
Chapter 242

Ch242.1 - I couldn’t deal DPS. How could we win?

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After getting to their seats, Little Ning rubbed his hands. 

Wei Xiao slanted a look at him, “Nervous?”

Ning Zhehan: “A-a-a-a-a little.



Wei Xiao was amused. “What did you say about winning any game is considered as having gained something?”

Little Ning: “I was young and arrogant. I’ve calmed down now.” 

He could still snark. That kind of thing wasn’t a big deal.



Chen Feng smacked each of them once, telling these bratty children to settle down a bit.

Being nervous was a given. How could they not feel the slightest bit flustered?


It wasn’t like they were Little Lunatic Wei!

However, this tension was controllable, and it was even beneficial to their play. It could mobilize adrenaline, help them concentrate, and keep them in a highly-focused state. This was a good thing.

Along the way to this point, granny gray had also become a mid-laner king who’d been tempered through thousands of trials and wouldn’t end up as the weak link now!


Yue Wenle was alright. He’d always been slower to react, and everyone understood that. They just had to prepare potato chips for him when leaving the base, and he would chomp on them on the way over, in the backstage lounge, and before going up onto the stage…

Brother Liu really lived up to his reputation as the FTW nanny and always got the amount just right. If there was too much, then President Le wouldn’t be able to finish them all and wouldn’t be able to bear parting with them, but if there was too little, then President Le would feel it was a shame there wasn’t enough. So, Brother Liu would set it up so that he would run out of potato chips just as FTW’s battle song started playing. Like this, Yue Wenle would be like a boxer who’d finished his rest time and was filled with fighting spirit when he went up onto the stage!

Without mentioning anything else, he could maintain this state for at least three matches, which was when halftime would kick in.

Brother Liu wanted to express that there would always be enough potato chips, and President Le didn’t need to panic! 

Chen Feng often suspected that this cub of his was transmuted from potato chips. Otherwise, why would he be so fascinated with them?!


Brother Cai wasn’t nervous. Why was that?

Because FTW had already had a discussion about it before they left. 

The topic of their discussion had naturally been the battle of freedom.



Chen Feng: “Are we using the soul warlock system?”

Brother Cai’s face turned very pale as soon as he heard this. He was so nervous that he wished he could slide from his chair to under the table and cover his head with an iron pot while he was at it. 

Little Lunatic Wei was clearly the core of the soul warlock system, but the white cabbage was the one who was cowering the most.


Chen Feng stared at him.

Brother Cai: QAQ! 

His jungler king rescued him from this encirclement. “It’s not very suitable.”

At this moment, Wei Little Xiao was like Bai Caicai’s reborn parent, his life-saving benefactor, and he would repay him with his bod… ah, no, Brother Cai was being presumptuous!


Chen Feng had been worried about this too. Otherwise, he wouldn’t have phrased it as a question. 

The L&P team was quite special, particularly for FTW. They were the team that restrained FTW the most out of last year’s top four.

When it came to Pro’s marksman system, Lu Feng and Wei Xiao might be able to beat out a bloody path if they went up together.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

With EVE’s mid-lane core system, although Ning Zhehan would be under great pressure, Wei Xiao was very good at reaching and cutting down c-positions. If he bit at Xie He and didn’t let go, then it would be difficult to determine who would win or lose.

Cr obg T1… 

Well, they were hard to deal with, but their style was different from L&P.

If a comparison had to be made, then Y1 was a shield, and L&P and FTW were both spears.


Vtlfivr mbeiv rabq rqfjgr. 

Ccv rqfjgr mbeiv jirb qlfgmf rtlfivr.

Pa jii vfqfcvfv bc ktfatfg atf rtlfiv kjr ragbcufg bg lo atf rqfjg kjr rtjgqfg.



However, things got awkward when it was a double spear battle like L&P and FTW. They both had strong junglers, they both had daddies in the top-lane, and they were both overlords of the jungle as well as masters at controlling the game’s rhythm… 

Qtfc la mjwf ab j yjaaif, atfc ktbfnfg remxfv wbgf kbeiv ibrf.


Yo mbegrf, atlcur kfgfc’a rb jyrbieaf. Ktf ujwf ralii gfilfv bc ajmalmr.

But no matter how they changed their tactics, their top-jungler core systems couldn’t be changed. 

In fact, regardless of whether it was L&P or FTW, their mid-lane and bottom support players weren’t weak. They were completely able to carry the bulk of the weight in ordinary games, but when they came up against another top-jungler team…

Forget it, who didn’t know what Gary and Quiet were like!

One was a North American wild dog, and the other was a Chinese lunatic.

When they started biting at people, it was enough to leave behind psychological shadows! 

VIVI, despite being a veteran, was also intimidated by Little Lunatic Wei, okay?

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So, both sides only played jungler cores, and they could only try and find ways to suppress each other with their top-jungler systems.

These days, the FTW coaching team included Fu Li. The amount of hair that he’d lost was enough to really make his fans cry. 


The battle of freedom was very important.

Winning the first game would set things off for a great start!

Their mentality would take a hit if they lost. 

Setting up their mentality was tactically very important!



It was unknown how L&P was doing, but FTW was cautious and careful. They would absolutely never miss any opportunity.

Fu Li had also been in the conference room. He suggested, “It’s safer to take a double thief line-up in the battle of freedom.” 

Chen Feng’s eyebrows twisted together in a frown.

Wei Xiao agreed. “I vote for double thief.”

Brother Cai had tears in his eyes. He wanted to raise his hand, but was also afraid that the coach would beat him up. He could only watch on eagerly and wait for ‘guillotine’ to fall.


Fu Li had put deep thought into it before making this suggestion.

Chen Feng understood what he meant better than anyone else in the room.

Indeed, FTW’s soul warlock line-up had done well right from the start, showing momentum and style. It even represented the confidence of the China competition zone. Countless people expected them to take another soul warlock line-up and do another wave of heaven-defying operations, letting double stunts fly all over the canyon. However…

They weren’t up against IN, but L&P. 

L&P was a steel blade and was definitely unafraid of hitting back.


The soul warlock line-up was essentially one where they fought everywhere over the map, however L&P was equally eager to fight with their opponents from beginning to end.

When it came to fighting, they weren’t afraid of any team in Glory. 

In the global finals last year, Y1 had been able to win that last game due to Yan Jiang’s precise, computer-like commands.

And what was the core tenet of Yan Jiang’s command?

––Avoid head-on conflict and slowly nibble away at L&P’s flanks.


That game had left people’s hearts hanging in fright, and watching it had made their scalps feel numb.

L&P fans had been so angry that their liver and lungs were about to burst, and they’d cursed Y1 for a full three months.


Y1’s fans had also been terrified. How f*cking good did they have to be at fighting to force Yan Jiang to have to concentrate so much?


Therefore, it was very likely that L&P would destroy FTW’s soul warlock system.

It wasn’t that FTW couldn’t fight. From the moment Wei Xiao joined the team, FTW had already been destined to become a ‘lunatic’ team. If they could have a fight, then they would never waste time with words. If there was no fight to be had, then they would go find one!

If FTW wanted to win against L&P, they had to fight hard, and it would be a competition to see who could fight better.

However, that didn’t mean that they could be reckless. 


The soul warlock line-up’s weakness prior to reaching level six was too big. Brother Cai could cope with an ordinary jungler, but he would simply explode on the spot if he went up against Old G.

If their jungle zone was completely occupied prior to reaching level six, then it would be too difficult for them to regain their rhythm after level six.

Especially when they were up against Gary… 

It would be the equivalent of having Little Lunatic Wei go up against him in solo with only half of his health.

The two of them were already evenly matched. How could they fight if he sacrificed half his health before they even started?



The soul warlock line-up was FTW’s killer trump card. It might not work against L&P, but it may be effective against c-position cores like EVE and Pro.

If they took it out now and let Yuan Ze and Old G beat it up until it collapsed into pieces, would they be able to still play out the same effect of the soul warlock against EVE and Pro even if they were lucky enough to make it into the semi-finals?


The pros and cons were right in front of their eyes. 

It was obvious how they should balance things out.

Using the soul warlock against L&P would gain them nothing except pleasing the audience.



So… Chen Feng looked at Lu Feng. “Double thief.” 

Lu Feng nodded.

The line-up for their battle of freedom was decided!


The double thief system was another one of FTW’s primary line-ups. Although it didn’t have the same element of surprise as the soul warlock and couldn’t completely unleash Little Lunatic Wei’s strength, FTW had enough power to compete with L&P in the early, mid, and late stages! 

Close vs Marshal.

Quiet vs Gary.

The global showdown was about to begin!


The selection of talents for the battle of freedom went by very quickly since they had a plan. When the shadow thief and blood thief both appeared at the same time, the audience still felt that it was a fluke. “Eh, Caicai can play the blood thief?”

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“The blood thief’s not bad. The other side’s Old G will definitely take the shadow thief. The blood thief’s strong blood sucking ability can resist the shadow thief’s light arcs…”

“That’s not right… the blood thief’s operations, um… It’s not that I’m looking down on my vegetable, but using the blood thief to play a support seems a bit exaggerated.”

“Oh my god, the holy priest!” 


The audience woke up as soon as the holy priest showed up.

It wasn’t possible for Brother Cai to use the blood thief, it would never happen in this life! He could only use the holy priest’s bubble tune and other such skills!


The audience who had scrambled for tickets and stepped over  thousands of troops just to see the soul warlock line-up were all seriously disappointed!

What about the agreed upon double thousand layers of clouds!


What about the agreed upon double stepping on raindrops!

What about the agreed upon double light arcs! 

Not only did the live audience at the scene want to kick up a fuss, but the viewers in the live broadcast studio also started making trouble. “Laozi waited for two hours, and you’re showing me this?!”

“Laozi turned down a date with my girlfriend, yet as a result, you’re using double thief to mess with me?”

“Ahhhhh, I fought with my mother in order to get a cell phone, yet I’m unable to see the legendary double light arcs!”


This issue was also being discussed in the commentator booth.

This wasn’t the first time that Eurostar-star had sat here. He performed well and could answer and provide commentary without leaking anything by accident. There was no hint of the cowardly baby at all.


The other two commentators today were Brother Mouth and A-Light. 

Brother Mouth asked, “Has TPT played against FTW’s soul warlock line-up?”

Eurostar smiled slightly. “Yep.”

Brother Mouth was curious. “How was it?”

Eurostar: “The grandmaster couldn’t kill me. Of course, I couldn’t deal DPS either.” 

This one sentence amused many people. The fans who’d originally been clamoring to see the soul warlock calmed down as well.


These words were very interesting.

Wei Xiao wasn’t able to kill him even after the attachment, which was enough to show how timid the cowardly baby was. 

Cowering so much that he couldn’t deal damage, who else would do that but him?



A-light asked, “Then, who won?”

Eurostar: “I couldn’t deal DPS. How could we win?” 

His words caused another round of laughter.


Ch242.2 - The strongest top-jungler combo!

This gag moment in the commentary could be considered a relief for the audience who wouldn’t be able to see the soul warlock. 

Everyone might be unhappy, but it wasn’t to the point where they’d get up and leave.

What were you thinking? This was L&P against FTW!



This was the global showdown against the peak top-jungler combos!

Even if they simply did basic attacks with super soldiers, it would still be a unique fight in Glory history! 

Not to mention…


Even without the soul warlock, the battle of freedom would be explosive enough.


Just look at the line-up from both sides.


FTW had the shadow thief in the top lane and blood thief for jungler. Double thief had come out to play, preparing to sweep through the game!

L&P’s top-laner was the death knight, and they took the shadow thief for their jungler. Double shadow went up on stage together, planning to fight across the whole world!


Just from this… what more did they want! 

Sit tight and watch; it would absolutely be wonderful.


L&P’s team chat.

Old G sighed. “The little lunatic really didn’t use the soul warlock.” 

Yuan Ze: “It’s not like he’s a fool.”

Old G: “……” He always had this suspicion that the captain was implying something, but he had no evidence.


VIVI smiled like a fox. “I feel like Quiet is going to mess with me.” 

As L&P’s starter mid-laner, he’d taken the earth mage in this match to balance out their line-up.

FTW had the same idea. Ning Zhehan was using the zither warlock, which tended more towards support and functionality.

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VIVI would say this because he knew that the zither warlock was unable to beat the earth mage in the early stages. If Wei Xiao didn’t come to provide support, then VIVI would beat up Ning Zhehan until he was left crying. 

The middle lane was an important line for the jungle zone. If it wasn’t held, then it could start a vicious cycle.

Wei Xiao had to help Ning Zhehan in order to play out an advantage in the game.


Gary: “A man after my own heart.” It hadn’t been easy for him to learn an idiom and he had to show it off. 

VIVI: “?”

Gary explained: “It means that they’re falling into a trap!”

VIVI: “……” Okay then, he understood half of it.


Indeed, if Wei Xiao went to support Ning Zhehan, then VIVI’s earth mage wouldn’t have any problems protecting himself. Wei Xiao could help Ning Zhehan pressure the lane, but he wouldn’t be able to get a kill. On the contrary, it would negatively impact Ning Zhehan’s development.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Gary wouldn’t go and provide support to VIVI. He would go to the top lane; there was no doubt about it.

Qtfc atf alwf mjwf, atfs’v ujcx atf ugfja vfwbc xlcu ab vfjat.

Krx, pera atlcxlcu bo atlr wjvf Yiv X’r rmjiq ub cewy––la kbeiv offi ugfja! 


L&P’s line of thought was reasonable and justified. Wei Xiao really did need to take care of Ning Zhehan more, but…

Po j pecuifg xlcu vlvc’a ub jcv wfrr jgbecv lc atf batfg rlvf’r pecuif hbcf ja atf rajga bo atf ujwf, atfc tf kbeivc’a yf j pecuifg xlcu!


Wei Xiao used the kiss of the blood raven as soon as he went out. “Captain~!”

Lu Feng: “Mm.”


Brother Cai went to the mid-lane following their original plan. Little Ning was too slow at clearing the lane and needed his help. When it came to the bottom lane, Yue Wenle shouldn’t end up being abused while clearing the first round of lane soldiers.

Also, if the holy priest stayed in the mid-lane, then he could quickly provide support to the top-jungler zone. 


Wei Xiao was going into the other side’s jungle zone. He naturally had to start with the top-jungler zone.

With other teams, he could take Brother Cai with him and go wild, but when he was up against Old Bandit Yuan, he could only go to the top lane.

Other than the captain, no one else could help him. 


Wei Xiao dared to go, and Old G dared to wait for him.

Yuan Ze went to the top lane first. He wasn’t anyone else, and would never be afraid of Close.

He tested out the jungle zone vision and understood where he was going as soon as he looked. 


Yuan Ze: “Red buff bushes, be careful.”

Gary: “Got it!”

His voice had just fallen when a shadow flew over. It was the blood raven thief’s control skill: Kiss of the Blood Raven! 

Whoever it touched would be dazed for 0.5 seconds. Although the control duration wasn’t long, if there was a shadow thief with the shadow attack skill beside him, Gary would be sent away.


Fortunately, Gary had been prepared a long time ago and used shadow attack to mark the red buff. Using the movement provided by his general attack, he pulled away slightly.

Wei Xiao: “Tsk, he’s so slippery.” 

There were the expected bursts of exclamation in the scrolling comments. “It really is God G, he even avoided that!”

“How many people have been locked away by Little Lunatic Wei’s blood raven kiss? Gary’s worthy of being the world’s top jungler king.”


“Without mentioning his operations, even his consciousness is great. It’s as if he had vision.”

“Speaking of which, L&P’s crazy. They really didn’t put vision in the red buff bushes.” 

“They probably didn’t want to waste it and guessed early on that Wei Xiao would pass by…”

This was what the power of predicting one’s opponents was.


Wei Xiao had been constantly paying attention to the mini map. 

Gary could predict him, and he could also predict Old Bandit Yuan.

There was no doubt that the death knight would slide in from the rear; he had to be on guard.


At almost the same time, the death knight’s heavy blade swept across, aiming at the position where the blood raven thief was. 

Wei Xiao didn’t use a movement skill, but he had a speed bonus. He also avoided the death knight’s attack with almost no room to spare!

This first, brief scuffle didn’t benefit anyone.


Wei Xiao: “Withdraw?” 

Pestering them again would be a waste of time. Not to mention that the death knight was the daddy for all three thieves present in the early stages; pressing hard was meaningless.

Lu Feng made a sound of agreement. “Go.”


Wei Xiao had no movement skills and withdrew to the middle lane without looking back. Brother Cai came to pick him up, afraid that Yuan Ze and Old G would try to prevent him from leaving. 

Lu Feng went in a different direction from him. Instead of jumping down from the dragon pit, he hid all trace of himself before concealing himself in the second bush near the top lane.


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The audience saw it with god’s perspective and grew excited. “Holy shit, he lives up to being my great demon king!”

“Is he going to mess with Scum Man Yuan?” 

“Screw him! Screw him! Screw him to death!”

“Exciting, exciting! When old teammates meet, they should mutually stab each other.”


They watched as the shadow thief slunk into the bushes. He’d obviously judged the death knight’s position based on the direction of his skills and used the movement skill to stack marks on the jungle creep in order to defeat the death knight without another word. 

The director was very sneaky. He provided a small frame that showed a close-up of Yuan Ze––

He was staring at the screen, and a trace of suppression flashed in his eyes, followed by slightly raised thin lips and a series of quick operations.

They really started fighting!


A level one death knight and a level one shadow thief!

The heavy blade assault, the shadow blade backstab.

It was at most three seconds!

The shadow thief had the advantage of flexibility. Even if its DPS was lower than the death knight’s, as long as he could avoid the death knight’s heavy blade, he could reduce the damage taken to a minimum. Additionally, his backstab was continuous; stacking up small critical hits would be enough to hurt even the death knight who had a high starting defense. 


Commentator Brother Mouth had already started praising without paying any heed to politeness. “It’s a classic shadow thief against death knight routine! No, this is a tactic that the shadow thief uses against all kinds of talents who are strong in the early stages!”

He chattered on for a while. Eurostar-star smiled from the side even as his inner thoughts were full of snark. “Everyone can understand it, but who can f*cking do it?!”

When it came to this kind of micro-operation, even the slightest mistake could be the difference between heaven and earth, not to mention when one was up against Yuan Ze. An ordinary shadow thief would’ve died long ago, without any need to talk about exchanging blood! 


Yuan Ze was really familiar with Lu Feng. He’d been caught off guard by his rush into the bushes, but he soon accurately judged the origin of the shadow thief’s shadow attack. The heavy blade’s range wasn’t something that the shadow thief could avoid, and even if he did, then it meant he could no longer hurt the death knight.


Lu Feng stopped while things were still good for him. He made use of his lane soldiers to pull away and went back to his lane.


From the top jungle zone back to the top lane, the shadow thief had never taken any regular steps. Even so, this path was extremely smooth and had maximized his farm. Other than Close, who else could do such a thing as smoothly as floating clouds and flowing water?

The audience felt satisfied just from watching it, and the directors often panned the camera to the top lane so that everyone could see the top lane daddies’ Imperial PK!


FTW’s invasion into the opposite side’s jungle hadn’t been a failure. They tested things out and interfered, while holding onto their own jungle zone. 

After returning to his blue jungle zone, Wei Xiao started up his rapid jungle clearing mode.


Gary’s shadow thief and Wei Xiao’s blood thief were both high DPS thieves. They cleared their jungles at amazing speeds.

The director split the display, showing that both sides’ rhythm was similar. Obviously, the skills they used weren’t the same, and their damage ratio was different, yet they still managed to brush out a similar rhythm. 

Commentator Brother Mouth pointed out accurately. “The gap between them is less than a second!”

This kind of speed, this race against time. What they were fighting for was the power to gank first!


Everyone understood this, and they all watched on wondering which lane the fighting would break out in first. They were even more curious about whether or not the two sides would choose to provide support in the same lane. 


The team chat channel wasn’t idle as they efficiently cleared out their jungles.

Brother Cai: “Why do I feel that it’s safer to go to the mid-lane?”

Wei Xiao: “Go to the top lane.” 

Brother Cai: “Can Little Ning hold on? Once you show up at the top lane, V will definitely hammer him until he explodes.”

Ning Zhehan was working hard to clear his lane. “I feel that I can do it!”


Wei Xiao: “Did you hear that? Brother Ning can really do it.”

Brother Cai: “……” 

Are you f*cking unable to talk without adding some color!”


L&P had never been afraid of getting predicted by others. They were practically broadcasting this statement to the whole world: “In the first wave, Old G will definitely go to the top lane.”

They weren’t afraid of telling you and almost wished they could shout it out using a loudspeaker. 

Come on, come to the top lane.

If you don’t come, then we’ll kill your top laner; if you do come, then we’ll kill you both.

Overall, they never tried to hide. Their actions were simple and rough, aimed at just forcing you to fight!


Wei Xiao understood them well, and he really trusted his captain, but…

He wanted to go answer the call to fight!

He wanted to dampen L&P’s arrogance right from the start.

Teams from all around the world are afraid of you, but we aren’t afraid! 


Was double shadow really badass?

Double thief was even stronger!

Wei Xiao wasn’t afraid of Gary, and Close wasn’t afraid of Yuan Ze. 

It was time for the title of the strongest top-jungler combo to change!


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