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But what shocked Lucien the most was the next topic, that his father talked about. He almost got a heart attack.

"With Tepes House agreement, we have decided to construct an actual Empire, when we leave this plane. Creating some kind of state would help us expend influence and also rule over some territory easier. With countless Magitek Infantry soldiers that would be produced, we don't even need that many manpower to cover vast areas. We just need to produce more and more Magitek Infantry soldier and various airships and dreadnoughts."

Explained Asmodeus. This was rather shocking news to Lucien, but he was rather happy about it. It would be beneficial to the Aeon House greatly, as it would be easier to create and extend influence. After some small pause, Asmodeus continued in his talk.

"We have an agreement with the Tepes House, that we Aeon House would be ruling Imperial Family and have all power, with Tepes House supporting us. This isn't that surprising as those greedy vampires only care about magic and technology. They want to have full access to all information on magic, energies, cultivation, and everything. Fortunately they never really cared about ruling land, as it was already seen on the Blood Island."

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Technically was Blood Island shared between Aeon House and Tepes House equally. In reality, Sacred Devourer Ghouls controlled the entire island, as Vampires were locked in their magic towers and researching god knows what. They only came out only in three situations. The first one was a lack of blood and blood essences. The second one was lack of research material and the third one was a grave situation when some powerful demons appeared. And in some cases, the fourth reason was lust, but this was only in case of younger vampires, only males. Even Lucien's friend Dante had already three wives or so.

"This isn't so bad situation. They would develop us more powerful weapons and magitek, and in return, they would get more and more magic and technologies to research. Hopefully, some would join the army, as they are also powerful combatants."

Said Lucien. He knew even though most of them enjoyed locking themselves in magic towers and researching everything that caught their interest, some of them would be able to join the army. Their skills in the field of blood control and magic were unparalleled and were useful in large scaled battles.

"Don't worry about that. Probably most of younger vampires who couldn't spend years in seclusion would join the army for sure. And also many older ones too, as the new world would be full of opportunities and actually I forgot to say one more very important thing."

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Said Asmodeus with a serious voice. He knew that younger ones wouldn't be able to hold back and just sit inside their magic towers or magic towers of their seniors and researching magic. They too were a battle race but they rather calmed down and focused more on the research of magic and blood control.


"The creation of the new empire is already going on. Soon everything would be done and also the creation of new laws, army, and other important things are almost finished. With this, we could increase the efficiency of cleaning the underground world under Blood Island and also increase the killing rate fo the demons that came to the Blood Island."

This was certainly the truth, as the unified army would greatly speed up the process of killing demons and many other operations. You must know that co-operation between the two armies and creating one united were two different things.

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"Do you already have a name for the empire?"

Asked Lucien his father. He felt that they were progressing at a very fast rate. He was truly happy, cause when they created an Empire, his father would be the Imperial Emperor and he would be the Imperial Crown Prince. It sounded cool and very majestical that he could introduce himself as Imperial Crown Prince Lucien Etras di Aeon of XXX empire.

"Niflheim also called Niflheimr it's a location in Norse Mythology meaning Mist World. In Norse Mythology, Story of Gylfaginning, Odin explains that creation began when the ice of Niflheimr met the flames of Muspelheim. Also as Imperial Flag would be two dragons, one white and one black, facing each other. As Chinese dragons traditionally symbolize potent, dominant and auspicious powers, many rulers use dragons as the symbol of their power. This would show the dominance and power of the Holy Niflheim Empire."

Said Asmodeus with a proud expression. Lucien also liked the name of the newly-created little empire with few hundreds of residents. Holy Niflheim Empire sounded imposing and majestical enough for just name to scare some weaker enemies.

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"Father I think that the best way for us in the God-Devil Plane would be behaving just like an ensiferas. We could go from planet to planet. Taking all of their minerals, energy sources and use their population for our uses. The God-Devil Plane is somewhat separated from the rest of the multiverse and living there would be contra productive for our future development. We could just exhaust resources of the plane before moving to the more suitable place four our kind."

Asmodeus nodded as what Lucien said was certainly true. The moment they entered the God-Devil Plane and spent there hundred or two hundred years, their strength would exponentially increase and they would be able to gain a foothold in the multiverse. But the God-Devil Plane was separated from the rest of the multiverse, and that could be very bad to the Holy Niflheim Empire in the future. Additionally, he was very happy about Lucien's proposal about strategy when they entered the God-Devil Plane. Being like an ensiferas, going from planet to planet after exhausting their resources was a good strategy. With that, they could build an astonishing amount of the Magitek Infantry soldiers and various airships and dreadnoughts.

"This is a good strategy that we would implement. When we spent in that plane, sufficient time, our strength would reach a terrifying level and we could gain a stable foothold in the multiverse, without living in the place which is separated from the rest of the multiverse."

Agreed Asmodeus with his son. Then Lucien started explaining some things an agreement between him and Administrator of Life and Death of the Akashic Records, Kelemvor. He told his father, that he must obtain an item called the God-Devil System and deliver it to the Administrator Kelemvor. Then they should be able to leave that plane for some other place. Lucien already told him that he would ask Administrator Kelemvor for a suitable place for their race to live. And of course, we couldn't forget the God-Devil System itself. Even though it would lose the ability of the creation and other abilities, the most important for Lucien was the most supreme Artificial Intelligence Light. Lucien knew that once the God-Devil System lost the ability of the creation and those others, then Artificial Intelligence would be even stronger because of special reason.

It would be wonderful to have such overpowered artificial intelligence helping them in managing the empire and researching the Magitek. As the God-Devil System is a soul-bound artifact, Lucien would be able to see everything in the Holy Niflheim Empire and also his family would gain much more power.

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