
Chapter 219

Ch219.1 - Grandmaster, act human. What are you drawing this kind of thing for?

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translator: xiin
editors: apricot & juurensha

Wei Xiao was still distraught as he was carried away. 

What a pity! This was an opportunity that would only occur once in a lifetime!

No, no, no, this was definitely a chance that would only ever happen once!




It was gone, all gone. It had slipped through his fingers. 

Just imagine, Y1, L&P, Pro, and EVE were all tired. They definitely couldn’t play solo in a round robin system and could only take a rest after each game.


That meant that he, Wei Xiao, would have room to play. He hadn’t been able to let FTW act as a sandbag for team games, but there was now a chance for him to enjoy himself!




Wei Xiao was still aggrieved by the time they returned to the base.

Lu Feng stared at him. “Sleep.”

After staying up for a whole day and night, the others toppled over and went to sleep as soon as they got back to the dormitory. Only this little bastard was still moaning and whining.

Wei Xiao: “Ying.” 

Lu Feng: “……”

Wei – Sister Xianglin – Xiao came online, “There was such a big pile of solo…”

Lu Feng got up, surprising Wei Xiao.


In the next second, Wei Xiao had toppled back onto the soft bed, staring with wide eyes at the man above him.

Lu Feng’s voice was deep and slow, “What did you want to do to Kim Sung-hyun?”

Wei Xiao: “!”

Lu Feng drew closer to him bit by bit. The pressure of Lu Feng’s gaze was directed right at his face, stabbing at Wei Xiao… until his cheeks were all red. 

“Cap… captain…”

Lu Feng bit him gently on the neck. “And who else did you want?”


Wei Xiao: “!!”

He was dead. 

What solo? What round robin? What Team of Gods? All of it had gotten lost somewhere away in the sky.


Wei Xiao wrapped his arms around Lu Feng’s neck, his heart pounding even as he continued to run his mouth, “I only want my captain, boyfriend, lover, Big Brother Lu, husband… mm…”


Wei Little Xiao’s physical strength wasn’t on par with his mouth’s ability to boast.

The earlier training match had gone on for a day and night, and he’d been more focused than anyone else. He’d been serious from the first game all the way to the last second, and not only had he used up physical energy, he was also extremely mentally tired.

He was greedy and wanted to solo, but in fact, he’d been unable to hold up since a long time ago.

Lu Feng made him come once, and Wei Xiao didn’t even have the strength to take a shower afterwards. Lu Feng had to carry him over to take a quick shower, then bring him back. 


Wei Xiao was in a daze. “Captain……”

Lu Feng endured his own arousal. “Mm.”

Wei Xiao seemed to be talking in his dreams, “Love you…” 

Lu Feng’s heart felt sticky and sweet, like melted maple syrup. He kissed his lips and said, “Sleep.”

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Qfl Wljb rifqa rbecvis, ralmxlcu mibrf jcv kgjqqlcu jgbecv tlw ilxf jc bmabqer. Lf tjv j vgfjwifrr cluta.


Qfl Wljb’r riffqkjixlcu tjv yffc megfv fnfg rlcmf tf rajgafv ublcu bea klat Oe Mfcu. 

Pc atf qjra, tf kbeiv vfolclafis riffqkjix jr ibcu jr tf kjr fzagfwfis algfv joafg yflcu tlutis fzmlafv wfcajiis bg qtsrlmjiis.

Two years ago, he’d pounced into Lu Feng’s arms and slept with him all night; during the winter training camp, he’d also climbed into Lu Feng’s bed and pestered him there.


Now, Wei Xiao never sleepwalked anymore.

He was clearly tired to the extreme, but his sleep was now very stable. 


Lu Feng hugged Wei Xiao and thought back to two years ago.

He’d first met Wei Xiao two years ago, and spent 48 hours straight soloing with him, ignoring both night and day.

Those 48 hours had passed by quickly. Lu Feng only realized it had been such a long time after he’d come back to his senses. 

Wei Xiao had been sleeping in the guest room, but Lu Feng had been a little worried. He’d gone to the guest room to check in on him, but unexpectedly, the door had opened just before he could knock, and there had been a helpless young man standing dazed in front of him.


Lu Feng was a little stunned. “Wei Xiao?”

Without saying anything, the half grown young man had pounced into his arms like a child that no one wanted. 

Lu Feng: “!”

Hot tears soaked into his chest through his thin pajamas, and the youth’s voice was soft as he attempted to suppress his grievances, “Don’t go.”

Lu Feng didn’t know who Wei Xiao thought he was. “You……”

Wei Xiao hugged him tight. “Don’t leave me behind.” 


Lu Feng’s back stiffened, and then he embraced him gently. “It’s all right.”

Wei Xiao’s body relaxed slightly, but he never let go of Lu Feng. He even muttered a sentence, “How hard…”

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Lu Feng: “……” 


Later, Wei Xiao ultimately never learned the story of how he’d opened Lu Feng’s closed door and sleepwalked into his room.


The answer was that Lu Feng had taken him back to his room and coaxed him to sleep.


After playing for a full day and night, then sleeping for 12 hours, everyone woke up full of energy and in good spirits.

Chen Feng didn’t waste any time at all and took them all to the training room to start going over the game replays.

Playing training matches involved a moment of feeling great that was followed by death via replay reviews.

The little ones all wilted and splayed out weakly on the table. 


Chen Feng took out a soul sucking poster to cheer everyone up.

There was nothing wrong with a countdown, but there was something very wrong with drawing it out in such a ghastly manner!

Those who understood knew that Coach Chen Feng had drawn a countdown to the global competition in order to motivate the players and urge the team to continue to make progress. 

Those who didn’t know better thought that it was a wizard drawing a ghost talisman in order to curse FTW…


In any case, Fu Li was startled when he stepped into the FTW training room.

Eurostar shot straight to his feet. “Holy shit!” 

After that, the cowardly baby yelled and cursed loudly, “Grandmaster, act human. What are you drawing this kind of thing for? Are you going to repay a life with a life if you scare people to death?!”

Wei Xiao: “???”

The little lunatic’s reputation had been smeared!

Eurostar: “Other than you, who else would be so bored? Drawing such a damned thing, you must have done it on purpose!” 

“It wasn’t Wei Xiao.” Coach Chen Feng spoke coldly, “I drew it.”

Eurostar: “!”



Fu Li had heard a bit about Soul Painting Master Chen’s abilities in the Glory circle. “It’s very distinctive.” 

Eurostar hid behind his captain.

Chen Feng: “Ha, ha.”

Sure enough, FTW and TPT were on bad terms with each other. Even their greetings were filled with the scent of gunpowder.


Wei Xiao had been wronged for no reason and was unhappy in his heart. “Euro-coward, what are you doing here?”

Eurostar stretched his head out to look at him. “My captain brought me here!”

Wei Xiao looked at Fu Li, “Captain Fu?”


TPT was now on vacation. Why had he run over to FTW instead of resting properly?

Of course, nobody ever went to the temple for nothing.

Fu Li didn’t bother with nonsense, either. He got straight to the point, “I heard you played three days and three nights of training matches with the top four.”

The four little ones: “???” 


Chen Feng rubbed his forehead: What kind of rumors were making the rounds outside?

Fu Li: “I heard that it started because of Wei Xiao. Whoever won first place would be able to sign him onto their team next season.”

The three small ones all turned their heads over in panic. 

Wei Xiao: “Dream on! Laozi was born in FTW and will die as FTW’s ghost!”

Fu Li: “In that case, they want Close.”


Wei Xiao was about to explode any minute now. “Close is mine!”

Fu Li made a pointed ‘oh’ sound that ended on an upward tone. 


Wei Xiao came back to his senses and recalled the temperament of this guy with the black glasses and figured out that he was just talking nonsense.

“Where did Captain Fu hear this gossip from?”

Fu Li’s expression didn’t change despite having been exposed. He had first class skills in tossing around blame. “Do you know about the Gossip Emperor’s Weibo? He was the one who sent it.” 

The real Gossip Emperor, Brother Cai: “!”

I’m not, I didn’t, Captain Fu, don’t f*cking tell lies with your eyes wide open.


Fu Li really continued to talk nonsense with his eyes wide open. “However, you don’t have to go look for it now. He’s already deleted it.” 

Wei Xiao: “………………”

If he didn’t know that the Gossip Emperor was a certain vegetable stalk, if he didn’t know for sure that this vegetable stalk wasn’t that bold, then he would really have believed Fu Li!


But what Fu Li said wasn’t all pure nonsense. 

The netizens’ brain holes and ability to make things up were many and varied. Even the craters on the moon would be ashamed to compare themselves to those theories.

The more mysterious, hidden, and kept from the light something was, the more excited the fans were when it came to their guesses.

Something about the four teams greeting the host competition zone’s team, something about the Team of Gods meeting up with their youngest brother, something about Captain Yuan falling for the little tease in FTW and wanting nothing else but to take him back home, something about Captain Yan and Quiet forming ties during the global singles performance competition, something about how God Kim and Wei Xiao’s interactions from the winter training camp that had to be shared…

Compared with the netizens, Captain Fu had already been very polite. 


Fu Li hadn’t come to FTW to feel out gossip. He’d come for proper business.


Fu Li: “It’s unfortunate that we didn’t make it to the battle of freedom in the finals.”

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The so-called battle of freedom was the last match in a BO5 game. Talents could be picked at will, and players would have a fierce direct battle. 


Wei Xiao: “You guys would’ve lost even if we’d really made it to the battle of freedom.”

Was FTW’s inherited shadow thief a joke?

This was exactly why Fu Li had come. “Let’s play a match?” 

Wei Xiao: “?”

Fu Li: “You guys take the shadow thief.”


There was no need for him to say more. Wei Xiao got it. “You have a routine against it?” 

Fu Li: “Yes.”

Such a determined tone made Wei Xiao excited!


After going through seven or eight hours of replay review, the three little ones all grew eager and excited to log into the game as soon as they heard that there would be a training match. 

Chen Feng understood this well. He cleared up the sand table and videos and let them touch their keyboard and mouse.

Lu Feng had something to deal with and only arrived a few minutes later.

They had set up the training room in this period of time, and everyone soon entered the blind selection interface.


Chen Feng wasn’t polite at all and directly locked in FTW’s strongest line-up.

Death knight, shadow thief, ice mage, holy priest, frost hunter.


Double shadow plus double ice. This line-up was one that FTW had never lost with before.


Wei Xiao saw TPT’s line-up as they entered the canyon.

Blood warrior, berserker thief, zither warlock, puppet warlock, gun launcher.


Double warlock… 

It couldn’t be called a strong line-up, and it even consisted of benched talents.

This line-up could beat Wei Xiao’s shadow thief?

Wei Xiao was skeptical about this, and the others in FTW also held a wait-and-see attitude.


However, if Fu Li dared to come find them, then it meant that he definitely had something up his sleeve. FTW wouldn’t underestimate their opponent.

They cleared their jungle and lanes, starting off the game smoothly.

Three minutes into the game, top-laner Wei Ji happily sent out First Blood––he had to smile even if he wasn’t happy! When faced with Close, surviving for three minutes was already a victory!


Things were relatively calm before level 6. It was only after level 6 that Wei Xiao got a feel for TPT’s routine. 

The zither warlock together with the puppet warlock was a really disgusting combo.

One of them had control skills, DPS, and healing, while the other one could force the shadow thief to move a certain way. When used correctly, even the curve of the light arcs could be twisted around!


Although the light arcs had a wide attack range, it was still aimed in a certain direction. 

The area 180 degrees in front of the shadow thief was its attack direction. As the light arcs stacked up, the range would increase, but no matter how wide it was, there was still a front and back to the damage dealt.


The puppet warlock could manipulate an enemy talent. There was no need to twist him around too much. As long as he was gently turned around in the first half second of the light arcs, the damage dealt would be greatly reduced!


What was even more disgusting was that the puppet warlock could also move their own teammates.


If they were unable to control the shadow thief, then they just had to move their own heroes, instantly shifting from a position in front of the shadow thief to behind him. Even though the damage caused by the back of eight light arcs wasn’t low, it was no longer enough for an insta kill.

As long as they were still alive, then the zither warlock’s healing was enough for them to continue living on.


The shadow thief was a hero who would have an empty period where no skills could be used after brushing out the light arcs. If he was unable to kill off his opponents right then, it would be very difficult for him to continue dealing damage. 

So, if he couldn’t kill the other side, then he would either have to run off and escape or be killed off by his opponents.

High performance talents also meant high risk.

Wei Xiao and Lu Feng’s shadow thief was too strong, and they’d covered up this high risk, but Fu Li had now exposed it.


Wei Xiao sucked in a breath. “There’s something there.”

Chen Feng was shocked as he watched: it was fortunate that they hadn’t dragged things on until the battle of freedom. If they’d really hit the fifth match, then it would be difficult to say who the champion would be.


The five players from TPT were obviously holding onto repressed anger. They’d lost 3-0 in the finals, and it had taken them many days to recover from the loss. 

Although they weren’t really angry, it was certain that they were unable to remain calm.

During this season, FTW had travelled through a bumpy path and worked bitterly to improve themselves. How could it not be the same for them?



Fu Li wished that there were 48 hours to each day, and Eurostar could see his own captain in the training room no matter what time he went. Old veteran players Du Yi, Wei Ji watched as even new players were so hard working, so how could they not follow suit? 

Trust was accumulated through joint efforts that had been made over endless days and nights.

Admittedly, TPT also had some of the problems that FTW had had before––an overreliance on their captain.

However, this unconditional trust had also contributed to the current TPT.


They had been eclipsed in the finals, but to be able to come and have a training match with FTW again so soon meant that even without mentioning anything else, the TPT team’s psychological state was definitely one of the best in the league.


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As they fought on, Wei Xiao was also able to figure out Fu Li’s intentions.

His mouth might be shouting about regret and wanting to let FTW see the ace up their sleeve, but in fact, they were there to accompany them to train, remind them, and help them circumvent potential problems. 


If TPT could come up with a viable routine, then the many excellent teams worldwide probably could, as well.

The shadow thief had already become FTW’s signboard. And as a signboard, it would definitely be studied.

This round of actions from TPT was really done out of the goodness of their heart. They showed their routine to FTW, simultaneously reminding them not to blindly trust in their line-up but to make full preparations in order to avoid the possible risks. 


The zither warlock used in conjunction with the puppet warlock really restrained the shadow thief.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Ge Tl vlvc’a tjnf Tjc Aljcu’r qgfmlrlbc mbcagbi, jcv Me Ol mbeivc’a vb Tjc Aljcu’r reqfg-ragbcu mbcagbi, yea atflg ilcf-eq kjr jmaejiis wbgf vfnjrajalcu atjc T1’r.

Ktfgf kfgf nfgs ofk qijsfgr ktb mbeiv erf atf fifwfcaji rtjwjc ilxf Tjc Aljcu. 

Dea atfgf kfgf wjcs qeqqfa kjgibmx jcv hlatfg kjgibmx qijsfgr ktb mbeiv qijs ja Ge Tl jcv Me Ol’r ifnfi.

This simple combination was already able to put FTW in a tight spot, and this was the most deadly point.



There was only one Y1, but there were many TPTs. FTW had to be on alert and come up with countermeasures. 


After the training match, Fu Li spoke calmly, “This line-up still has breakthrough points.”

Wei Xiao was full of respect for this Glory study god. “Captain Fu, please share!”

Fu Li might be kind, but he wouldn’t give everything out in vain. He’d taken out and shared the treasure at the bottom of his chest and naturally wanted some reward in return. 


Fu Li: “So, you guys played one day and one night of training matches?”

Wei Xiao understood what he wanted as soon as he heard this.

Chen Feng said, “You can stay and watch the replays if you’re interested.” 

The training match recordings shouldn’t be shared externally, but it didn’t matter if they stayed here and watched it. Additionally, they were only watching the games where FTW was involved, and TPT had already missed their opportunity to enter the globals, so they wouldn’t be exposing any tactics.

Fu Li: “Okay.”

This was what he’d been waiting for.


There was no BP in the battle of freedom, so it was difficult to target the zither warlock and puppet warlock through BP. The starting point to avoiding this problem lay with the support position.

Chen Feng had thought of having Brother Cai practice the purification priest, but unexpectedly, Fu Li gave them another answer, “You guys can also take the puppet warlock.”


It was true that the same talent could be chosen by both sides in the battle of freedom… 


Wei Xiao clapped. “We can do that!”


If they practiced this line-up, they could counter anything the opposite side decided to use.


Fu Li continued, “If you’re brave enough, you can also consider using the space-time knight.”

The space-time knight had the ability to turn back time. If it was used well, then the shadow thief could resurrect on the spot and fight another round.

Of course, the risk factor involved was high as well. Whether or not that 0.1 second could be grasped accurately was very important.

And the shadow thief needed to have absolute confidence in order to lead their team to victory. 


Brother Cai’s face was as white as snow. “This one…”

Regardless of whether it was the puppet warlock or the space-time knight, both of them were unfamiliar talents for him!

Lu Feng: “I’ll use the space-time knight.” 

Brother Cai: “!”

Oh yeah. Not only could the space-time knight be used for support, it could also be used in the top lane. Brother Tang had used it before, but later, after Lu Feng went to the top lane, everyone still regarded him as a strong DPS dealer and forgot that in fact, he could also…


Wei Xiao was jumping around eagerly, “Come and try it!” 

TPT hadn’t played enough, either, so the two sides went at it again.

This time, FTW had adjusted their line-up. The death knight was now a space-time knight, and the holy priest was now a puppet warlock…

They had the same calm start, and after level six, the shadow thief once again regained his freedom and became a team fight explosive bomber.


Fu Li was shocked as he played, and he had the same thought as the Team of Gods: They learned too quickly!

Brother Cai’s words might sound noob, but in fact, he was very easily motivated.


In particular, Wei Xiao was the one bringing him with him. Brother Cai’s mouth might whine about how he couldn’t do it, and it couldn’t be done, but he played it out the way it should be done. It was very typical of Brother Vegetable.


Fu Li stayed at FTW for two days. Not only did he share his routine for the battle of freedom, he even contributed his learning god brain and temporarily became a special coach for FTW.

He watched the replay videos over and over again, and wrote many analysis reports. His seriousness in picking up details was on par with Chen Feng’s.

By the time the analysis report and training procedures were complete, Fu Li had finished off a large bucket of goji berry coffee.


Eurostar was taken by surprise when he stepped out of his room.


This slightly messy short hair, pale face, and the dark circles under his gold framed glasses––

He could cosplay as a vampire without putting on make-up! 


Fu Li rubbed his eyebrows. “The globals will be a fierce battle.”

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Eurostar was worried. “FTW can do it, right?”

Fu Li breathed in lightly. “They have to.” 

He’d used up half his life staying up to help them. If FTW didn’t win the championship, then they wouldn’t be living up to his half box of black coffee and goji berries.


FTW was quite embarrassed when faced with such a desperately working Fu.

Fu Li spoke very reasonably, “I’m not doing it for you.” 

Wei Xiao had heard this so much that his ears were growing calluses, “Yes, yes, Captain Fu is doing it for our competition zone and the number of seed teams for the globals in the next season.”

Fu Li nodded.



Wei Xiao laughed. “Don’t worry. The golden dragon trophy is ours. You guys need to work hard to finish second next season.” 

The implication was that if FTW won the global championship, then they would earn two places for China next year. As for whether or not TPT could win second place in China, that would depend on their own ability.

Fu Li: “……………………”

To hell with your second place!

The silver dragon trophy would belong to TPT next year! 


Money came for a visit and ran into Fu Li.

Mo Hui was wary. “You guys must be engaged in some shady activities.”

As the saying went, it was difficult for a scholar to reason with a soldier. Fu Li really disliked someone like Money, who only knew how to sprinkle money around. He didn’t say a word and turned around to leave. 


Money rushed into the FTW base and questioned the first person he came across.

Brother Cai found a rubber band and tied it around his hand, hinting that things were a little tight.

Captain Mo, who still had quite a significant salary despite no longer having his pocket money, directly made a transfer. 

Brother Cai counted it and was quite satisfied. “Please come in, Captain Mo.”


Money was surprised to learn of Fu Li’s hard work. “I didn’t expect that that damned beast in glasses would see the big picture.”

Captain Fu, who’d returned back to his base, sneezed. 

Eurostar was nervous and anxious, “Captain, did you catch a cold?”

Fu Li: “……”


He hadn’t caught a cold, but there was a 80% chance that someone had cursed him.


Wei Xiao explained in Fu Li’s stead, “Captain Fu sees the bigger picture and is forward-thinking. He’s aiming for the next season.”

Mo Hui: “In fact, I’m also very forward-thinking.”

Wei Xiao: “Oh?”

Mo Hui’s little abacus crackled as he calculated, “Don’t you think that our RR is a bit like a little EVE?” 

Everyone in FTW: “……”

They couldn’t tell if he was being self-deprecating or if he was pasting gold on his own face!


Mo Hui: “My family’s Little Moon is no worse than Xie He!” 

He really wasn’t much worse…

After all, he was a man who’d managed to win against God Xie before.

Mo Hui: “Why don’t you share Old Fu’s analysis report on EVE with us? We’ll go back and ponder over it, then practice EVE’s routines to act as sandbags for you guys.”


Why did the word sandbag sound so familiar?

It was fortunate that the top four teams in the world didn’t hear this. If they were at the scene, they would definitely all complain: What’s wrong with your China competition zone? Are all of you addicted to being sandbags?!


Wei Xiao thought it over for a moment. 

Brother Cai took the opportunity to try and overcharge him, “You’re asking for exclusive secrets. Captain Mo, shouldn’t you…”

Money: “Give me back the Porsche!”


Brother Cai was shocked. “Dream on!”


Share Fu Li’s analysis reports with RR?

It wasn’t that they couldn’t.

RR was indeed a bit like EVE, especially when it came to Moonlit. There was no avoiding that he was the leader of this new generation of prickly mages.

If RR was really able to learn to play like a 70-80% EVE copy, then they would really be suitable practice partners for FTW. 


The globals were coming soon, and making training matches with another competitor was unrealistic.

Reserving ready-made sandbags within their own competition zone would be very convenient.


Mo Hui went straight to the FTW boss and tried to move him with reason and emotion, “… I’m doing this for our China competition zone!”

Lu Feng dealt with official business.

Money: “I’m also doing it to help you win the championship!”

Lu Feng continued with his work. 


Money could only pull out his killer move. “Do you think I won’t share your first grade composition with Wei Xiao?”

Lu Feng: “……”

Wei Xiao pushed the door open and came in, “What?” 

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