languid eyes, I looked up at Ian. Are you truly the Holy Knights’ commander?

“Saintess! Commander!”

“What happened!”

Even the Holy Knights rushed out after him.

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The crowded back alley filled up in an instant.

“I heard a brawl! Are these the same people who insulted the saintess?”

“I will not forgive you in the name of justice!”

How did they understand the situation? The Holy Knight exclaimed eagerly.

If I left him alone, he would draw his sword.

I tapped Ian on the back of his hand. It was supposed to end right now. Fortunately, Ian released his hand from my mouth.

My mouth finally dropped open, and I cast a quick glance at Ian.

“What is it really? You don’t have to shut my mouth.”

“Saintess, what happened!”

“Have these men been disrespectful to the saintess?”

The drunken Holy Knights shouted in a more intense tone than usual.

The bullies gradually became aware of the situation.

“Sa-Saintess? Did you say she was a saintess?”

“What do you mean? Why would a saintess come here?”

“Hold on a second. Isn’t that….. the Holy Knights’ armour?

“N-No way.”

Have they finally figured out the situation?

The bullies’ eyes began to show signs of fear.

Some of their foes sneaked back and tried to escape.

You can’t go. 

I took one step forward.

The Holy Knights’ gaze returned to the bullies.

I shook my head and said as if I were really heartbroken.

“What a sight to see grown-ups ganging up on the weak. God Elune did not preach anything like this. I was shocked and my head…..”


“You must be punished for disturbing the Saintess’ heart with your heinous act!”

Not only did they lose strength, but the number of heads pushed them back, and it was only then that the bullies began to curl their tails.

“Oh, no. What are you talking about? you are misunderstood, right.”

“We were just playing. Right?”

The man who was dragging Elliot said and stepped on Elliot’s foot. 

“No, guests! They beat and threatened him. I’ve seen it all!”

The owner, who had been lying around, said, barely holding onto his body.

The Holy Knight looked back at me, wheezing, as more witnesses joined in.

“Shall we arrest them, Saintess?”

“We need to teach those bastards a lesson.”

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I nodded and pointed to the bullies.

“Show me what justice is!”


“Don’t try to run away from us, you bastards!”

The Holy Knights and bullies began a bloody chase.

The bullies ran away with all their energy, but less than a minute later, their hands were tied and they were forced to kneel in front of me.

“Sob, Sob…….We are wrong.”

“Forgive me. We made a mistake.”


“Dragging a child into a group and beating and threatening him is not a mistake. It’s intentional, and it’s a crime.”

“You’re right, Saintess.”

“And how dare you molest the Saintess! Saintess, shall we refer these men to the Inquisition?”

The bullies trembled and fell by the wayside when they heard inquisition.

“Please save me. Master!”

“You were completely wrong!”

“Give it to me.”

I raised my finger, completely ignoring their apology.

With blank eyes, the bullies looked up at me.

“Give me the bracelet you stole from him.”

“Ah, um, here it is.”

One of them hurriedly took a bracelet from his pocket.

How often has this bracelet line been thrown that it’s gotten dirty.

I sighed and handed the bracelet to Elliot, who had been staring at me blankly the entire time.

“You. Take this.”


Elliott had a puzzled expression on his face as he looked at me.

Eyes like a wild animal with a lot of wounds.

An eye revealed how much pain this child had endured thus far.

“……Thank you.”

Elliot thanked her in a hoarse voice.

“Send those guys to the police.”

“Yes. I understand, Saintess!”

“Please don’t forget to request that they will never look after him again and that you pay the price for your sins.”

“I will keep that in mind!”

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The Holy Knights, who saluted me, dragged the bullies.

“Please let us go this time. Saintess! Just this time!”

The bullies’ screams faded into the back alley as they were dragged.

There were only a few left now.

I quietly coughed and started to do something.

“Hmm, by the way.”

Elliot looked at me, puzzled when he heard what I said.

He appeared quite innocent when he lost his rage at the ferocious enemies.

Oh, and he’s also cute.

“Looking at it earlier, hmm. I thought you had a different set of bones.”


“No, you’ve been beaten up for a long time by seven men. Isn’t that really great?”

“What do yo…….I put up with it.”

“Wow. That’s how you got through it. That’s great. Isn’t that right?”

I turned away from the befuddled Elliot to look at Ian, eyes twinkling with excitement.

Elliott possessed tremendous talent in the novel, enough for a passing Holy Knights to recognize him at a glance.

Ian, the sword master, seemed to have a better understanding of that personality. Because the Holy Knight who was supposed to raise Elliot had died, I intended to hand over the role to Ian.

However, Ian only raised one eyebrow and showed no reaction.

I began to admire him more exaggeratedly as I became more impatient.

“Look at this arm. Do you work out?”

“What? No, not really……”

“Oh. What about this body, though? It’s something you’re born with. What about the waistline, though? I don’t even know anything about sports.”



Somehow, Ian’s unusual voice made me look back at him blankly.

Ian cocked his head to the side.

“Are you groping the stranger in front of me?”

“What? When did I grope……..”

I couldn’t keep up with the words that were slowly being spoken in front of me.

Ian was emitting a sign of genuine displeasure all over his body.

I couldn’t help but realize something new when I saw his angry face, which I hadn’t seen in a long time. Ian had been looking after me a lot all this time.


[1] A rod is used to poke or drag a fire when making a fire in a furnace.

[2] It means she only reads books.

[3] Haha idk why the author uses this analogy, to put in another word, they are stuttering.

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