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This kind of thing was rather unusual. That ghoul was greeting them in such manner. To Lucien this was however his tradition and manners. After he performed his greeting all five ghoul investigators were looking at him with wary eyes. But none of them was taking the first move.

"Nobody? So forgive my rudeness."

Lucien apologised for his act of bullying "children" and started. Firstly his kakugan turned on and two bright red irises and dark black sclera was shining through his holes on mask. Secondly his kagune tails materialised and started attacking. This was just probing attack because he wasn't sure if some really strong ghoul investigator wasn't present.

This world was different form the main timeline so there existed possibility that Commission of Counter Ghoul kept some of strong ghoul investigators in secret. As his attack was nearing them almost all of them already unleashed thei quinque and started to somehow defend.

Only one of them was very unlucky as he was sliced into two by one of Lucien's tails. Whe Lucien saw that he knew that this was just bunch of amaters. Probably some Rank 2 or Rank 1 ghoul investigators without real combat experience. Only two of them still kept their calm and composture. They were probably First-Class Ghoul Investigators, from what Lucien saw. They could dodge his attacks and block them with quinque but both of them were injured. Lucien focused his attack only at them cause others were weaker than ants.

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Both of them were middle-aged men and were holding some serial quinque. That quinque looked like mediaval sword, but not japanese katana but rather european one-handed sword. It was clearly bikaku quinque.

Lucien shot another attack at one of investigators with his tail. Other two low-ranked investigators were hiding behind their backs cause they can't do anything besides running away or getting themselves killed. As kagune tail came to direct contact with quinque, that quinque shattered in tiny pieces and that ghoul investigator had look of shock on his face. It was rather rare for quinque to be destroyed. More to say to be destroyed after two exchanges.

As he was wondering and spacing out about what happened another red tail already appeared before him and his life was taken away. Second middle-aged ghoul investigator looked at this with face full of horror, knowing that this day was his last one. But he still held his pride as ghoul investigator and gripped and quinque tightly and rushed at Lucien with madness clearly written on his face.

Lucien just chuckled seeing this and jumped into air, appearing right behind ghoul investigator and his kagune tails already ripped his entire body to shreds. Only what remained here were two five quinques. Three from killed ghoul investigators and other two were left here by those two low-ranked ghoul investigators who ran away. Lucien looked at them running away in distance and let them go. Then he stored everything here to his Cross Crest. Quinques could be used as material for growth of his Blood-Essence Sacred Refining Furnace and bodies could be refined to blood essences.

Itori then appeared from shadows and looked at Lucien with expression of fan-girl. It was expression of admiration for strong. She already knew that Lucien had something like dimensional storage but she didn't asked much. She told him that she was member of Clown for exchange. They were exchanging information and secrets about each other, to build trust. Of course this was at the start.

"You have finished it quickly and I wanted to play too."

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Pouted Itori as she pointed in way where two ghoul investigators escaped. She was a little dissatified that she couldn't play too with little doves. Ghoul investigators under Associate Special Class were only toys to strong ghouls. Maybe some strong First-Class investigators with strong quique could fight those stronger time but only stall for time, that's all.

"Yes, If I have prolonged maybe even more and stroger doves would fly here."

Stated Lucien this fact. Most ghouls in any country would try to finish fight as soon as possible cause long fights could lure many enemies over. Be it local forces of organs meant to deal with ghouls or some other ghouls.

"Now we could continue our date. Where are we going dine?"

Asked Itori with curious expression. Whe she heard for the first time that she would be eating with him she was rather confused. Because Lucien mentioned something that always remained in her head whe she asked him about where he was getting food from. To this he only said: " Why would I eat those inferior species? We of the Aeon House eat something wich could benefit us not human meat."

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"We are going to 21st Ward, there is my estate located. But don't worry my mercenaries would pick us up."

Lucien already sent message to the Darkwalker to arrange covoy to pick them up. He wanted to make a good impression to he ordered him to bring additional bodyguards. Only for info now Lucien had over thirty bodyguards guarding his place. It was because estate was rather big and he wanted to have covered entire place with mercenaries and not with usage of cameras.

Itori already knew that he hired entire bunch of ghoul mercenaries to protect his estate from potential attack from Washuu Clan and their dogs. It wasn't so weird considering other thing and mysteries about him.

Soon convoy of three cars appeared before them. All of them were black Hummers. Two Hummers H3 and one Hummer limousine. Because place of meeting was one abandoned factory there weren't many people around who would be watching. Several bodyguards already greeted Lucien and Itori. Both of them went inside limousine and then to the estate.


1st Ward, Commssion of Counter Ghoul Main Office

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In office of chairman of was meeting of three people. One of them was naturally Washuu Tsuneyoshi, sitting behind his wooden table and looking two other men. One of them was his son Washuu Yoshitoki and last one was his grandson Washuu Matsuri.

Washuu Matsuri had short black hair and weared a pair of glasses. In his nature he was more close to his grandfater than father. Extremely logical and cold nature, priorized successful results over the potential cost.

"Who gave that order?"

When both Yoshitoki and Matsuri heard that, chill spinned their backs. They clearly had order to not engage that person from Aeon House but somebody already ordered to investigate him. Chairman Oni Tsune was furious about this fact. He didn't tolerate any kind of disobedience.

"We don't know. It's highly possible that First-Class Investigators Hasada's acted on their own. But we managed to gain description about battle attire and mask of that Aeon from those Rank 2 Investigators who escaped."

Said Yoshitoki with grim expression. Matsuri was listening to this and analyzing every detail. After short though Matsuri came with some question and classifiaction. They needed to rate Aeon and gave him some nickname to be "famous" among investigators. When ghoul has good nickname its easier to memorise him.

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