Godly Base

Chapter 167

167 – Aftermath

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Hasna’s pretty eyes flashed with embarrassment and anger, and she shouted: “Don’t look! Turn around, Shu Feng!”

Shu Feng praised: “Eh? Why? Hasna, don’t worry, you have a super figure!”

“Scoundrel! Lecher!”

Feeling both embarrassed and angry, Hasna extended her fair hand towards Shu Feng lightning fast.

Caught off guard, Shu Feng was caught by Hasna, and then was heavily thrown on the floor.

Hasna’s beautiful eyes flashed with the shade of surprise, “Eh? What’s going on? Shu Feng, how did you become so weak?”

In the past, Hasna suffered a crushing defeat every time she fought Shu Feng. No matter what she tried, she was always easily defeated by Shu Feng. Now she unexpectedly threw Shu Feng on the floor with a move. She couldn’t help but feel surprised.

“It’s not I who became weak, but you who became strong. Hasna, thanks to the enhancement provided by my ability, you evolved into a Spirit Grandmaster realm powerhouse! Ah, it hurts! I’m dying!”

As he lay there on the ground, Shu Feng gave an explanation and pretended that he’s dying. At the same time, his eyes stealthy swept across Hasna’s delicate body.

Hasna just wanted to comfort Shu Feng, when she sensed his sneaky glaces with her spirit sense. She immediately became angry and shouted: “You’re still looking. Close your eyes. Otherwise, I will hit you!”

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“All right!”

Shu Feng closed his eyes obediently, feeling somewhat regretful. He can’t beat Hasna, and he doesn’t want to be pummeled by her. It’s really humiliating.

The blushing Hasna put on the white dress.

“You can look now!”

When Shu Feng opened his eyes, he saw a tall, curvaceous, and sexy Hasna exuding a youthful aura standing quietly in front of him, like a silver haired young goddess.

Shu Feng willed and took Hasna out of the base space, and then went to a luxurious lounge.

“Hasna, my sister, how wonderful! You’re alive! That’s wonderful!”

As soon as Hanani saw Hasna, her eyes turned red, and she rushed over and hugged Hasna, tears streaming down her face.

Saham III killed his wife and children, making Hanani despair. Now that she saw that her only relative is still alive, her heart filled with endless joy.


Hasna carefully hugged her sister and burst into tears.

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Shu Feng looked at the warm scene with a smile and left the room, giving the beautiful sisters some space.

In a room of the royal palace, Shu Feng held a cell phone and told Li Xuanyi everything that happened here.

The events in the Reio Republic involved an evil god. The Qianyuan Republic will surely send powerhouses to the Reio Republic to investigate the incident.

Li Xuanyi is a legitimate son of Beiyuan’s Li Family. Since he is from a high grade aristocratic family, he is far more sensitive to the politics of the Qianyuan Republic than Shu Feng.

After listening to Shu Feng’s account, Li Xuanyi asked, “Shu Feng, are you sure you want to protect Hasna?”

Shu Feng replied: “I am! She is one of my best friends!”

“In that case, you must have her leave the Reio Republic as soon as possible. And it’s for the best if she doesn’t appear in the Qianyuan Republic either.”

“In the Qianyuan Republic, there is an organization called God Research Society. This organization is a loose alliance and has the support of many big shots who want to become a god.”

“Since Hasna was chosen as the prop for the Lord of the Night’s resurrection, there must be something special about her. The God Research Society surely won’t stay still. Besides, the God Research Society has the support of big shots of Heavenly Sword.”

Shu Feng suddenly fell silent. When he obtained got the big juicy piece of meat that is the World of Badge Users, it attracted the attention of many aristocratic families of the Qianyuan Republic.

The reason why those powerful aristocratic families stayed still was because Shu Feng is not only a student of Shuijing High School, but also a member of Flameguard.

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Heavenly Sword is a powerful organization composed of the elites of Flameguard. The big shots of Flameguard are not something that Shu Feng can contend against at this time.

Shu Feng asked: “How strong do I have to be to be able to let Hasna appear in the Qianyuan Republic in an open manner?”

Li Xuanyi responded: “Spirit Venerable, or a top Great Grandmaster. In addition, if you become the head of a high grade aristocratic family, the people of God Research Society won’t mess with you at will.”

Spirit Grandmaster realm powerhouses are divided into ordinary Spirit Grandmaster realm powerhouses and Great Grandmasters. Great Grandmasters are terrifying powerhouses who have cultivated to the pinnacle in every realm prior to the Spirit Grandmaster realm as well as have cultivated to the pinnacle after advancing to the Spirit Grandmaster realm.

Every Great Grandmaster is a giant among men and has the potential to advance to the Spiritual Venerable realm or even the Spirit Saint realm. As for ordinary Spirit Grandmaster realm powerhouses, if there is no incredible special opportunity, it is practically impossible for them to advance to the Spiritual Venerable realm.

Shui Lingyan is a top Great Grandmaster and has the potential to advanced to a Spirit Venerable.

Shu Feng frowned and uttered slowly: “That’s really difficult!”

Li Xuanyi said, “Then have her stay in your territory. That’s the safest place.”

Shu Feng responded: “I got it!”

In a luxury villa.

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Li Xuanyi gave Shu Feng a few pointers, and then ended the call.

Li Xuanyi said lightly: “Old Fang!”

“Young master!”

An ordinary looking old man dressed in a formal attire with white hair and beard appeared behind Li Xuanyi. He is Old Fang, a servant of Beiyuan’s Li Family. He is a Spirit Grandmaster realm powerhouse.

A Spirit Grandmaster realm powerhouse can become the foundation of a rich family in the Qianyuan Republic, or the No. 1 expert of a small country like the Reio Republic. Yet Old Fang is just a servant of Li Xuanyi. This shows how deep and immeasurable the underlying strength of top aristocratic families is.

Each one of the top aristocratic families and magnus families of the Qianyuan Republic has a profound foundation. They have their own army and territory, making them equivalent to independent small countries. It is not uncommon for them to have Spirit Grandmaster realm servants like Old Fang.

Li Xuanyi uttered, “Please send this letter to that person.”

“Young master, although Xuyang’s Han Family is only a mid grade aristocratic family and is far from the level of Beiyuan’s Li Family. However, many outstanding figures have appeared in Xuyang’s Han Family in recent years. The Five Dragons of the Han Family are all giants among men with the potential to attack the Spirit Venerable realm.”

“If you make an enemy out of the Han Family because of Shu Feng, it will be quite detrimental to you. I’m afraid the family will become more dissatisfied with you. And you will get further away from the position of head.”

Old Fang took the letter, creased his eyebrows, and spoke slowly.

As a high grade aristocratic family, Beiyuan’s Li Family has a profound foundation and is far more formidable than Xuyang’s Han Family. However, Li Xuanyi has to use his own resources to deal with Xuyang’s Han Family. Moreover, he will push Beiyuan’s Li Family to make an enemy out of Xuyang’s Han Family. This will naturally cause dissatisfaction within Beiyuan’s Li Family.

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