God succession system

Chapter 147

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As Alex and Nyx stared each other down, both started emitting their own auras, Nyx's pitch black and Alex's a bright golden. He then transformed into super Saiyan, and stared down the goddess as she prepared to attack. The two then started a battle of energy, Nyx's pure darkness and Alex used ki. The attacks clashed and exploded in air, as a near endless bombardment was launched from both sides.

Alex then started attacking with only his left hand, and started forming a large sphere of ki in his right. When Nyx noticed what he was doing, she tried to do the same, and formed a mass of darkness in her other hand. The two attacks grew in size until they were bigger than a building, and with a yell from both sides, they threw them at each other and as they collided the island was soon wiped from the map .


Meanwhile back at the other island, the girls were getting ready to face off against an army of grim reapers. They were all still in their swimsuits, but didn't let that bug them. Kuroka then looked at Grayfia, and said,

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"Nyahahahaha, miss maid, let's have a duel! Let's see who can eliminate more grim reapers than the other!" When Grayfia heard her words she sighed, and replied,

"And why would I want to play your worthless games cat?" Kuroka's brow twitched at her words, but she then smirked and said,

"Well I did hear the elderly do need to rest more, and they say too much excitement is bad for them, Nyan." At her words both Grayfia and Roygun started glaring at Kuroka, and Grayfia said,

"Fine then, after I win I'll punish you in front of the entire manor." At her words Kuroka turned a shade paler, and resolved herself to win. The two then unleashed massive amounts of demonic energy at the army of grim reapers, effectively eliminating hundreds. Rias and the others looked at their competition, and decided not to get in the way, as they also started attacking.

"Disappear!" Rias declared, as large amounts of destruction was shot from her hands. Grim reapers started falling in great numbers with parts of their bodies missing after her power of destruction consumed them. Not too far away Akeno filled the sky with her holy lightning, causing dozens to drop within seconds as seemingly endless flashes of light filled the sky. A sadistic smile formed on her face as she said,

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"Ara ara, you want to go after my beloved, I'll have to punish all of you for that you know." Akeno started slipping into her sadist mode as she "punished" the army of grim reapers. Rossweise looked over at her and shuddered slightly, relieved that she was on the same side as Akeno. She then turned back to her own fight, as she prepared several offensive spells to attack the reapers.

As they were losing several of their numbers from being grouped together, the grim reapers started spreading out to avoid the area of effect attacks. Several then started charging forward, weaving between the attacks to get at the ones causing the most of the damage, until a certain three tailed figure appeared and blocked them. Using a Touki infused punch, Koneko pushed back several reapers that tried to go after Rias and the other in close combat, declaring,

"I won't let you get close to them, Nyan!" Backing her up was the holy demonic swordsman, Kiba, who used his speed to weave through the charging ranks of the reapers and systematically eliminated them. On the other side was both Irina and Xenovia, who were also competing to see who could eliminate the most grim reapers. As they effectively thinned their ranks, the other girls could hear over there,

"26, 27, 28, 29, 30! I'm already at thirty Irina!" Xenovia declared as her durandal released large amounts of holy energy at the approaching reapers. Irina looked devastated and shouted,

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"NOT FAIR, YOU'RE USING YOUR POWER ATTACKS!" As she used a sword made of light to swiftly make her way through the enemies. As they attacked the grim reapers numbers were steadily going down with both the close range and distance fighters working together. Several of them in the back were starting to regret attacking without Nyx, and said,

"Retreat, we'll return another day and ensure the red dragon pays for sealing lord Hades!" They all then started falling back and regrouping, having already suffered losses in the thousands. As they turned around though, they never expected that the one they wanted revenge against was floating there, with the goddess they followed slung over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes. Alex smiled as he looked at the retreating grim reapers, and said,

"Where are you going? The funs about to begin!" As he said that they noticed the gauntlet on his hand as it shouted,


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Alex then opened his mouth, and a mass of flames was the last thing any of the grim reapers saw after that.


As the girls watched Alex turn the remaining grim reapers to ash, they felt a sense of bitterness. Not only did Alex fight and beat the goddess herself, but he also had to clean up the stragglers when they tried to escape. This thought was soon pushed from their heads though, when the entire area started rising in temperature as Alex used his flame breath. Feeling the increased heat, the girls were glad they were already in their swimsuits, and were tempted to jump in the water again. He rejoined the girls on the beach, and tossed down Nyx who he was carrying. She was passed out and her hands and feet were bound with magic, plus no one could feel any power of a god from her anymore. Alex turned to Rias and said,

"The maps for this area may need to be redrawn, but I would say it was a decent fight. Now we just need to seal with her and we're done." At his words Kuroka and Koneko stepped forward, and started the sealing process after he handed them a jewel from his sacred gear. A few minutes later Nyx was sealed and Alex tossed the jewel she was in into his space alongside Hades, he then turned to the girls and said,

"Well, I guess we should call it quits here. Lets go home."

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