
Chapter 238

Ch238.1 - What he wanted was for one plus one to equal at least four!

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Wei Xiao still hadn’t finished expressing his thoughts when he had to step down from the stage. 

After he went back, he whispered quietly to Lu Feng, “I still have a lot to say.”

Brother Cai’s mouth twitched: Aren’t you going to come out of the closet in front of the whole world if you keep talking!




Lu Feng held his hand lightly in a way so no one could see. “Talk when we get back.” 

Wei Xiao: “!”


Lu Feng coaxed him using a very gentle tone, “Tell only me.”

These three words made Wei Little Xiao fly up to heaven on the spot. The hair on his head trembled. “Okay~” he lilted, his tone was sweet and crisp, like sweet milk chocolate.



Brother Cai: “…… I often suspect that I should just settle in under the table!


There were three games a day for the sixteen into eight part of the competition. The second game had been FTW vs IN, and the third game was L&P against the JL competition zone’s champion team.

Everyone from FTW stayed in the lounge to watch the game. 

At first, Wei Xiao had still been in high spirits, wanting to see L&P’s tactics. However, the team from the JL competition zone was really timid. They were clearly afraid of Yuan Ze and Gary, and they faced the battle of freedom with dignified expressions, acting like they’d seen a ghost as soon as they saw the shadow thief and death knight combination.


The death knight in the top lane and the death knight that played jungler were like two different heroes in Teacher Yuan’s hands.

How crappy he was during the casual game, was equal to how amazing he was during the proper game. 

Oh, calling it amazing was too subtle. He was f*cking ARROGANT, written in capital letters. It was like he had a sign over his head saying that he was the best in the world.


Wei Xiao: “If I was JL’s top laner, I would definitely hammer him into exploding!”

Bandit Yuan was too arrogant. Wei Xiao’s hands were itching to abuse him. 

Unfortunately, JL’s top-laner didn’t have the courage that Wei Xiao had. Forget about abusing Yuan Ze, he was basically pressed to the ground and being smeared around.



L&P acted leisurely from the start. By the time Gary began to support the top lane like crazy, the entire L&P had become just like their team name, leaving only love and peace in the game.

Love was the top-jungler linkage. 

Peace was the mid and bottom lanes in L&P.

As for the other side?

They were the opposite––

Abuse and death. 


Wei Xiao felt that it was boring to watch. Based on this game, it was better to…





Ever since Brother Cai learned of the relationship between the two, he could no longer bear to hear the word solo. He always felt that it wasn’t pure and innocent, and it was no longer the same hot-blooded sport.

Emm…. In a sense, it was also a bit passionate, and it also occurred between men. 

Holy shit! Stop!

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

What was a straight man like him thinking about these things for!


Yynlberis, atfgf kjr cb gbbw obg atfw ab rbib lc atf ibecuf fnfc lo Qfl Wljb kjcafv ab qijs. 

Oe Mfcu: “Rba kjamtlcu atf ujwf?”

Qfl Wljb kjr nfgs vlrwlrrlnf. “Ktfgf’r cbatlcu ab kjamt.”


Jbeiv Yiv Gbu Tejc ibrf? Po atfs ibra, atfc tf kbeiv ijeut ja Xjgs obg j oeii sfjg!

Old G: “???” 

Why is it me!


Lu Feng glanced at the time. “Let’s go.”

It really was meaningless to keep watching. It was a one-sided suppression game, and L&P hadn’t even used 60% of their strength. 

They weren’t like FTW, who still needed to practice new tactics in the sixteen into eight game. L&P’s line-up and system was already mature. Why would they have to use the new talents?

Weren’t the pre-existing 100 plus talents good? Any set of line-ups using those talents were already enough to beat their opponents up.


It was still early by the time they returned back to the base. The timing for the global competition was very tight. They had games for sixteen into eight that day, and the following three days were filled with more of the same. There were a total of eight games packed into four days, and the top eight list would be released by the weekend. 

Oh, FTW had already been shortlisted, but they didn’t know who their next opponent would be.

Everyone was clear about the situation even without Chen Feng’s reminder.


The sixteen to eight was the easiest game to play. They would face nothing but hard battles after this. 

Eight into four, four into two, and the finals were all games where a bit of luck would be involved even if they put in 300% effort.


Although the results of the draw for the top four was unclear, FTW couldn’t just rely on luck.

The eight teams that made it into the shortlist were traditionally put up against one of the top four. 

It meant that last year’s top four wouldn’t be up against each other when their opponents were selected for the eight into four. Of course, if the top four stopped at the sixteen into eight, then it would be another story.

However, who were the top four from last year?


Y1, EVE, L&P, Pro.

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Would these four teams lose in the sixteen to eight? 



So, FTW would face one of these four teams.

As for who it was… 


––Because any one of the four teams was a hard bone to chew. The results would be difficult to predict even with FTW trying their best.


When faced with such a tense situation, the little ones wouldn’t be willing to rest even when it hit two or three o’clock in the morning, let alone when it was only ten in the evening. 

Dinner could be skipped, and all they wanted to do was improve themselves further during this limited time.


Chen Feng didn’t rush to go over the game replay and had them go train instead.

Wei Xiao pulled Lu Feng along with him to solo, while the three little ones went to the international servers to solo queue. They used the same talents from the battle of freedom. 

Chen Feng strolled around the training room and felt very happy looking upon this scene.


FTW might have performed amazingly tonight, and they’d shocked the whole world with their battle of freedom, but…

There were many practical problems. 

Laymen watched the excitement, while the experts examined the details.

Chen Feng had already filled two pieces of paper with his summary, but Ning Zhehan, Yue Wenle, and the others could also sense their own shortcomings.



Testing their new line-up during the sixteen to eighteen was crazy, but it was indeed effective. 

They really wouldn’t have been able to see so many problems if they hadn’t taken it out and used it.

IN had been cautious on the surface even while they had been looking down on the enemy in their hearts. In particular, they had really looked down on Bai Cai, believing that his power thief was just decorative. They hadn’t taken him seriously, so they’d ended up ganked by Wei Xiao and Bai Cai at the start of the game.

This routine could only be used once. There was a global live broadcast, and everyone could have seen their game. They all now understood that Brother Cai wasn’t messing around with his power thief.

In that case, they wouldn’t be able to trick their opponents so easily next time, no matter who they went up against. 


What’s more, who were they going to encounter in the next game?

Yuan Ze and Gary?

They could hammer Brother Vegetable until he went into seclusion. 


EVE’s CC and Miller?

Xie He could go from the mid-lane straight into the jungle zone and get a double kill.

Pro’s Park Guizhi wasn’t easy to provoke, either. Wei Xiao’s jungler might be a bit more fierce, but he was more than enough when it came to abusing a vegetable. 

And there was no need to mention Y1. They might use a soul warlock themselves, but their jungler wouldn’t be a support who switched roles halfway!


They were all old pros. Wei Little Xiao and Bai Caicai’s little tricks were nothing but child’s play in their eyes.

So, the problems with the soul warlock had been exposed. 

It was too weak before level 6.



How weak was it?

Not only did Wei Xiao lack the power to even truss up a chicken, even the shadow thief and the immortal warlock had to develop sufficiently to obtain their ultimate moves. It was already pretty good if they didn’t miss any of their lane soldiers; how could they also support the jungle zones? 

Forget it, forget it, that wasn’t providing support, it was giving out a triple kill.


The storm hunter was strong in the early stages, but an ADC couldn’t provide support in the top-jungler zone so early in the game.

Providing support across the map would affect many aspects of their development, and the gain wasn’t worth the loss. 


What should they do?

How could they compensate for this problem?


Chen Feng stopped by Bai Cai’s side and stared at his screen.

Brother Cai was playing jungler with the power thief in the international server.

His power thief had a national server badge, but Wei Xiao had been the one to get it for him. It wasn’t worth much.

Brother Cai could play somewhat effectively in a casual game, but this level of awareness and operations… 

Yuan Ze could kill three of him with a single attack.


Building up a jungler king in four or five days was impossible.

The soul warlock system would break into shattered pieces if it was beaten into collapse before level six. 

Then, what should they do?

Chen Feng was a bit worried.


The players had come up with such a good system and played out such a good effect. The coaching team should help them improve the overall planning for the routine and help them refine it. Otherwise, what use were they?


Not only was Chen Feng thinking about this, Wei Xiao’s brain also hadn’t stopped for a moment.

He soloed with Lu Feng while mulling over today’s game.

What could be sensed by those on the court was quite different from those off the court. As the absolute core of this system, Wei Xiao’s feelings were deeper than anyone else’s.


Although everyone was saying it was good and everyone was cheering and the audience had let it all get to their heads––

––Wei Xiao knew that he hadn’t played out the desired effect.

Double thousand layers of clouds, double stepping on raindrops, and double light arcs wasn’t what he wanted.

What he wanted was a bigger jump in improvement. 

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Not just the effect of having flowers bloom wherever he went.

What was the difference between the soul warlock and an ordinary jungler?

It was all based on being able to gank, catch people, and fight for rhythm. 


Wei Xiao hoped that the whole team would take a considerable leap. It should be that the soul warlock gave more to his teammates, rather than a simple one plus one equals two.

What he wanted was for one plus one to equal at least four!

What did a small bit of improvement amount to? What he wanted was for the team to take on a whole new level of awareness. 


Just take a little more time.


Even if it was just a month, it would be enough.



Wei Xiao exhaled, suppressing this regret and paying attention to the present.

No one would wait for you, and no one would give you more time.

It was the same for everyone. The ability to grasp the present meant that they could control their future. 


The screen went dark. Wei Xiao had been stabbed to death by his boyfriend once again.

Lu Feng looked at him. “Continue?”

Wei Xiao: “Continue!” 

In fact, Lu Feng knew that Wei Xiao was playing absent-mindedly, and he knew that he was thinking things through.

But it didn’t matter.

It was unknown when it’d started, but solo between the two of them had become a way for them to relax and think.


Their entire person became absorbed in the competition in the canyon, but it somehow also helped them think.

Ch238.2 - Creating a new Team of Gods!

After Wei Xiao died over ten times in a row, Lu Feng looked at him. “Do you want to eat watermelon?” 

Wei Xiao’s eyes lit up. “Yes!”

Lu Feng pushed his chair back and got up.




Wei Xiao got up quickly as well. “I’ll go with you.” 

Lu Feng: “Mm.”


Little Ning heard them and was just about to say, “I…”

Brother Cai elbowed him.

Little Ning: “Ouch!”



Brother Cai glared at him after the two of them left. “What are you doing?”

Little Ning felt very aggrieved. “I want to eat watermelon, too…”

Brother Cai: “There’s no more. There’s only one and it’s not even enough for Wei Little Xiao to eat.” 

Little Ning: “Oh……”

Only after he continued playing his ranked games did the poor granny gray recall: Just one? The base was stocked up with several boxes of watermelons all year round.

As everyone knew, Brother Xiao relied on watermelon to survive. If there was no watermelon in the base, then Brother Xiao would kick up a fuss.

Brother Liu had to prepare this ‘food’ even when they went abroad. How could there only be one left??? 

Besides, Brother Cai had been playing ranked games the whole time. How would he know that there was only one?


Little Ning, who wanted to eat melon but wasn’t able to, didn’t realize that he’d narrowly passed by a big melon of gossip.


Wei Xiao really did go to eat watermelon. He also had a kiss with every bite.

Lu Feng dug out watermelon seeds for him with a fork.


Wei Xiao’s heart felt as sweet as honey, but his mouth insisted on saying, “I’ll do it myself.”

Lu Feng fed him a bite. “Is it sweet?” 

Wei Xiao: “Super sweet!”

Lu Feng leaned in and kissed him. “It is very sweet.”

Wei Xiao’s heart was pounding. There were no more thoughts of the soul warlock in his head as it was all filled with his boyfriend.

“Don’t seduce me.” Wei Xiao kept himself sober. “I still want to solo.” 


Lu Feng fed him another piece, “5v5 is a team game.”

This somewhat abrupt sentence left Wei Xiao stunned.

Lu Feng continued, “Don’t take it all on yourself.” 

Wei Xiao bit down on the watermelon, and his mouth filled with sweetness. This refreshing taste resonated on the tip of his tongue, helping him find enlightenment.



The 5v5 game was a team game. 

The soul warlock was a talent that was born for the team.



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Wei Xiao smiled and leaned over to kiss Lu Feng. “I see!” 

The hint of a smile also appeared at the corner of Lu Feng’s lips. “So, don’t worry.”

Wei Xiao nodded hard. “Yeah!”


We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Lu Feng: “Losing the match is also okay. We don’t only have the battle of freedom.”

Qfl Wljb fztjifv rboais jcv rjlv rbifwcis, “Eluta!” 


Qfl Wljb’r atlcxlcu tjv yffc raemx ja j vfjv fcv yfobgf.

Ktf rbei kjgibmx rsrafw tjv yffc abb foofmalnf, jcv la tfiv abb wemt qbafcalji.

Vagfcuat kbeiv lcfnlajyis vgjk bcf’r fsf. Qtja Qfl Wljb kjr atlcxlcu jybea kjr tbk ab ifjv tlr afjwwjafr ab qijs ab atflg oeiifra qbafcalji. 

But he’d forgotten that it was a team game.

His teammates relied on him, and he should also rely on his teammates.

This so-called complementary potential wasn’t something that could be created by one person alone.


Wei Xiao could help Ning Zhehan brush out his thousand layers of clouds quicker.

Ning Zhehan could also help Wei Xiao brush out his thousand layers of clouds more easily.

Wei Xiao was only thinking about adding bonuses to Ning Zhehan, but he hadn’t thought about how Ning Zhehan could help him!

Only by pursuing mutual achievements could they be a team. 

The true potential of the soul warlock lay in unity.


Not in how much one plus one could make.

It was about harmony as a whole. 

Only in this way could they give full play to their absolute strength, without any upper limits!



Infinite glory.

Unlimited possibilities. 

FTW’s future was promising!


Wei Xiao could finally see things clearly. Lu Feng had unraveled the knot that had weighed down on him all night.

He felt comfortable all over and wasn’t able to sit still again. 



“It’s getting late. Why don’t we…”

Lu Feng put away the plate of watermelon. “Training.” 

Wei Xiao smiled like a fox. “Solo in be…”

Lu Feng: “Shut up.”

There was no way to shut Wei Xiao up unless Lu Feng kissed him until he couldn’t speak.


There was no suspense about L&P’s win.

Pro played the next day, and there was no suspense there either.

EVE played on the third day. Xie He set the record for the fastest match in this year’s global competition. Their game ended in 22 minutes after their opponents suffered a bloody collapse in their mentality.

At this point, the sixteen into eight ended, and the list for the top eight teams was released. 


Y1, FTW, L&P, Pro, EVE…


There wasn’t much suspense there either. All the teams from the Team of Gods had been promoted.

Next was entering the top four in the eight into four round. 


FTW had been going through special closed door training for the past three days.

The fans were looking forward to the games every day. On one hand, they wanted to see the soul warlock go up onto the stage again, and on the other, they were afraid that Little Lunatic Wei would stumble when faced with the Team of Gods.

On one hand, they wanted FTW to happily rush into the top four, but on the other hand, they were afraid that they would lose in the top eight. 


The top eight…

China had never been able to achieve such good results in three years.

But they were unreconciled! 

They weren’t willing to let things just stop here!

They wanted to be better, they wanted to be even better.

As the champion team of the host competition zone, winning the world championship this year would be especially meaningful, and enough for them to go down in the history of Glory!


Becoming gods through one battle, that was what was waiting for FTW’s four little ones!

The entire China competition zone was looking forward to defeating the Team of Gods from the past and creating a new Team of Gods!


The competition committee continued acting inhumane. They were determined to leave people’s hearts hanging in their throats. 

The opponents for the eight into four would be determined by on-site lottery.

How would they draw lots?


Have the eight teams go up and draw lots?


According to their rules where the last year’s top four wouldn’t meet each other in the eight into four round, the top four would draw their own opponents directly!


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Who FTW would go up against had already become the hottest topic over the whole internet.

Hot searches went up one after another, and everyone nervously stalked the live broadcast room. 

Yes… how could such an important thing not be broadcasted live?

Representatives from the four teams would draw lots on the spot, the host would announce it on the spot, and the eight into four match chart would also be announced at the same time.


The other four teams from the top eight were also at the scene, waiting for the results. 

Was FTW nervous?

Not necessarily.

This was a predestined result. They’d already been mentally prepared for several days, and even Little Ning was calm.


Getting Y1 would be fine.

Or L&P.

So what if it was EVE or Pro?

They had to run into one of them eventually or even both of them. 

The top four, the semi-finals, the finals.

To hell with being afraid!


Just fight and be done with it!


The first team to draw was Y1. Yan Jiang didn’t go up. It was their jungler God Hai who went up onto the stage, greeted everyone, and accepted an interview.

The host simply asked them who they wanted to draw the most. Hai opened his mouth and replied, “It should be FTW.”

The camera cut to show FTW. Wei Xiao smiled and waved. He wasn’t cowering at all.


The live broadcast scrolling comments: “No need, no need, Y1, we don’t want to meet you!”

“Little Lunatic, you might not be afraid, but your mama is afraid. Save me! Don’t run into God Yan!”

“I don’t want us to run into God Kim, God Xie, or Old Bandit Yuan either, what should we do!”

“If I have to choose… f*ck, Laozi can’t choose!” 


Hai pulled out a card. The host looked at it, then smiled slightly, “It seems that God Hai is going to be disappointed.” It wasn’t FTW.

Hai smiled, “We’re looking forward to the next opportunity.”


The next to go up and draw was EVE. Xie He didn’t go up, either. Their beautiful coach was the one to go up on stage.

The live broadcast studio descended into a revelry for straight men as soon as the blonde beauty appeared.

She had white skin, was beautiful and sexy, and was enough to make everyone envy EVE’s players.


The host also interviewed Coach Echo. “Who does EVE want to play against?”

Echo spoke in French, “Of course it’s FTW.”


FTW again!

Were the top four teams all focused on FTW?! 


The camera swept over again, and Wei Xiao continued to wave in greeting. He even added a wink.

––Let alone panic, he was complacent and owning it!

However, EVE didn’t draw FTW. 


The audience couldn’t relax, since Pro and L&P were up next.

None of them were easy opponents.

Especially since these two teams had history with FTW from back during the winter training camp. 

One of them had a top-jungler linkage that they couldn’t beat.

The other had a marksman daddy that they couldn’t kill.

To some extent, both of them were psychological shadows on FTW.


If they had to choose one…

Half the fans compromised and said, “Pro, then… ying, what if God Ran makes a mistake and the Little Lunatic is able to bite Proud Flower Kim to death? Then FTW can win.”

The other half of the fans compromised in another direction, “L&P, then. After all, they’re so familiar. Maybe our top-jungler can win against them…”

It was a fifty-fifty chance. They could only keep worrying! 


The third team to go up and draw was L&P.


This time, the results were basically determined. If they drew FTW, then their opponents would be L&P. if they didn’t, then it would be Pro.

Gary came up to represent L&P. Old G rubbed his hands. 


The host asked him the same question. Gary’s style was a bit strange, and he opened his mouth to share his ‘beautiful’ Chinese. “I’d rather not pull FTW.”

The two teams before him had only wanted to draw FTW. Why did L&P not want to?

The host asked about this curiously. 

Gary’s reasoning was very justifiable. “It would be bad if the little lunatic kicked us out after we beat them.”

Well… Everyone knew that L&P was living at the FTW base. Old G was quite self-aware.


So, Gary reached in with his big hand and pulled out a card. 

The host was amused when she saw it.

Old G: “……”

The huge FTW team emblem came into view, and the whole audience laughed.

Alright then, the teams who wanted FTW didn’t get them, and those who didn’t want them got them! 

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