Godly Base

Chapter 128

Godly Base – 128

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jachapingguo6-8 minutes 08.11.2022

128 – Air General Has Died

Air General Catal’s eyes shimmered with despair and fear, and then he collapsed on the ground, dead.

The Steel Badge on the Steel Beast’s chest flashed, and the Steel Beast shrank to three meters tall. The wounds on its body healed quickly.

Although the second stage transformation can provide the Steel Beast terrifying combat power, but it consumes its lifespan. After only fighting for a short period of time, it consumed more than a month of its lifespan.

When the Steel Beast finished changing its form, it’s figure fluttered, and it rushed towards Air General Catal’s guards.

“Kill it!”

“Kill this monster and avenge the general!”


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The eyes of Air General Catal’s guards flashed fiercely, and they howled, gripped their swords, and charged at the Steel Beast.

With a ferocious smile, the Steel Beast darted into the midst of Catal’s guards and used its claws, fangs, and tail as well as the blades covering its body to raise a storm of flesh and blood.

“What a powerful monster! So this is Shu Feng’s trump card! It’s really tyrannical! Could it be that he is really the avatar of an alien God of the Sun?”

Yanice looked at the Steel Beast with shock in her beautiful eyes.

Catal was one of the five remaining general of the Tamdhu Empire, one of the top experts of this world. Yet he was killed by the Steel Beast in one move. This is simply horrifying.

“So this is a battle beast my lord raise! It’s really terrible!”

“My lord! As expected of the avatar of the God of the Sun!”


The soldiers of the City of Steel looked on as the Steel Beast wantonly slaughtered Catal’s guards, and their eyes flashed with excitement.

Each of Catal’s guards possesses Great Spirit Master realm combat power. In the eyes of ordinary people, they are virtually invincible experts. At least hundreds of soldiers of the City of Steel died miserably at the hands of Catal’s guards. Seeing those experts being slaughtered by the Steel Beast, the soldiers were naturally excited.

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In less than three minutes, the Steel Beast completely annihilated Catal’s guards. It was covered with blood and fragments of flesh. It grabbed the corpse of one of Catal’s guard, stuffed it into its mouth, and chewed. Then it’s figure fluttered, and it shot in the direction of the city gate.

Kamila ejected out of a corner and followed behind the Steel Beast.

Yanice’s beautiful eyes flickered, and then she gritted her white teeth and followed behind Kamila. Shu Feng appointed her as Kamila’s escort.

Kamila’s archery is amazing and her swordsmanship is also extraordinary. However, archery is her greatest asset. With Yanice acting as an escort, the two women working together can kill even Spirit Grandmaster realm powerhouses.

Outside the City of Steel, under the command of lieutenants of the Tamdhu Empire, the 100,000-strong army began to attack the city.

Under the protection of siege shields, countless elite soldiers of the Tamdhu Empire were forced to begin filling the moat of the City of Steel.

The guards of the other three generals on the outwall have been completely wiped out by this time. Instead, there are 200 plus giant polluted on the outwall throwing boulders at the siege shields on the ground, smashing them one by one.

The catapults in the city are incessantly throwing boulders at the 100,000-strong army of the Tamdhu Empire.

“Attack! Attack! We must capture the city by today! Otherwise, we will all die without a burial place! There is still Air General Catal! As long as Air General Catal opens the gate, we will win!”

The eyes of Borgas, the assistant of Illusion General Arthur, flashed fiercely, and he shouted in despair.

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The four generals are the backbone of the powerhouses of the Tamdhu Empire. Once the four of them die, it signifies that the rule of the remnant soldiers of the Tamdhu Empire over this world will be broken.

In this world fragment, the cities are inhabited by subdued remnants of the Koen Empire and Reichmann Empire. The remnant soldiers of Tamdhu Empire rely on powerful military force and brutal slaughter to frighten the remnants of the two empires.

Once the four generals of the Tamdhu Empire die, their rule will directly collapse. The survivors of the Koen Empire and Reichmann Empire will surely retaliate against them in a cruel manner.

The remnant soldiers of the Tamdhu Empire can only conquer the City of Steel, only then can they project a fierce image and maintain their rule over the world fragment.

“Ha-ha-ha! Scoundrels of the Tamdhu Empire! Take a look, whose heads are these?”

On the outwall, Tamaris suddenly laughed ferociously and raised a sword with four heads suspended. These are the heads of the four generals of the Tamdhu Empire.

“Illusion General, Air General, Fire General, Lightning General, they are all dead!”

“All four generals are dead! Can we still take down the City of Steel?”


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Upon seeing the four heads hanging from Tamaris’s sword, the eyes of the remnant soldiers of the Tamdhu Empire flashed with fear and despair, and their morale became extremely low.

Borgas’s eyes shimmered with the shade of despair, “Air General Catal has died, as well!”

At this time, the Steel Beast jumped off from the outwall, landed on the ground, grew countless blades all over its body, and rushed towards Borgas and the other officers of the Tamdhu Empire like a tank.

In the wake of the Steel Beast, a path of flesh and blood formed. The elites of the Tamdhu Empire blocking in front of it were easily cut into pieces that sputtered around.

Arrows rained down on the Steel Beast and bounced off. After slicing a large number of soldiers of the Tamdhu Empire into piece, the Steel Beast appeared in front of Borgas.

“Go to hell! Monster!”

Borgas roared, and his sword slashed at the Steel Beast like a wave.


The Steel Beast knocked away Borgas’s sword with a swipe of its hand, and then its tail swung and streaked past Borgas, and the other party’s head flew high into the air.

After killing Borgas, the Steel Beast blurred into motion, lunged at another officer of the Tamdhu Empire, and sent his head flying.

Seven Great Spirit Master realm badge users rushed towards the Steel Beast. Sounds of metal striking metal rose into the air. After several breaths of time, the seven badge users disintegrated into countless pieces that scattered on the ground.

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