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Lucien watched two Red Demonised Orc glaring at each other for some time. Suddenly both of them gripped their wepons, one had some short one-handed axe and another had wooden club with iron spikes. Both orc slashed at the same times as their weapon created sparks in the air.

This was Lucien's opportunity. He rushed at one Red Demonised Orc from his back and slashed at hi spinal cord, swiftly severing his head. Another orc was stunned and angered by sudden attack by the third party and roared in anger.

Lucien then jumped into air and perfromed strong kick from the air at arm of orc which was still roaring. Just one kick was enough for orc's arm to broke and orc fell on the ground, where Lucien quickly slashed his throat. Then he stored both corpses in his Cross Crest and run away from the place.

Now he had now seven corpses of Red Demonised Orcs in his dimensional storage Cross Crest, waiting for refining by Blood-Essence Sacred Refining Furnace.


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Lucien returned to his cave, where he immediately shut down entrance with usage of his telekinesis ability, before taking out Blood-Essence Sacred Refining Furnace. He put there every one corpse of Red Demonised Orc and started process.

Now the process was more violent, than ever before. This was because Lucien was refining all seven corpses together and not separetely. His Blood-Essence Sacred Refining Furnace not even Baron Ranked artifact. It still needed time for its growth cause this was so-called growth type artifact. Lucien of course didn't knew this cause he never examined this furnace with Akashic Records.

The Blood-Essence Sacred Refining Furnace was shining in bright red as azure inscriptions were glowing intense bloody light and entire furnace was shaking. Lucien was watching this process with scared expression, that his beloved furnace might explode or something similar.

Fortunately after twenty minutes Blood-Essence Sacred Refining Furnace stopped shaking and everything went smoothly. Lucien then opened furnace and took out blood essence which was freshly refined by furnace. It was rather big and still warm.

He gulped it in one go and let his RC Cells to devour it. His RC Level increased by another 200 points or so. Lucien hoped that he would be able to reach Baron Rank before he would leave for Tokyo. If he reached Baron Rank, then in Tokyo he would have much easier time fighting against Washuu Clan. Another thing was that if he reached Baron Rank, Royal Guard won't probably came with him so he will have more freedom.

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For more than month Lucien has wandered through entire valley full of demons. He killed too many of them and devoured refined blood essences which already lost their meaning. Now he only eated them as source of food. They could satisfy hunger at least, but his RC Level would increase only by a few points. Nowdays he needed blood essences from creatures at least strong as Red Demonised Orc.

Lucien already reached required kill quota but still remained in this place. He wanted to look at the rumored spatial rift which was leading to the Hell and obtain more blood essences. Even though they may not be able to help him, but to some weaker Sacred Devourer Ghouls they were priceless. Because their race was once driven to edge of extinction by wars in the past they were extremely coherent as some kind of one big family.

Constant threat of demons on Blood Island and fights against demon made all members of this race very overprotective over each other. Aeon House was something akin to royal house and was responsible with protection of entire race and was wall against all enemies threating the race. Because their population was always so low, they live close all the time since comming to the Blood Island. Even now, when childbirth wasn't big problem and rate increased this still hasn't changed.

In regards of overwritting record Lucien knew it couldn't be done entirely and only partly. If not their race could even higher childbirth rate. He knew that it would take many many years to reach population in thousands. Another minus in this records overwritting was that after birth of the first child it was much harder to have another. This was result of part overwritten record. But based on his knowledge of Akashic Records, some thing couldn't be fully overweritten.

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Lucien now wandered through valley as usual when he all at once saw something weird. He saw a new demon, which he never had seen before. It was flying in air. It was small demon, around one meter in a high with one pair of wings bigger than himself. It had dark red skin, shining blue-green eyes and two large horn on its head. It was Imp. Lucien quickly scanned it through Akashic Records manually to see its records.

'Dammed thing. If I had A.I. I wouldn't need waste my time like this.' He curse in his mind before viewing record of the Imp.


Imp (Baron Rank)

One of inferior demon species in Hell. It has very low combat strength, but its capable of flight and has high intelligence. It very cunning and cowardly. When it found out that it can't beat enemy it woudl ran away or ran away and return with reinforcements.

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Lucien looked at record and started if he shoul engage or not. It was common knowledge that imps were one of weakest races among demon race, but they were highly intelligent and very cunning. If he didn't manage to kill it at one hit there could be troubles. It could bring entire horde of other imps.

Lucien now knew what was imp doing here as he was observing it for a while. He killed too many Claw Demons and Red Demonised Orcs in this valley and it lured here stronger demons to inspect this place. Fortunately this was only one baron ranked demon and there weren't any more.

His dream of seeing that spatial rift now dissappeared to void as he knew that it was impossible. He wasn't even on deepest part of entire underground complex and there was already baron ranked demon. Now he understood the danger of demons and was afraid. What would happen if suddenly many of these creatures would want venture to the Blood Island. Hopefully none of them would be of Viscount rank or they would be in deep troble.

Lucien decided it would be better to not attack the imp and escaped at his highest speed. But as he was running away he didn't notice that imp was already glaring at him.

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