Godly Base

Chapter 163

163 – Angelization

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In the Reio Republic, black beams rose into the sky in every city.

The black beams in the Reio Republic formed a strange magic array.

“What’s going on! I feel so tired!”

“I want to sleep!”


In the cities of the Reio Republic, many people felt as if their strength was taken away and became exhausted.


A car slammed into the rear end of the car in front and made loud noise. The driver in the car has fallen asleep.

In a classroom.

“You can’t sleep. You’re at class. You… can’t… sleep!”

A middle-aged homeroom teacher scolded primary school students, yet his eyes kept closing. In the end, the textbook in his hand fell, and the person himself powerlessly dropped on the floor and fell asleep.

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Ding! Ding! Ding!

The Steel Beast crazily slashed at the black giant’s barrier, getting faster and crazier.

Dozens of Souleaters rushed out of the elevator, charged at the black barrier, and frantically attacked it.

Black Dog Hollows poured out of the elevator at extremely fast speed and rushed towards the black barrier.

No matter what sort of barrier it is, once it is activated, it needs to consume power. If it receives too many attacks, it will collapse.

“It’s no use! Shu Feng, our family gave their blood, sweat, and tears to complete these arrangements! The only chance you had to sabotage the arrangements of our family was by fleeing from the Reio Republic the moment you took our lord’s arm.”

“Now, please come back to life, my lord! I will offer 5 million people as sacrifices to serve as nutrients for you resurrection, my lord!”

Saham III’s eyes flashed with the shade of fanaticism, and he prostrated himself in front of Hasna.

A black beam ejected out from the statue of the Lord of the Night and flowed into Hasna’s body.

Hasna opened her eyes, rose into the air, unleashed eerie black light, grew a pair of black wings on the back, and surged with a look of indifference in her eyes, as if she were a god looking down at mortals from high above.

With Hasna as the core, a tyrannical pressure spread in all directions.

When Shu Feng saw Hasna’s changes through the eyes of the Steel Beast, his heart sank: “Angelization! What a mess!”

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Angelization is a stage human magicians of the World of Grunt have to cross when evolving into a god. It is also called the demigod stage and is situated between the mortal stage and the god stage.

The pair of black wings behind Hasna are not flesh wings, but are constructed from pure high-level energy.


Crisp sounds rose as many cracks appeared on Hasna’s pretty face and body. She only has Spirit Master realm cultivation base. No matter how gifted she is, she needs to pay a huge price to advance to a demigod in a single bound.


Shu Feng willed, and Kamila jumped out of the elevator, unleashed the Eyes of the Moon, surged with power, and poured all the power into the bow in her hand, and a Dark Moonlight Arrow shot towards the black barrier.


The Dark Moonlight Arrow pierced through the black barrier and continued to shoot towards Saham III.

The power contained in the arrow is unparalleled. Even if it’s a Spirit Grandmaster, if he is hit by it, he will be done for.

With a flash of indifference in her beautiful eyes, Hasna pointed with her hand, and a black feather flew out from her milky-white hand and landed on the Dark Moonlight Arrow lightning fast.

The arrow that Kamila shot with all her strength disintegrated and turned into ashes just like that.

After firing the arrow, Kamila retreated sharply and nimbly escaped from this place through the elevator.

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The Steel Beast, Souleaters, and Black Dog Hollows rushed towards Saham III one after another.

Hasna’s beautiful eyes filled with coldness and indifference. The black energy wings behind her flapped, and countless black rays shot towards the Steel Beast, Souleaters, and Black Dog Hollows.

When they were hit by the black rays, Souleaters and Black Dog Hollows issued blood-curdling screams and turned into black smoke.

The Steel Beast unleashed a huge steel shield and barely resisted the black rays.


After killing all the Souleaters and Black Dog Hollows in one go, more cracks appeared on the body of the lofty Hasna, making her look like a broken porcelain doll.


Hanani watched the cracks appear on Hasna’s body with sorrow in her beautiful eyes.

“Ha-ha! It’s useless, Shu Feng! My lord, come back to life!”

Saham III laughed loudly. He took out a bottle and opened it, and golden god blood flew out and turned into specks of golden light that flowed into Hasna’s body.

After absorbing the god blood, Hasna’s eyes were eroded by endless darkness and turned into a pair of creepy fully black eyes, and a terrifying pressure diffused from her.

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“It’s over! I failed!”

In the royal palace, Shu Feng watched through the eyes of the Steel Beast the goings on on the other side, and his heart sank.

A resurrected god, even if he only has a bit of power left, is not a being that Shu Feng can contend against at this time.

A Souleater quickly fled in the direction of the Gurej river with Shu Feng’s body in its hands. The Gurej river is an escape route that Shu Feng prepared beforehand.

The figure of the Steel Beast fluttered, and it retreated briskly and ran towards the elevator.

Countless rays of black light poured out of Hasna’s body and formed black ripples in the void.

When the Steel Beast was swept by the black ripples, it trembled, and its badge force and spirit force began to run wild. As if it was stuck in the mud, the Steel Beast couldn’t move.

“Shu Feng, now only our lord’s arm that you have is left. Once we get our lord’s arm from you, our lord can be completely resurrected. Furthermore, with the lives of the 5 million people of the Reio Republic, our lord can regain his strength. Ha-ha!”

“As long as our lord’s arm is still in the Reio Republic, our lord will definitely find it. Do you regret that you didn’t flee with our lord’s arm earlier? Ha-ha-ha!”

Saham III burst out laughing, feeling extremely comfortable in his heart.

Once the Lord of the Night is resurrected, not only will the curse placed on Saham III be lifted, but also his severed arm can be quickly regenerated.

Saham III will surely be rewarded by the god for his great service.

Shu Feng’s eyes shimmered with a strange shade, “God’s arm? It seems to be the one I refined!”

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