Godly Base

Chapter 200

200 – Killing The Grand Duke

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“Have you asked me if you can attack big brother?”

A cold and proud voice sounded. Standing beside Shu Feng like a most beautiful and adorable doll, Su Mi’s eyes suddenly flashed with a cold shade, and she placed her snow-white hand on Barahona’s body.

“No, how is this possible?”

Barahona’s expression suddenly changed greatly, and his body fell apart. Frightening blood essence shot out from the wounds on his body and turned into a blood colored current that flowed into Su Mi’s body.

“Damn you, you little bitch!”

Barahona’s eyes flashed with a fierce hue. He mustered his last strength, and his hand suddenly shot towards Su Mi’s head. As long as he can kill the mysterious and strange little girl, he will be able to kill everyone else present.

Shu Feng operated the Hundred Temperings Steel Body. As if a human Vajra, he took a step and blocked in front of Su Mi, and his right hand turned into a sun and shot towards Barahona.

When Su Mi saw this scene, her beautiful eyes glimmered.

“Those who stand in my way shall die!”

Barahona’s eyes flashed fiercely, and his right hand stabbed into Shu Feng’s heart.


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In the base space, the heart of a Goblin King was squashed into pieces.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Shu Feng’s sun palm slammed into Barahona.

The Bloodseeker grand duke realm Barahona, who is comparable to a demigod in terms of combat power, spewed out a mouthful of blood essence. Blood essence poured out of his body like a tide and flowed into Su Mi’s pink lips.

“Stop! Don’t kill me! Shu Feng, spare me. I am a Bloodseeker grand duke! I know many secrets! By the way, don’t you want to know about the traitor hiding in the Qianyuan Republic? I can tell you! That person is a big shot of the Qianyuan Republic! You will be really surprised when you learn who it is!”

“I know about many secrets and treasures. So long as you spare me, I can serve you! If you have my help, you will surely be able to advance to a Spirit Saint in the future!”

Barahona screamed with a frightened expression. As the blood essence left his body, Barahona began to shrivel, his hair became gray, and wrinkles appeared on his face.

The most precious thing of Bloodseekers in their blood essence. Once they lose too much blood essence, they will lose strength, and then die.

“With a demigod realm powerhouse offering to serve him, this guy will definitely be unable to refuse. I’ll give him some benefits first. After I recover my strength, I’ll consume all their blood.”

“Especially that little girl. If I consume her blood essence, I may be able to break through the bottleneck and advance to a grand prince.”

Barahona looks scared, with his body trembling. Yet his head is full of vicious thoughts. He is a Bloodseeker grand duke. Although he was once weak and puny, but thanks to his indomitable spirit, he ultimately reached the peak and advanced to a Bloodseeker grand duke. He has experienced many tribulations. Unless there’s no hope, he will never give up.

Su Mi’s beautiful eyes surged with ripples, and she asked in a lovely voice, “Big brother, do you want to keep him alive?”

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Shu Feng answered with a smile, “He’s your prey! It’s up to you to decide!”

If it hadn’t been for Su Mi, Shu Feng would have died already. Even though Shu Feng can withstand nine attacks thanks to the legend realm Blood Pact, but the gap between him and Barahona is too large for this to be sufficient.

“Alright! Then I’ll have a nice meal!”

Su Mi smiled sweetly and pointed with her fair hand.

Blood-colored light mixed with a speck of golden divinity shot out from a wound on Barahona body, turned into a bloody beam, and flowed into Su Mi’s pink lips.


Barahona screamed, and then turned into a corpse and fell on the floor.

“There are no resources! It seems that Su Mi has consumed all his essence!”

Shu Feng touched Barahona corpse, and his eye shimmered with the color of regret. He put the grand duke corpse into the base space.

“How much did her strength improve after consuming the grand duke realm Barahona?”

Shu Feng glanced at Su Mi curiously, itching to take a look at her status window.

Su Mi turned to look at Shu Feng and said, “Big brother Shu Feng, everyone has their secrets. If you look at my status window, I will be upset.”

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Shu Feng smiled and said in reply, “Okay, okay! I won’t look!”

“Hee-hee, I was kidding. I’m yours, big brother! Since you want to take a look, then I’ll show you, big brother!”

Su Mi suddenly smiled cunningly, and then willed and displayed her status window in front of Shu Feng.

“Blood Ruler, Su Mi.”

“Special abilities: Blood Manipulation, Ruler Authority, Natural Charm, Memory Reading, Second Stage Transformation, Domination, Creation of Blood Descendants.”

“Divinity life form. Divinity of agility 1/1.”

“Divinity characteristics, agility increased by 50%, divinity resistance +1, immunity to low-level lethal spells!”

“Strength 422 (+200), agility 725 (+300), defense 410 (+200), physique 665 (+200), intelligence 720 (+200), psyche 956 (+200), spirit force 32.3 million (+20 million).”

“Charm 1,715 (+500), high-level soul force 21 (+12).”

“Memory Reading, can read the memories of powerhouses who have been completely consumed.”

“Domination, can control people who are weaker than the user and completely control their blood.”

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“Creation of Blood Descendants, can use blood essence to create blood descendants. If blood essence is used, strength will be weakened.”

“In transformation.”

Shu Feng asked curiously, “Mi, what is the meaning of ‘in transformation?'”

“I will take time to fully digest Barahona’s blood essence and divinity. As such, I am still in mid transformation at present. After the transformation is over, I will become stronger.”

“I don’t want to take action during the transformation period! Unless you are in danger, don’t ask me to step in, big brother! Otherwise, it may negatively impact the transformation.”

“If you want to accelerate the transformation, it will require top resources like origin force, high-level souls, divinities, god blood, and primogenitor blood.”

Su Mi shook her fair hand and spoke with a crafty smile.

Shu Feng smiled and said, “No problem. I won’t bother you unless absolutely necessary.”

On Blue Star, except for the Hollow Demon Battlefield, everywhere is generally peaceful and safe. A Spirit Grandmaster realm powerhouse is enough to rule over a faction.

Although hollow demons have deeply penetrated into Blue Star. However, most of their forces were used to deal with Spirit Saint Wu Zhongchao.

With Barahona’s attempt on Spirit Saint Wu Zhongchao’s life, many spies hollow demons have set up in the Qianyuan Republic have been exposed. They will definitely be purged by the Qianyuan Republic.

The power of the hollow demons in the Qianyuan Republic will be greatly weakened in the short term. During this period of time, they can hardly pose a threat to Shu Feng’s life.

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