Godly Base

Chapter 170

170 – Hollow Demon Bounty List

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The most powerful beings on Blue Star are Spirit Saints. But in the World of Grunt and the World of Endorsas, there are still gods.

Every god has tyrannical strength. As long as they make sufficient preparations, they will possess terrifying combat power even when they come Blue Star.

Back in the day, more than half of Blue Star’s Spirit Saints joined forces and used the Seven Sacred Guns in order to kill the God of Darkness. There are another five gods in the World of Grunt.

This also signifies that Blue Star’s Spirit Saints are not a match for the World of Grunt’s gods. If they go to the World of Grunt, human Spirit Saint realm spirit gun users are even more so stand no chance against gods.

The main focus of research of Blue Star’s strongest powerhouses is the evolution into a god. As such, God Research Society has received the support of various major forces. It has who knows how many terrible old monsters hidden.

Although Zhao Zixin’s family background is illustrious, but she doesn’t want to be an enemy of such a tyrannical force as God Research Society.

“Captain Shao, I’ll be frank with you, as well! A few days ago, the two sisters disappeared without a trace. Adnan and other suspected core figure of the Church of the Night also fled. It was not easy for us to stabilize the situation in the Reio Republic.”

“What’s worse, Hanani, she, she toyed with my feelings! She toyed with my body and mind, and then discarded me and left. It, it feels like my heart was dug out of my chest!”

Shu Feng’s eyes turned red, and tears slid down his face and fell to the ground. His acting skills are superb.

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“This guy’s acting is really outstanding. I can’t be fooled by him in the future.”

When Zhao Zixin saw Shu Feng crying, she secretly rolled her eyes.

Shao Fan said with a sympathetic expression, “I see! Then let’s finish this!”

Shu Feng next revealed information about the most reprehensible believers of the Church of the Night.

“Captain, do you believe Shu Feng’s words?”

When Shu Feng and his party left, Chen Ningquan asked this.

“I don’t believe a single thing that guy said. I’m sure he knows where Hasna and Hanani are.”

“However, Li Xuanyi from Beiyuan’s Li Family has his back. Besides, he made great achievements and is in the limelight. We can’t attack him now.”

Shao Fan’s eyes glimmered, and he shed the benevolent expression on his face and assumed a cold expression.

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Chen Ningquan said reluctantly, “Is there nothing we can do?”

Shao Fan sneered and said, “Of course there is. Since he didn’t give us face, then we won’t let him have an easy time either. Later I will put forward an application for Shu Feng to become the eighth sky realm spirit ability user of the Qianyuan Republic.”

Chen Ningquan asked with a puzzled expression, “Captain, why do you want to do that? Once Shu Feng becomes the eighth sky realm spirit ability user of the Qianyuan Republic, the higher ups will surely attach importance to him and him protection.”

Sky realm spirit ability users have mysterious and powerful spirit abilities. There are several sky realm spirit ability users with low cultivation base, yet have the terrifying power to threaten the life of Spirit Saints. They are each a national treasure of the Qianyuan Republic and are under strict protection.

Shao Fan sneered: “It’s the taller trees in the woods that get their tops blown off. If Shu Feng becomes the eighth sky realm spirit ability user of the Qianyuan Republic, he will be put on the Hollow Demon Bounty List. “

Chen Ningquan had a realization and praised: “Captain, you’re brilliant!”

The Hollow Demon Bounty List is a bounty list of the people of Blue Star whom Hollow Demons want to kill the most. At the top of the Hollow Demon Bounty List, there are quasi-Saints and Spirit Saints.

If you kill someone on the Hollow Demon Bounty List, you can get a reward from Hollow Demons. You will be granted power, longevity, money, and women, and even be transformed into a Demonman or a real Hollow Demon noble through a special ceremony.

Who knows how many Hollow Demon powerhouses and vicious traitors there are hidden on Blue Star. Once someone below the Spirit Venerable realm and without a strong background appears on the Hollow Demon Bounty List, it is equivalent to a death sentence.

In the Qianyuan Republic, there were originally more than seven sky realm spirit ability users. However, once the other sky realm spirit ability users were exposed, they were placed on the Hollow Demon Bounty List and died.

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The seven sky realm spirit ability users who survived either are surrounded by many experts and live in seclusion, have a spirit ability with strong survivability, or have amazing cultivation base and are incredibly strong.

Shu Feng is just a Spirit Master realm figure. Once he gets on the Hollow Demon Bounty List, he will die without the shadow of a doubt.

With the support of Shu Feng’s information, the powerhouses of Heavenly Sword’s 23 battalion and powerhouses of Flameguard joined forces and quickly arrest the believers of the Church of the Night one after another.

Almost at the same time, the news that Shu Feng is the eighth sky realm spirit ability user of the Qianyuan Republic quickly spread through secret channels.

On a private island with beautiful scenery.

“Shu Feng, Spirit Master realm cultivation base, 17 years old, conquered a small world in the Realm of Erosion, destroyed the Church of the Night of the Reio Republic. Oh, he destroyed two Hollow Demon Gates of our clan. He is a summoner and has the Blood Pact skill. The eighth sky realm spirit ability user of the Qianyuan Republic. This guy is indeed a genius of the human clan and can be listed on the Hollow Demon Bounty List of our clan!”

A handsome man wearing board shorts with short black hair, mixed-race features, and bare upper body glanced at a piece of information, smiled lightly, and tapped on a computer.

“No. 100 on the Hollow Demon Bounty List, the Qianyuan Republic, Shuijin High School’s first seat freshman, Shu Feng, Spirit Master realm cultivation base, sky realm spirit ability user.”

“Reward: the one who successfully kills this person can receive a Hollow Demon noble transformation ceremony! And 10 billion blue credits!”

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On a mysterious website, a piece of information appeared.

Blue credit is a common international currency issued by the International Monetary Fund, and it is the currency that is used on Blue Star to settle international transactions. One blue credit can be exchanged for 10 Qianyuan Republic’s credits. 10 billion blue credits, that means 100 billion Qianyuan Republic’s credits.

“The Hollow Demon Bounty List has been updated! There’s a newcomer in the top 100. Shuijing High School’s first seat freshman, how can such a minor character make it onto the list? Sky realm spirit ability user! No wonder!”

“Hollow Demon noble transformation ceremony! If I kill him, I can be transformed into a Hollow Demon noble!”

“Ten billion blue credits to kill a Spirit Master, what a generous reward!”


On the mysterious website, there are many human powerhouses of Blue Star browsing. The eyes of a large number of scum flashed with excitement.

The Hollow Demon Bounty List is a bounty list arranged by Hollow Demons hiding on Blue Star. The top 100 on the bounty list are most outstanding talents in certain fields of Blue Star.

If you kill any one of them, you can receive rewards like transformation ceremony and turn into a Hollow Demon noble.

Most ordinary people know nothing about Hollow Demons, but the top elites among spirit users know that the Hollow Demon clan is really strong, and it even has powerhouses on the same level as gods.

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