God Of Slaughter

Chapter 245

Chapter 245 - He is very special

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“Roam roam”


Outside the Giant Stone Ancient City, in a thick immense forest, the growls of the sound beasts resounded regularly.


A bunch of the Demonic Sound Clan’s people  complacently stayed inside of the city, and did not dare to go out because they were afraid of being attacked by the beasts outside.


In the past few days, the sound beasts in the Sound Beast Mountain all ran out of the mountain because the control style had been weakened, which messed up everything around it.


Among the sound beasts, there were even demon children at the sixth or seventh level.


The Demon children could have been said to be the natural enemy of the Demonic Sound Clan. The Demon child’s existence threatened each member of the Demonic Sound Clan to the max, once hearing the bitter cry of the demon child, they felt frightened out of their wits immediately.


In the Giant Stone Ancient city, on the old dark gray lava rock wall, there were full of drawings of different beasts. Each radiant stone was encrusted into the wall, which emitted sparkling lights.

This big city was covered by a powerful energy, this flow of energy always existed, just like big powerful waves that strongly affected the sound beasts.


The control style’s shelter covered the ancient city, and prevented all the sound beasts’ to come in from the outside. The sound beasts only stayed outside howling, and did not dare to invade the ancient city.


On the wall of the ancient city.


Yi Tian Mo was wearing a blue tunic while standing straight. His face was thoughtful while looking out far away, together with the other two leaders Ya Meng, and Ka Ba of the Demonic Sound Clan.

Yi Cui Bi and Ya Ji were behind the three leaders. Yi Tian Mo, Ya Meng, and Ka Ba, they also looked out seriously.


Outside the city, the sound beast’s growls and shrieks resounded nonstop, dark yin hovered about without dispersing. All kinds of sound beasts surrounded the ancient city seemingly awaiting for something.


The three leaders standing on top of the castle frowned and discussed in a low tone, they did not seem optimistic.


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“Cui Bi, where is the human warrior you have captured?” Ya Ji, who was holding some green pearls, stolidly asked.


Inside those pearls, there were light moving souls, the pearls collided with one another in his hand, and often flashed out a little of the strange soul energy.


“How is this related to you?” Yi Cui Bi knitted her brows slightly, she did not want to answer him, turned back glancing at another girl nearby, and asked, “Xue Fei, your father is very familiar with the sound beast mountain, your people often go to sound beast mountain. Do you know why the control style of the sound beast mountain has been weakened?”


Xue Fei is the sole daughter of the leader Ka Ba, with glowing snow-white skin, picturesque eyelashes, deep eyes, who was also an exceptional pretty girl of Demonic Sound Clan.


“I don’t know. The control style keeps getting weaker incomprehensibly. This time it is really strange. Many of the demon children have gotten out of the sound beast mountain, but they still have lingered here without dispersing, eventually what do they finally want to do?” Xue Fei shook her head, indicating that she did not know.


“Cui Bi, that human warrior is a little dangerous. You should exchange him to me”. The pearls in Ya Ji’s hand collided constantly, the soul energy circulated inside of the pearls.


“These Yin God Pearls have been refined from those warriors’ souls by a secret method. They are very useful for our soul cultivation. If you give him to me, these Yin God pearls are yours.”


“Ya Ji, since when did you become so generous?” Xue Fei was curious, opened her eyes and asked surprisingly? “Just because of one human warrior, you can exchange these pearls. Is he very special?”


“Warriors who I have captured came here to deal with that guy. Unexpectedly, he is not scared. He seems to have some secrets, humph, I think he is special.”


Xue Fei noticed that Cui Bi did not want to exchange. She guessed Cui Bi might also know something special about Shi Yan, she wanted to clarify more. “Is it so Cui Bi? You have captured him for long, you should have realized something special about him?”


“There is nothing to discover” Yi Cui Bi coldly said.


Ya Ji smiled, obviously not believing her. “Lets do this, you come to my place, and I can let you choose five human warriors. I will use those five warriors to exchange for that guy. What do you think?”


“Ya Ji, you are so annoying.” Yi Cui Bi’s face was uncomfortable.


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Ya Ji coldly snorted, his eyes became frigid, clearly unhappy.


“Roam roam”


At this moment, the Sound beasts’ crazy howls resounded from far deep inside of the forest outside the ancient city.


“Swoosh swoosh”


A birdman with five or six-meter long gray wings being attacked by the sound beasts flapped his wings shrieking and tried to fly away.


The sound beasts surrounding aggressively attacked, but the elder of Gray Wings Clan was not frightened, his body projected dazzling wind blades, which the sound beasts had to ward off.


Under the pressure of sound beasts, this elder of Gray Wings Clan still dared to enter the ancient city of Demonic Sound Clan, walking arrogantly.


The control style’s shelter on ancient city’s walls of Demonic Sound Clan shrank strangely when his figure appeared, and it let him enter the ancient city freely.


“Duo Long-ge [1], what brings you here?” Ya Meng’ head was full of white hair, and held his head up to the sky laughing, clasping his hands towards the Gray Wings Clan’s master in a distance. “We are discussing if we should visit the Gray Wings Clan, unexpectedly Duo Long-ge already came here first, that is very good.”


Yi Tian Mo’s ashy gray eyes flashed up worried, secretly glanced at Yi Cui Bi, signaling her.


Yi Cui Bi was talking to Ya Ji, Xue Fei, suddenly her eyes changed strangely, nodded her head slightly without letting anyone notice, and spoke to Xue Fei and Ya Ji, “I have something to do, I should go now.”


Upon her words, without waiting for Ya Ji’s and Xue Fei’s reaction, her subtle body gently swayed and disappeared in a blink.


The master of the Gray Wings Clan – Duo Long’s eyes was murderous, stared at Ya Meng, Yi Tian Mo,  and Ka Ba shouting, “I’ve heard that you have captured some human beings?”


“That’s right” Ya Meng’s face looked astonished. “Previously, some human beings appeared in the forest near here without any known reasons. They have been captured and confined. Why do Duo Long-ge also pay attention to these human beings? Why, does your Gray Wings Clan also want to use humankind’s soul to cultivate something?”

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“Bring out all those warriors here, I want to look for someone.” Duo Long’s eyes were like a ferocious poisonous snake, extremely malignant. “Han Long my son, has been killed by a human being. I want to crush his bones into ashes, and make him suffer painful tortures of all sorts”


“What!” Ya Meng, Ka Ba, and Yi Tian Mo could not help yelling, their faces were extremely frightened.


“Ok, I know what to do.” Ya Meng nodded his head, understood that this was important, turned to Ya Ji, said, “Bring all human warriors here.”

Ya Ji bent his body leaving quickly.


“Yi Tian Mo, I have heard that you’ve also captured one human warrior. Should you also…?”. Ya Meng looked at Yi Tian Mo


“Yi Feng, you go back and bring that human out here.” Yi Tian Mo did not say too much, looked towards the guy not far from him, commanded. Yi Feng also quickly left.


“Duo Long-ge, does the Gray Wings Clan area over there also have sound beasts everywhere?” Ka Ba suddenly asked.


“Only your area is serious. The sound beasts’ levels are very low in our area, easily for it to be wiped out.” Duo Long’s face was cold, it seemed he did not want to talk about anything before taking his revenge.


Ka Ba wanted to ask something, but seeing his cold face, he smirked and stopped asking.


Ya Meng and Yi Tian Mo did not say anything more, and waited silently with strange faces.


Not long after.


Ya Ji and other guys of the Demonic Sound Clan used some beasts to pull along the big cage with Cao Zhi Lan, Pan Zhe and the others inside of it.


Cao Zhi Lan, Gu Ling Long, Pan Zhe, and Qi Yang Qing sat at a corner of the cage, their faces changed constantly, quietly observing the Demonic Sound Clan and Duo Long of the Gray Wings Clan, worrying.


In these past few days, their men had been taken away one by one and disappeared completely.

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They also understood Ya Ji’s people had already killed those men who had been taken away. Although Cao Zhi Lan did not dare to use her Spiritual Martial soul, she still vaguely knew those men’s souls had been extracted from their bodies, refined into a special cultivation medicine for the Demonic Sound Clan.


After Cao Zhi Lan released her discovery, all others were full of despair, started to regret entering the Chasm Battlefield to kill Ying Mu, Shi Yan, not letting it go, everything…


Duo Long’s eyes were resentful, he cast his eyes over and over, shaking his head nonstop.


A deep blue-green crystal orb suddenly emerged in Duo Long’s palm, Duo Long slightly flipped his hand, each green light circle irradiated from the crystal ball.


In the middle of green lights, Shi Yan’s appearance like an illusion upside down in the water gradually appeared.


“Shi Yan”, Cao Zhi Lan, Pan Zhe, Gu Ling Long, and Qu Yan Qing, those who were kept inside of the cage, had fear in their eyes and shaken spirits, immediately knowing who Duo Long was looking for, the one who put them into this desperate situation.


“That’s him!” Ya Ji also shouted.


“Who?” Duo Long clenched his teeth.


“The guy who has been captured by Cui Bi, I used to meet him before”. Facing Duo Long’s cold eyes, Ya Ji did not dare to lie, and quickly said, “He is a little special, those people who I have captured came to this place because they were pursuing him. Many people united still could not kill him.”


“Yi Tian Mo” Duo Long’s body suddenly projected very sharp energy, he shouted and screamed out angrily. “Hurry and bring that guy to me!”


In Yi Tian Mo’s ashy gray eyes, each ashy gray line emerged clearer, a strange flow of soul exploded in his head in a sudden, profound Qi quickly gathered in his body running rapidly through his veins, he was ready to deal with Duo Long.


“I have already told Yi Feng to bring him out.” Yi Tien Mo took precautions, his face was cold, and said, “He would be brought here in no time, Duo Long, you should not be too agitated.”


“Ok, I hope your man can bring that guy here, otherwise, don’t blame me for not having mercy.” Duo Long’s eyes were wide open, he slowly nodded his head.

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