God Of Slaughter

Chapter 236

Chapter 236 - Absorption

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In the middle of the desert, the devilish power from the Gigantic Sword spread out everywhere, like strong waves crashing towards Pan Zhe and others.


The Sun Flame of the Sun Refined Spirits that flew out from the sword also got more powerful.


A bunch of burning flame from inside the Sun Refined Spirits flew out, its color was the same with the red sky. It made this burning desert even uncomfortably hotter.


Cao Zhi Lan, Pan Zhe, Gu Ling Long, Qu Although Yan Qing were outstanding talents of a new generation from the Endless Sea, they now looked really miserable. While running far away from the Sun Refined, they wished that they hadn’t come here.


Far from there, the other followers, who had not dared to come close to the Sun Refined Spirits, saw burning flame covering all of the sky as well as the drastic atmosphere was everywhere. They felt frightened to come any closer but still wanted to know what was going on over there.


With their curiosity, they could not help but move gradually over that place.


After only a few steps, they immediately saw Cao Zhi Lan quickly coming with a serious face.


“Run Now!” Cao Zhi Lan’s face darkened, quietly shouted without saying anything more, quickly crossed over these fellows and continued running forward.


Three guys, Pan Zhe, Gu Ling Long, Qu Yan Qing lagged behind. When they met other warriors who were under their command, they also shouted to ask them to leave this place, no one was allowed to stay.


The warriors did not know what was happening, but seeing their leaders grimace like this, they did not try to think any further, following Pan Zhe and the others as fast as they could.


Close to the Sun Refined Spirits.


A bunch of sun burning flame quickly flew out, covering the sky like a heavy fire cloud.


The red Gigantic Sword hovered in the air. There was a wicked spirit in the sky. The blinking red eye on the Gigantic Sword discharged a bizarre red light.

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At this moment, the blinking red eye on the Gigantic Sword was staring at one direction.


Under the Gigantic Sword, Shi Yan’s eyes were really red, his mind was not clear. He raised his head up looking at the Gigantic Sword which was two-meter-long, half a meter wide, his eyes were now a little delirious.


Plus, the Blood Vein Ring on his finger also turned into a strong bloody red light, which totally matched with the red light on the Gigantic Sword’s handle.


The bloody red light exploded from the inside of the Blood Vein Ring, the power of Ice Cold Flame was confined completely.


Shi Yan’s face was confused; he seemed not to know what had happened. Following his instinct, he lifted the bloody vein ring on his finger.


There was a strange light plunging out from the blood vein ring. The bloody red light was beautiful, the whole sky looked like as if it was dyed with blood.


At the same time, the negative feelings inside Shi Yan suddenly rolled into the blood vein ring impetuously. After that, a powerful spirit emerged.


The red Gigantic Sword became a sparkling light, then flew straight into the Blood Vein Ring. In a moment, it disappeared inside the blood vein ring without a trace.


Shi Yan’s ignorant mind suddenly became vigilant.


Different negative feelings that was messing with his mind disappeared in a blink of an eye. The Sun power from the Sun Refined Spirits continued burning and torrentially rolling in his heart, which made his heart sparkling as if there were thousands of stars. A flow of burning flame was burning up.


His body seemed to be burnt, being extremely painful. The icy power of The Ice Cold Flame was like a cold-water stream comforting his body, easing off his pain just a little bit.


More than one thousand meters away from the Sun Refined Spirits, even though he was standing in the middle of the desert, he still possibly felt the Sun Refined Spirits stronger than before.


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Turning and looking at the Sun Refined Spirits over there, Shi Yan clearly realized that after the transformation in a short time, the dazzling burning sunlight of the Sun Refined Spirits from the center of the Sun was also gradually getting weaker.


The Sun power and the Sun flame inside the Sun Refined Spirits being consumed by him and the earth flame dried up quickly. In such a short time, they were already drained more than half.


The big meteorite discharging the sunlight was not dazzling anymore.


Shi Yan knitted his brows, in a few seconds, he did not know what had been happening.


However, he still remembered vaguely there seemed to have people approaching here; and he had been chasing someone from the Sun Refined Spirits…


After hesitating a little bit, he used his sense to search around to see if there was any living trace.


One, two, three…


In his sea of consciousness, he could sense that there were more than ten warriors, who were only two miles away from him, leaving here as fast as they could.


Shi Yan was surprised.

He was astonished for a moment as he did not know why those people avoided him. He did not have the intention to chase them either. After being deep in thoughts, he turned around and ran towards the Sun Refined Spirits.


“Why are we running away?” After running for a while, Gu Ling Long suddenly stopped, turned her head to the red sky behind her, frowned and said, “It’s only Shi Yan, do we really need to run?”



Cao Zhi Lan shook her head, said, “Shi Yan? That we are running away is not because of Shi Yan, it is because of the appearance of that Gigantic Sword, it is what we are really escaping from”


“That Gigantic Sword …”. Gu Ling Long did not seem to understand. Her uncharming small face bowed. “The moment that the Gigantic Sword appeared, my god swords transmitted a very strong warning, urging me to leave. Is the Gigantic Sword really that dangerous?”


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“After all, it’s hard to say how dangerous it really is.” Cao Zhi Lan seriously said, “But, it is easy for that Gigantic Sword to kill us all. Its devilish power alone, can even destroy our souls entirely.”


Everyone was shocked with their eyes and mouths wide open.


“That dangerous?” Pan Zhe clicked his tongue quietly. “If so, that Gigantic Sword is really a Sacred Level Secret Treasure.


“At least, it is a Sacred Level Secret!” Qu Yan Qing also nodded her head. “The devilish spirit of that Gigantic Sword is really frightening. From a far distance, I almost lost my mind while I was running away. If I did not have the treasure from my fellow warriors, I would have died there. The eye on the Gigantic sword has a fascinating power indeed. It also has a malignant life”


The faces of Pan Zhe’s warriors slightly changed.


Qu Yan Qing’s words recalled the eye on the Gigantic Sword. The eye in the sky was emitting bloody red lights like a bunch of demons. It made the warriors feel extremely nauseous and dangerous. The future masters of the Endless Sea were really terrified, they simply did not dare to fight back.


“What should we do now?” Gu Ling Long asked, “Shi Yan is clearly over there. We can’t come any closer to him and we do not know to whom does the gigantic sword belongs to. Do you think if there is anybody else in this place?”


“I will temporarily use my Martial Spirit to see if the burning sun power is still there or not. If there isn’t any more danger, we can go there. Shi Yan cannot frighten us. If he is still surviving by that time, then he is surely not our opponent”, Cao Zhi Lan assured her fellow warriors.


Everyone bowed their heads.


Many strange lights flared up in Shi Yan’s eyes. He then walked to the Sun Refined Spirits with full of surprise.


“Inside this ring, how come a gigantic sword appears? Is it surely a real physical object? How can the ring hold this evil thing?” The sense of the Ice Cold Flame from the Blood Vein Ring came up. “I have taken a look at this ring, logically it cannot contain any objects, how could it contain this sword?”


“I think this sword has something that is related to my ring”, Shi Yan said.


“Why do you say that?” The Ice Cold Flame asking confusingly.


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“I don’t know the reason, I hazily assumed it. The air from the Blood Vein Ring and this sword are very similar. Especially the strange bloody symbols on the hilt are very similar to the one on the ring. Maybe the ring and that sword had been created by the same person.”

Shi Yan soothed the Blood Vein Ring with a strange face.


After he sent his power into the Blood Vein Ring, he clearly saw an open space inside of it. The sword hilt was strangely, silently hovering without any energy.


The violent and devilish spirit on the gigantic sword had disappeared, nothing was left of it.


After relaxing his mind, Shi Yan tried to sense the power in this sword but he got nothing. He could not find anything in the sword whenever he tried to connect with it.


If he had not seen the strange power emanating from the sword, he would have had felt that it was just an ordinary sword, nothing could be this miraculous.


It was hard to connect with the gigantic sword as well as to feel any fluctuating spirit. This gigantic sword seemed to go into the Blood Vein Ring and withdrew all of its dazzling lights. As a result, it turned from a god sword into an ordinary sword, losing its terrifying strength and power.




Inside of the Sun Refined Spirits emerged a strange squeak.


Shi Yan suddenly stopped, observed the Sun Refined Spirits from about ten meters away, and sensed the sun power inside of the Sun Refined Spirits.


The sun power rolling inside of the Sun Refined Spirits was discharged and went straight into his heart.


After a big landslide transformation, his body seemed to gradually adapt with the heating sun power.


As the sun power poured into his body, his body neither generated any sun flame nor was burned by the sun flame anymore.


It seemed that his body had been reformed and amended to be able to adapt with the sun flame, got along well with The Star Martial Spirit.

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