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1 week before

"Shenli unnie, why do we go back to the Shelter" Lee Tae Soon and Kang Su rin asked ", we will take care of some bastards, and go explore"Shenli replied, "Unnie,Who will you take care " han yu ri asked.

"You just practice, take Annisa too, train him as a Helper, I'm sure you can, practice for 1 month, quickly enter" then they all come in, Shenli who just stands outside, wears a kaneki mask, walks around for information.

After walking around, Shenli found a Stand that sold information, she went to that place, after entering, she saw a 30-year-old man, sitting, closed his eyes, "umm, excuse me, can you give me information, the man who committed crime",

hearing Shenli's voice, the man opened his eyes, "Mention your name first, because you wear a mask, just use a pseudonym",

"Call me Lord Ackerman, I will pay for information, whatever the price", the man just smiled and said "what is the price what you offer me for each individual,

"Shenli just said in a tone of indifference " 10 GM ",

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"It was too small, and the information I had was only 2456 people who committed serious crimes",

Shenli then thought for a moment and said "I will pay 100 for 1 person, but those who committed serious crimes, killed innocent people, and raped women "

"Those people are no more than 1700, and prepare the money, I agree", they then make a transaction, "I'm curious, how do you know everything, just calm down I'll pay for it,"

"1,000,000 for that," then Shenli paid for it

"To be honest I get a tool, called God Eye, this tool can collect data, and know what people are doing, this is a terrible tool, but this is my financial source," the man stupidly said, what he had.

"Hmmm, if you don't mind, I'll buy 100,000,000. GM, I advise you, to sell it to me, you won't be able to protect it, "

"Take it easy I can hide in the shelter", "you will only be dragged out, if only dwelling/hide in shelter", the person knows what will happen to him, and he prepares a plan.

"I will hide in the portal, even though I will spend many years staying there,"

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"Hahahaha, you prefer to live miserably, rather than sell it to me, and you are too greedy, you reveal what you have for 1,000,000 only, you also think I am weak right, for asking for the bad man's data, to avoid them,"

The man then feels uncomfortable,

"You are too stupid, because I feel sorry for you. I will give, 10,000,000 Gm for you, if you accept my offer, then you will not be in trouble,

You also don't realize where I got the money, you're only interested after I offer the price, you're really stupid,

after that the man, still refused it, and shenli felt stupid too "I didn't expect, a really stupid person, like him, evidently exist,

"You really are stupid", Shenli said

"What are you doing, stop it, don't come here, you will get a punishment". Booom Stand was destroyed by Shenli, then Shenli broke the man's legs and arms "I knew from the start, that I could drag anyone at this shelter, provided I do not kill here, or even commit a crime here, I will not get the punishment of God "

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"Because of your own ignorance, you are in trouble, I give you the last chance, hurry up, or you will die" the man then feels scared, and hands over all the rings, I have given up everything I have, please forgive me, "

People only see, and don't dare to interfere, and there are people who are waiting for an opportunity to attack Shenli,

Shenli took the man's ring, then she smashed his clothes, and lifted them up, she looked-saw the man's body, and did not see the object being hidden, then she opened the man's mouth forcefully, with the energy she shaped like a human hand.

She saw a ring, she then took it.

then she took the man outside the shelter, it was very embarrassing, shenli took the person by dragging him, the man was naked, and he felt great shame, he could not escape, or fight , he just resigned, and lowered his face. After dragging it far enough, Shenli then let go of the person, "shut up here,"

Shenli is now far away from the shelter.

Some people then appeared, they had followed Shenli, "hahaha, give up what you have, or you will die ',

"You are a weak man, you will not be able to take it, even though your number is more than a thousand, you will die, so I give advice, get away" Shenli said in a tone of arrogance, which made them angry,

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"Damn you, do you think you are strong, you are looking for trouble with us, you take our prey,"

"Of course I'm strong, you think I'll be brave, if I'm weak, I'm not a fool, like this miserable man,"

Shenli said while pointing to the naked man, "if you care about your life, then stop, you don't know who I,

I am compassionate, because I know you have just tried to become a robber, you guys are really amateurs, "

Hearing that 3 people were afraid of the threat of Shenli, then they chose to kneel, "Please forgive me, I feel sorry," then they finally gave up all the rings,

"You cowards, no matter how strong he is, he won't be able to hold 7 people together" men wearing dragon masks, speaking in anger, "wake up, or I'll kill you,

The three of them feel confused, whatever they choose, they will die, "you guys, come here, because you surrender, I will not kill you", then 2 people approached Shenli, "good, good, now go back"

Then the two men went backwards, after being there, one of the men tried to stab Shenli using a dagger. "You die, damn whore", seeing that, the group leader then smiled wickedly,

Jleb, the dagger stabbed shenli, and injured it, srrotttt suddenly shenli's body became a blood clot, !!! they were all astonished at what had just happened, the man who stabbed Shenli didn't know what had happened.

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