Godly Base

Chapter 117

117 – Slaying Yinix

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The burly middle-aged man with scars on his face at the very front said flatly, “Keith, are you sure that Yanice is in this city?”

A handsome middle-aged man with blue hair smiled and said, “I am, general! According to our spy’s intel, Yanice came to Fang Ursine City alone to deal with the city’s polluted and have this city become the final stronghold of the remnants of Koen Empire.”

The burly middle-aged man with scars on his face, who can make children stop crying with his appearance alone, is Steel General Yinix. He is one of the five powerhouses who dominate this world.

Yinix smiled ferociously and barked, a glimmer of greed in his eyes: “Yanice! A sacrifice appointed by the lady. If we sacrifice her to the lady, we’ll be able to soar into the Realm of Hollow Demons, accept the demonization ceremony performed by the lady, and become demonmen! You must give your all and capture her alive, understood?”

“Yes! General!”

The 1,000-strong elite squad spoke in unison.

Yinix’s eyes glimmered viciously, and fierce flames rose in his heart, “Yanice! Don’t die! You must live! I must climb up! I must enter the Realm of Hollow Demons! And ask his majesty why he abandoned us!”

The Black Scaled Horses are extremely fast. Even though they are carrying a person each, but their galloping speed  is still as high as 100 kilometers per hour.

The gate of Fang Ursine City soon appeared in front of the squad led by Yinix.

Yinix didn’t order to slow down, but instead commanded the 1,000-strong elite squad to rush towards the city gate.

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After experiencing a dozen plus massacres, the remaining forces of Koen Empire and Reichmann Empire don’t have much strength to resist.

If Yanice dared to set up an ambush at the gate, she would be digging a hole for herself.

“Giant polluted! How come there are so many giant polluted here!”

When Yinix charged into the city together with the 1,000-strong elite squad, they saw 30 giant polluted block the path in front of them, and a storm was set off in their hearts.

The eyes of the 30 giant polluted flashed fiercely, and they threw the stone clubs in their hands. The stone clubs shot towards the 1,000-strong elite squad led by Yinix like heavy artillery shells.


Yinix roared. His figure fluttered, and he turned into a string of afterimages and jumped off the variant three-headed tiger.

One after another, the powerhouses of the 1,000-strong elite squad led by Yinix leaped off the Black Scaled Horses and jumped to the side.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The 30 stone clubs slammed into the entrance of the city, smashed dozens of elite badge users subordinated to Yinix into mincemeat, and separated the 1,000-strong squad into two.

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An arrow appeared out of the blue and shot a Great Spirit Master realm powerhouse subordinated to Yinix.

“You killed Hodor, you bitch! I’m going to break your limbs inch by inch and let you wail in pain and despair!”

Yinix raised his head and locked on Kamila atop a five-story-tall building three kilometers away, and his eyes filled with endless murderous intent. He pressed the Steel Badge on his chest.

Along with a flash of silver light, a silver steel badge armor shrouded Yinix. He blurred into motion and rushed towards a giant polluted like a human tank.

A giant polluted gripped a stone club and swung at Yinix.


Yinix roared, punched the stone club, and blasted it apart.

Yinix leaped, appeared in front of the giant polluted, and punched its heart organ.

Another giant polluted swung the club in its hands. Yinix smiled ferociously, blurred into motion, and dodged the attack of the giant polluted, and then appeared at the chest of the giant polluter like a ghost and blasted the heart organ of the giant polluted with a punch.


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Almost at the same time, an arrow appeared out of the blue, crossed the space, and stabbed another Great Spirit Master subordinated to Yinix.

“Smelly bitch! You’re courting death!”

Yinix’s face twisted, and he roared madly. With a tap of his feet, countless tiny cracks appeared on the ground, and a terrifying force broke out and propelled him to towards Kamila like shell.

After her evolution, Kamila’s archery has become elusive. Even if it’s Great Spirit Master realm powerhouses, they can’t deal with her arrows while fighting giant polluted.

If he continued to fight, although Yinix can kill the 30 giant polluted. But his guards will be shot by Kamila one by one.

“Yinix! Your opponent is me!”

Accompanied by a roar, Tamaris covered in a black badge armor ejected out from a corner and slashed at Yinix with his sword.

“Tamaris, so it’s you, you stray. If you hid yourself, I wouldn’t bother to chase after you, you trash. But since you’ve come to voluntarily throw away your life, let me send you to meet your maker!”

Yinix smiled frigidly and extended a hand towards Tamaris’s sword.


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Along with a loud noise, the steel badge armor on Yinix’s right hand was cut open, a bone-deep gash appeared, and a large amount of blood sprayed out.

Yinix was pushed several steps away by the sword strike, a look of disbelief in his eyes, “How is this possible? How did you break through the limit and advance to the Grandmaster realm?”

Atop the five-story-tall building, two half moons suddenly appeared in Kamila’s beautiful eyes, countless strings of information entered her Eyes of the Moon, and tremendous moonlight force flowed into the Darkmoon Bow.

An arrow turned into a black moonlight and ran through the space. In an instant, the arrow pierced through Yinix’s steel badge armor, stabbed him in the head, and nailed him to the ground.

Steel General Yinix, one of the five remaining generals of Tamdhu Empire, silently died here just like that.

Yinix and the current Tamaris were equally strong. But since he miscalculated Tamaris’s strength, he was wounded by the other party, and then Kamila used a secret method and unleashed a killing blow.


The yes of the dozens of Yinix’s guards shot with blood, and they roared and rushed towards Kamila.

“Ha-ha! Bastards of Tamdhu Empire, go to hell! Die!”

Tamaris’s eyes flashed with the shades of madness and savagery. He darted towards the dozens of Yinix’s guards and swung his large sword, and terrifying sword rays flashed and sliced apart the guards one by one.

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