
Chapter 218

Ch218 - It was clear that they just didn’t want to fight against him!

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translator: xiin
editors: apricot & juurensha

Wei Xiao, who was still alive, didn’t stop at all. He made use of the lane soldiers to recover his health, then charged all the way to Y1’s base alongside his own little soldiers. 

The fastest one to resurrect from Y1 was Dxrus who had 19 seconds to go.

Could he break down the crystal in 19 seconds?




It was difficult.


Y1 had been too strong in the early stages, and they had controlled their soldier lanes very well. Although Close had directly assaulted them in their face in this wave of fighting, they’d done their set up well in advance.


If their soldier lanes weren’t in a good state, they wouldn’t have gone to ambush their opponents.

This was the terrifying thing about having strong operations. It had an amazingly high fault tolerance rate, and there was rarely any opportunity for sudden death games.

For example, after FTW had managed to remain standing at the end of this fight, Wei Xiao didn’t delay at all. The shadow thief was a talent with considerable attack speed, but unfortunately, he was still unable to push all the way to the crystal. By the time he’d managed to take down one of the towers protecting the base, Dxrus had already rushed back out.



It was difficult for the shadow thief to gain the advantage against a blood warrior. There was a chance if this was just a solo game, but Y1’s entire team was about to resurrect, and if Wei Xiao tried to fight, he’d be playing irrationally and sending away his own head.

He went semi-invisible and dove back into the jungle zone, sweeping through and clearing it out at the fastest possible speed before returning to his own jungle zone.

He would snatch up resources and develop. If they could pull off another wave of team fighting just like earlier, then FTW could win the game! 



Would there be another such chance?

Y1 wasn’t a team who would repeat mistakes. They had a strong ability to adjust, and wouldn’t make the same mistake twice in the same game. 


On the sidelines, Yuan Ze could already see the ending.

FTW had lost this game, but it had been played wonderfully.

That round where they’d aced Y1 was a very commendable and classic group fight that would’ve been acknowledged even amongst all the global professional teams. 


Close had decisively started up the group fight, and his teammates’ support had followed quickly. Their mage and marksman had positioned themselves very well, in places where they could DPS like crazy without getting ambushed. At the end, the timing of Wei Xiao’s entry into the fray had been executed with textbook accuracy.


He’d gone in with a combo and stacked up his arc damage faster than usual. What was more ingenious was that he’d learned his lesson and had already adapted to the elemental shaman’s rhythm, seizing a gap when he was unable to squeeze out a control totem to enter the fight. He was stable, accurate, and fierce, and his wave of explosive DPS laid the foundation for Y1’s mass destruction.


Close had started the group fight, and Wei Xiao had ended it.

These two had really found their own rhythm.


Yuan Ze sighed internally and had to admit: Close was really very suited to playing top-lane. 

Three years ago, nobody had asked Close which position he wanted to play.


There was no need to ask, and they didn’t have to ask.

He was strong and fierce with thieves, and his rhythm when playing jungler was also amongst the best. As long as Yan Jiang was in the team, there was no problem with cooperation. 

They’d crushed everyone the whole way to champion. Who could’ve thought that he might not like playing jungler? That he might not love this position, and there might be a more suitable choice for him?


We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Rb bcf jrxfv, jcv tf vlvc’a rjs.

Pc atf jggbujca Kfjw bo Xbvr, bcis ilaaif Jibrf tjv mbbqfgjafv klat atfw gluta ogbw atf rajga. 

Ccv atfs…



MKQ ojlifv ab gfrlra T1’r olfgmf jrrjeia jcv ibra atf agjlclcu ujwf. 

Ktlr kjr klatlc fzqfmajalbcr.

Ktfs tjvc’a ajxfc la fjrs jcv tjv ajxfc bea atf rjwf wbwfcaew atfs tjv obg atf olcjir. Qlat j T1 ktfgf fnfc Tjc Aljcu kjr rb rfglber, tbk mbeiv atfs ibrf ab MKQ, ktb’v ralii yffc cfgnber ja atf rajga bo atf ujwf jcv bcis obecv atflg bqalwji rajaf tjiokjs?



Yuan Ze glanced at Wei Xiao. 

Wei Xiao was staring at the screen, his black eyes bright.

After losing the game, his mood was even higher than before.


Yuan Ze cursed secretly: So this is why I hate this kind of unkillable genius. 

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Even as he cursed, the corners of his mouth couldn’t help curving upwards.


“Again!” Wei Xiao was in high spirits.

Y1, on the other side: “……” 

For a moment, it was unclear who had lost and who had won.

Yuan Ze answered, “To hell with ‘again.’”

Wei Xiao turned to stare at him.


Yuan Ze: “Get up, it’s time for big brother to play.”

The next match was L&P against Y1. The schedule was laid out right there.

Wei Xiao didn’t want to get up. He hadn’t played enough, and he didn’t want to rest!


Lu Feng looked at him. “Do you want to eat watermelon?”

Wei Xiao instantly lost interest in Old Dog Yuan, “Yes~”


Don’t ask. If you ask, then there really was a tilde in his voice.


FTW had a temporary break. Wei Xiao accepted the food offered by his captain and ate his watermelon while watching the game.

They’d just finished playing against Y1, and Wei Xiao’s hands were really itching. If it weren’t for the people in the room, he really would’ve wanted to hold Lu Feng’s hand.

Unfortunately, there were so many people in the room that they couldn’t even find a chance to touch sneakily.

His hands were itchy, and his heart was hot, but he could only watch. 

He was envious and greedy for everything!


In Training Room B, Pro and EVE were having a tense game. They were playing two games in a row, but they were much slower than Training Room A. While they were already starting the third game on this side, Training Room B was still on the second game.

On one hand, the two sides were playing very seriously. On the other hand, the two teams were too familiar with each other. They were busy trying to trick each other, causing their speed to slow down. 

Of course, there was another point that neither side wanted to admit––they didn’t want to lose.

Although it was a training match, they just didn’t want to lose!

The proud flower who was living in FTW didn’t want to have to move away, and Xie He, who had no chance to live at the base, wanted to move in.

It was unknown if these two teams would be able to encounter each other in the globals, but in any case, these two games right now were no less competitive than global competition games! 


Wei Xiao went to Training Room B to have a look. Because the proud flower was too good at surviving, and the rhythm of the game was too slow, he slipped back out again. Of course, it was also because he hadn’t seen the earlier game situation, and it felt as if something was lacking when he started watching from halfway. It would be better to watch the game replay later; also, Y1 and L&P had just started their game, which looked to be more exciting.

L&P and Y1 were also old enemies.

In last year’s finals, L&P had been defeated 3:1 by Y1. This had left L&P nursing their anger for a long time. 


During a BO5 game, L&P had only won the first match, and they’d been so angry their chests hurt for half a month straight.


The European fans had scolded and ridiculed L&P repeatedly.

To hell with being the runner-up. The golden dragon trophy holder was the real daddy! 


With these old grievances in play, this training match between the two sides must be fun to watch.

Wei Xiao suddenly spoke up, “Are we enjoying the opening game for the globals ahead of time?”

FTW: “……” 

You’re the one holding the script, you know everything!


L&P wasn’t as nervous as FTW had been.

This was an old opponent. To hell with being nervous! They entered the game and began to fight. 

Old G took MO with him and headed straight for Y1’s jungle zone, catching God Hai and sending him off with a scythe.

Y1 was playing a marksman focused line-up in this game. Hai was using a toolman jungler, and not only did he not have Captain Yan beside him, he also didn’t have much DPS on his own.


At the end of the day, Gary was one of the top junglers in the world. He was both cool and handsome when he grew serious, and his berserker thief was the pinnacle of perfection as he killed off Hai within moments. 

Wei Xiao was left breathless. “Old G is nursing deep resentment.”


They’d played quite a few training matches with L&P and were a bit more familiar with them. Not much needed to be said about Gary’s personal strength, but it depended on his state.

He was more casual and playful in training competitions, and he always wanted to mess with his idol (yes, it was Close). In fact, he’d only really played out 60-70% of his real strength. 

Now, when faced with Y1, he was different right from the start and gave off a sense of being the number one jungler king in North America.



Playing competitive games built up experience and watching games also did the same.

This was especially the case when watching strong teams fight. Paying careful attention to the game could allow the watcher to learn a lot of details. 


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L&P was a team that was a bit similar to FTW. Watching them fight against Y1 meant that FTW could also review their performance in the previous game, and it was like a game replay review in disguise.

Unfortunately, the line-up that Y1 took this time was very different from the last game.

When they faced FTW, Y1 had chosen a team with a jungler core, and their intention of hitting them hard and fast had been obvious. This game was different. The marksman core system had to remain stable in the early stages, avoiding fights whenever they could and hiding wherever possible. Once they made it to the middle and late stages of the game, they would be able to shift the advantage and win the game. 


In last year’s global finals, Y1 had used the marksman system in the third game they played against L&P. In the early stages, L&P had been reckless and beaten Y1 up until they were all bloody. Fans on the scene had thought that L&P would be able to win and bring the score to 2:1.

Unexpectedly, 20 minutes later, PIG managed to rise up, and the cold, chilly arrows of his marksman all shot true. Old G was skewered until he was bleeding all over. In the last wave, Yuan Ze and Gary worked together to take down PIG in a two for one exchange where only Yuan Ze was left alive. However, Quas, the mid-laner mage king picked up the baton, and Y1 aced L&P, ending the game.


The biggest thing to be afraid of with a marksman core wasn’t that the marksman would dominate the whole scene. What was the most fearsome was when the marksman fell to the ground and someone else in the team was still able to play out explosive DPS.

After killing off one big daddy, there was still another big daddy. This was really enough to make L&P, who had an early stage line-up, so angry that their livers hurt.

It was also because they’d lost the third match that L&P’s mentality collapsed slightly. Their performance in the fourth match was mediocre, and Y1 had snatched up the golden dragon trophy.


It was a training match, but it was the same line-up as the key game in last year’s finals. How could L&P not let it get to their heads!

Wei Xiao was quite sharp. He whispered quietly to Lu Feng and complained, “It feels like Y1’s not motivated.”

Lu Feng didn’t say anything, but Brother Cai heard him and replied, “It’s a marksman core, they’re always weak in the early stages.”


Wei Xiao felt that that wasn’t the case. They’d just finished playing together, and he had a basic sense of the starters in Y1. He could see that something was fishy even if he was only watching.

Lu Feng glanced in Y1’s direction out of the corner of his eyes and fed Wei Xiao a slice of watermelon.


Wei Xiao: “Wu… it’s really sweet.”

Lu Feng: “Last one. If you eat more, your stomach will feel uncomfortable.” 

Wei Xiao: “One more, just one more.”

Lu Feng cut a small piece for him, and Wei Xiao leaned over to snatch it away. He was delighted. “Super sweet.”

Brother Cai, who was trying hard to block this sight from the rest of the room: “………”

Blame me, blame me for being too thin, but even though I’m trying my damned best to press the closet door shut for you, the door won’t hold anymore! 


Wei Xiao wasn’t wrong. Y1 really wasn’t motivated.

In the middle and late stages, PIG had developed enough. They met L&P in a wave of fighting and then everything went as expected.

There was no need for Yuan Ze and Gary to pass over the baton to each other. Old G killed PIG on his own, Yuan Ze took down Quas, and Y1 collapsed. 



Yuan Ze, who’d won the game, wasn’t happy at all. He looked to the side to glare at Yan Jiang. “You’re a little overly biased!”

If Yuan Ze hadn’t seen how seriously Y1 had played in their game against FTW, then he could comfort himself by saying that Yan Jiang was lazy, and everyone in Y1 were noobs. Last year’s finals championship was just a damned accident. 


It was clear that they just didn’t want to fight against him!


What made Old Dog Yuan so angry that his liver ached was that Yan Jiang even made a calm sound of acknowledgement. 

He said that he was being biased!

And he even agreed!


Yuan Ze: “……………………”

This was really worthy of being Captain Yan. His ability to deal with his old teammates was as good as it had always been. 


Both sides finished their games at similar times. 

Pro and EVE had played two games, and each team had one game. Their scores were exactly the same.

The teams in Training Room A also had one point each. After tossing about for such a long time, the five teams were still divided equally, and no one was better than anyone else.




Of course, the round robin had only just started. At the end, there would always have to be a first, second, third, fourth, and fifth place! 

After FTW’s break, their next game was against Pro.


Wei Xiao rubbed his hands together. “Bring it!”

Kim Sung-hyun looked at him. “Such strong murderous intent?”

Wei Xiao smiled like a fox. “Don’t be scared, God Kim, I’ll be gentle…”


The corner of Kim Sung-hyun’s mouth twitched, and he glanced at Lu Feng––was it really okay for your little lover to talk like this?!


Lu Feng expressionlessly pressed down on a certain little lunatic’s head.

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Wei Xiao’s hair stood on end. “I mean, I will be…” 


The tease shut up. If he kept talking, then his vinegar king would make him sleep in the guest room.


FTW vs Pro, EVE vs Y1. L&P was watching again for this game. 

Yuan Ze remained sitting next to Wei Xiao.

Wei Xiao: “There’s a lot of space where God Kim is.”

Yuan Ze: “I want to watch you.”

Wei Xiao: “??” 

Old Dog Yuan finally managed to get even. “I want to watch how you’ll be gentle with the proud flower.”

Wei Xiao: “………………”


Old Bandit Yuan, you’re done for! You’re dead! If Laozi has to sleep in the guest room, then I’ll kill you!


Yuan Ze was satisfied. After suffering all night, he was finally able to find some fun.

Yeah, Close was Little Lunatic Wei’s weakness.

This tease wasn’t self conscious enough and he deserved to have Lulu get jealous!


BP began. Wei Xiao flattered his boyfriend, “Captain, do you want to use the shadow thief?”

Lu Feng: “No.”

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Qfl Wljb: “Ktfc rtjii kf ajxf atf vbeyif yfgrfgxfgr? Yg vbeyif yibbv!”

Ktf yfgrfgxfg atlfo jcv yfgrfgxfg kjgglbg bg atf yibbv kjgglbg jcv yibbv gjnfc atlfo kfgf ybat reqfg rkffa Xibgs JUr. 


Oe Mfcu qjerfv.

Qfl Wljb: “Tbe mjc erf ktjafnfg sbe kjca, P’ii mbbqfgjaf klat sbe!”

Oe Mfcu kjr lc atf olgra qbrlalbc. Lf abbx atf yibbv kjgglbg, jcv Qfl Wljb, ktb kjr lc atf rfmbcv qbrlalbc, abbx atf yibbv gjnfc atlfo. 

There were quite a few people in the training room. They all choked.

It was a proper training game; don’t f*cking show your love with it!


Kim Sung-hyun locked in the frost hunter. He wanted to shoot these mandarin ducks and string them up with his arrows! 

Li Heran took the elemental shaman. Brother Cai had recently developed a psychological trauma over the elemental shaman and quivered. “I…”

Chen Feng: “Holy priest.”


Brother Cai was a little relieved. “Okay…”

First, there was Captain Yan’s elemental shaman, followed by Captain Li’s elemental shaman. Glory’s top supports were all taking turns at him, and Brother Cai wanted to express that this was the kind of story that even the Gossip Emperor didn’t dare to write about! 


Bai Cai was at ease with the holy priest.

At the very least, it was a talent he was good at. Although its mechanisms meant its upper limit wasn’t as high as the elemental shaman’s, Bai Cai was used to it and comfortable playing it. He wouldn’t feel flustered using it.


The line-up was set. Both sides were old opponents and could figure out each other’s thoughts with a glance.

As soon as the game started, Yuan Ze, who was focused on Wei Xiao, felt that things were different.

Old G also slid his e-sports chair over and perched on Wei Xiao’s left. At the same time, he could also see Lu Feng, who was to his left.

Fanboy G had a very deep attachment to Close. It was fortunate that Wei Xiao was playing this game, because otherwise he might’ve become jealous enough to kick G out of the base in an instant. 


Others might not have noticed it so quickly, but Yuan Ze and Gary couldn’t help wanting to beat certain people up with a glance.

Learning quickly and making use of it quickly. It really made people so angry their teeth itched.

In the previous game, L&P played against Y1, and they used a typical jungler core system targeted at taking down marksman line-ups. L&P had put in a lot of effort to find this path, which was strong enough, fierce enough, and had a very stable type of suppression. 

Yuan Ze and Old G had also cooperated for a very long time in order to achieve the current effect.


That brat Wei Xiao had only watched for a single match, yet he’d already picked it up and was making use of it at that moment.

What made it even more suffocating was that Lu Feng had also kept up with his thought process. 

The two of them clearly hadn’t talked about it and hadn’t communicated their thoughts. They hadn’t even mentioned it, but they had such a tacit understanding between them that it meant that they knew what the other party wanted to do in an instant.



Yuan Ze’s teeth hurt slightly.

How did eating watermelon together even count as showing love? How did choosing CP talents count as feeding dog food? 

This f*cking ‘hearts are connected without needing to communicate’ was the real way to abuse dogs!

At this point, it was better to remain silent than to speak. Scum Man Yuan felt a little lonely.


Wei Xiao was very fierce at the start of the game. Kim Sung-hyun could feel a sense of familiarity. “Why does it feel like we’re playing with L&P?” 

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He tilted his head and looked at Yuan Ze. “Old Shit, are you really so selfless, teaching others your own family skills?”

Yuan Ze was like a mute person who’d taken a dose of bitter medicine. It was bitter, but he still had to hold on. “Even you’re calling me Teacher. I naturally have to have a teacher’s ethics.”

Kim Sung-hyun: “It’s Old Shit, not Teacher.”

God Kim had really put in effort and distinguished the sound differences so clearly. 

Unfortunately, Yuan Ze turned a deaf ear to this. “Everyone knows that I’m your teacher. There’s no need to emphasize it so many times.”

Kim Sung-hyun: “…………”


In this game, Wei Xiao had indeed copied off the original, perfectly reproducing L&P’s style of play in the last game. 

At the start, Bai Cai hadn’t sensed it. By the time they took First Blood, he’d figured it out.

Live learning and making use of it on the spot!

The question was: how could it be learned so quickly!


Bai Cai recalled the words Wei Xiao had said to him earlier––If we can’t achieve the same effect as Captain Yan, then I’ll beat you to death.

In the last game, when FTW was up against Y1, Brother Cai had ended up on his knees due to Yan Jiang’s elemental shaman.


In this game, Wei Xiao showed him in another way that it was really possible to copy others blindly.

The key to it was holding up the pen to start! 

If he didn’t have the courage to give it a try, then how could he know whether he could or couldn’t do it?


Bai Cai thought back to how support had been played in the last match and started to cooperate with Wei Xiao.

It was just a training match, and winning or losing wasn’t important. What was important was to try! 

Pro was the strongest marksman core team in the world. If they were able to play this strategy out to some effect against them, then what else would they be afraid of?!

Just fight and be done with it!


Not only Bai Cai, but even Ning Zhehan and Yue Wenle started to sense it later on. 

They didn’t have Wei Xiao and Lu Feng’s ability to copy, but they had the deepest memory of what they’d just seen. Using this opportunity to strengthen that memory was effective, too!


The entire L&P figured out what was happening.

They didn’t get angry and only felt that it was amusing. 

Routines were something that couldn’t really be hidden. Whether or not others could learn it depended on their own ability.

Obviously, Wei Xiao and Lu Feng’s top-jungler linkage was already catching up to the top levels. If those currently at the peak didn’t work hard, then they would only be beaten to death. The other three were still a bit short and would need to try and practice many times in order to keep up.


FTW ultimately lost, but Kim Sung-hyun had already broken out in a cold sweat. He spoke to Li Heran in Korean, “We’ll have to be careful in the globals after they get some practice in.” 

Li Heran also gave them a very high evaluation, “They have a very strong ability to learn.”

It wasn’t just strong, it was simply too strong!


In the past FTW, the only person in the team who could ‘copy’ was Close. Now, the entire team had this ‘ability’. It was simply terrifying!


The round robin between the five teams lasted until noon the next day.

The more FTW played, the more excited they became. First, they used L&P’s style against Y1 to fight against Pro and make their scalps go numb; later on, they used L&P’s tricks against EVE to make God Xie’s murderous intent soar up to the skies; after that, they used Y1’s jungler core system to fight hard against L&P and provoke them…


The final rankings were very interesting. 

Pro was in first place, L&P was second place, Y1 and EVE were third place, and FTW was very stable in fifth place.

But don’t look at how they were fifth, they were actually the biggest winners!

This was one day and one night of learning and practising on the spot! And they made use of it all very well.

Last year’s global top four inexplicably felt hollowed out! 


There was something a little suspicious about how Y1 and EVE had tied for third place.

If they’d really become second place and forced Yuan Ze or Kim Sung-hyun to move out…

Yeah, it wasn’t worth it. 


After the end of this long training match marathon, everyone was tired. With the exception of one person.

Wei Xiao: “It’s a pity that Captain Yan and God Xie are just short two points.”

Everyone present had a bad feeling. 


Wei Xiao: “How about going for round two!”


The world’s peak level players: “………………” Are you not f*cking tired!


A certain little lunatic really wasn’t tired. He even had a suggestion, “Let’s not play team games this time. Come and solo. I’ll dedicate myself to being a target for you guys. You can take turns with meeeee… ah……”

The little lunatic was carried away by the great demon king before he could finish.

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