Episode 12 [Glory for the Earth Magic!]

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Posted on November 22, 2016 by Raenadel

Lots of author notes lately.

Also, any good free online spell checkers besides google docs?

(AN: I received a 1 million PV breakthrough thanks to your support.

My teen glass heart is rising at the tension of my first work getting to such a feat.
However, as long as I have everyone’s support, I will continue to do my best.
Also once again, please point out a depiction you do not like because this work is written with for my self-satisfaction.
I want to revise as much as possible unless it’s something heavily related to the story.

In the future, look forward to my work.

In addition, we changed the chapters into the form of chapter 1, chapter 2 because it was pointed out in the comments.)

Glory for the Earth Magic! , By : Torimaru Karasuma / 已己巳己

“Even so huh ….. huh ….. already at my limit.”

“Oh? This man is such a spoiled child! He! There we go!”

I was hanging on the ground sweating like a waterfall while Agni was shouting out and complaint.

“Oraa! Another 500 more times Iii!”

“Cho, Seriously another impossible one…..”

Strength won’t enter my arms going ⌊Purupuru⌉ and ⌊Tsuppushi⌉ while I was accumulating sweat so I had to lay down. I now no longer welcomed average limits against the ironing of drill sergeant Agni.
Yes, it’s to raise my manpower in what I thought was an obscene development. Teacher does not get angry .

“In the first place, why am I tired out so much…? This body should not be tired ……”

“After all, isn’t training accompanied by fatigue? With that, I load your soul when you move so that’s why you’re getting tired. Healthy soul has a healthy body! Come on, gotta do more and more!”

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” There’s no meaning to training my body because I’m in a spirit body right now?”

” ……… “

Hey, what’s with that face. Is it that I failed when I  became tired?

” ….. It’s good because the spirit can also be trained!”

Such deception …… Well, I’ll first try explaining why I’m in this situation. The time dates back to yesterday.
When I revived from the world hitting body blow from Wilderness, my situation was explained by her.

“First, you are not dead yet. You’re in an unconscious state.”

“Eh?  Well I’m here now?”

“You’re only in the spirit state…… the requirements I would say were that you who are not of this world deviate’s from the physical concepts and time concepts of this world. So by floating around in the world of consciousness you wandered into this world by chance. “

“The world of consciousness?”

“Should I say…… You were in the place your previous on Earth referred to as after death is the world you came from. There in that world, the purification of souls happen and those souls leave their body behind. It’s good luck you didn’t drift any further or else your soul would have been purified and you could have really died.”

It was like a casual life crisis I. Then I try to ask about the worrisome death that was close at hand.

“Speaking of which, I’ve been talking about Earth but what do you know?”

For the time being, even though she looks lie a girl, she’s a real goddess so I speak with honorifics.

“Oh yeah, including this world, all the worlds are connected. People from Earth can be reborn into this world and people from this world could be reborn on Earth. By chance you were reborn into this world from Earth.”

” Well does this have a relationship to the memories of my past life? “

“Oh no. Occasionally, there are people with memory of their past life. Children from Earth usually have their memories fade away when they grow up, it’s rare when someone completely retains their memory. Even a universal god can’t do that. “

I’m a little disappointed hearing that explanation. Maybe …… I was expecting to be one of the Chosen Children

“Oh, it ‘s not in the absolute. You were luckily born into a noble family with the earth attribute. By the way, you were right in trying to use only the earth attribute, I mean that there are no qualities of other attributes in you. “

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” …… What? “

I was in shock when I heard the fact . In fact, that time was a few seconds but it seemed like several minutes before I revived and timidly spoke.

“For example….. Do I have talents in any other attribute?”

“No. The talent of your earth attribute is a little bit more superior to the talent you have in other attributes. Though it depends on effort, it would be a waste of degree.”

Wilderness poses the ruthless reality one by one.Well, I’m not lying but I’m not really interested in other attributes, I said I would be the master of the earth attribute, it’s just that I was embracing the faint hope of having all attributes.

“You dream too much. You can’t have features like a hero character. Well, at most I evaluate your talent in the earth attribute.”

It’s not simply because you’re the goddess of earth right? ….. No, I won’t say anything.

“I wonder if there’s such a thing is for the time being.  However ever since coming here, your memory of the time you spent here will disappear.”

“What? What it will….”

“Think of it like this, because of your near-death experience, when you return to your world you would remember us. Our images our not so fragile so we’ll destroy it.”

So that’s the reason! This is happening because I touched….. this world’s secrets.

“Reality is such a thing.”

Wilderness who’s been reading the human mind one by one cuts my thoughts off in a single stroke. I mean, I don’t want you to read my mind.

“It can’t be helped. I can hear you because of the distance. For now, please continue to be slow. Once you are put into this world, you can only leave at certain intervals.”

“When is it?”

“Beats me?”

Now I …… you are the residents of this world living as god? Well it might be.

“I told you, this world deviates from the concept of time. In the first place, I have no idea what time it is in this place. Well, rest assured since in this world with no concept of time because you’ll eventually put back out into your world.”

Wilderness leaves the room saying so because she had errands to do. I lie in bed and see that my mind is very messy.

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“Come to think of it, is Fram okay, also is father and mother ……”

I recall in the cave the 5-year-old cheeky brat, my strong parents, and the gentle me. There was also Armando and his organization.
No way to know just by thinking of it because there’s no methods to find out. There is More importantly than that.

“I want to become stronger……”

If I was a little bit more stronger, the children I was caught with wouldn’t have been so scared. I wouldn’t have worried father if I was a little more stronger. A little more ……
The more I think about it, I feel shameful. It would still be good considering I’m just a 5-year-old child, but the threats are normally adults. I can’t but I want to do it, I’m frustrated by this helpless feeling.

“Strength ….. do you want it?”

“What are you doing, Agni-san!?”

I suddenly turn to the side because of those cliché words I heard and see Agni had been talking into my ear.

“No I just heard that. Is there something troubling you or making you feel depressed?”

So said Agni with a laugh.

“No, I was wondering whether I could be strong, but Wilderness told me other than talent in the earth attribute …… I don’t have any other.”

I feel uncomfortable about getting hit by a flying body blow out of no where because I did not speak her honorific.

“Yes! It is impossible to “Cheat” from team God 1 and 2!”

I propose reincarnation is a cheat ability as good idea, but Agni was ready to answer.

“That’s where humans go wrong, you guys don’t get a large power easily.”

Oneself is okay. I swallow down the words Agni said.

“To say the truth, we do not have such strength as you think we do.”

“What? Even though you’re goddesses?”

“Strictly speaking, even thought we are called that, we will still lose our memories when we leave this place, to be exact, we are not god but goddesses because it’s much more convenient”

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Agni pauses her explanation and says so.

“Chief god Akiri our creator had control over all attributes at first. Then management became harder as the world evolved and chief god was only one person. There he created us, first fire which is me, then water, wind, and lastly earth. We are between god and the people …… forcibly god-like people shin gin.”

Rookie demigods, wow! Despite me thinking that, Agni continues her story.

“Although we don’t have life since our body is no longer existing, in this world our spirit is the body, it’s the death place of organisms. I can’t do anything else but respect the attributes that was given. We didn’t ask Chief god Akiri, but we know we’re not in the place to give cheats.”

I wonder if I should go directly ask the Chief god Akiri. Agni see’s my thoughts and waves her hand with a pitter-patter.

“Impossible impossible. First of all, he exists in a different dimension that I can’t even see. It’s also impossible now in your spirit body. Your existence is going to disappear if you overload your spirit body.”

Muu, apparently I have to give the cheat up. I’ll still become strong though. I gotta change the mediocre look the world is giving to the earth attribute. What is the special thing…..

“….. That’s good! I’ll train you!”

Agni-san clapped my shoulder as I was troubled and gave a good idea. I have extreme pain, but seeing the breast sway every time my shoulder’s hit is honestly happiness.

“What? But ……”

“I’m free anyways! There’s a lot of time until you get out of here right? I’ll train you in person, although you’re body does not get forged, your magic power does! This world may not have best amount of magic power, but it’s still strong compared to those of the same age.”

” But don’t my memories disappear when I go out of here? “

“It does disappear, but surprisingly the magic power will increase once you wake up. You’ll have to get used to it soon because I’m going to train you hard. “

Is it decline-able to a man who got presented an invitation from a brown big breast beauty? No it’s not. If I did I’d be castrated. (EN: His coconut tree will be removed.)
I don’t think I could choose the means to “become strong” so I accepted Agni-san’s offer, maybe it will make a good atmosphere……

There was a time where I truly thought that. Well, it’s mostly because Agni is a spartan. First was a light 500 sit-ups, 1,000 spines, 1,000 squats, and the current is 1,000 push ups.
At first, it was the spirit body exercising that I did not know the meaning of, it seems to push to load the spirit, I was optimistic but now I’m totally exhausted.
Under my lack of exercise, I probably hanged on thanks to the brea…… exquisite cheers from Agni-san. Indeed the goddess of war with such tactics.

“Now this is running!…. Speaking of distance for easy for people from Earth to understand, only 42.195km! Keep a peace of mind because this time I’ll run together with you.”

No, it’s not a full marathon! On my cry, the death marathon started and I was being dragged by Agni-sans voice.

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