Godly Base

Chapter 211

211 – Assassination

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The Hollow Demon Hunting Ground is neither big nor small, with a surface area roughly two-thirds of the area of Blue Star’s Qianyuan Republic.

Three states ruled by hollow demons each have has 10 cities, which are surrounded by many towns and villages.

In addition to the three states, there are many resistance forces in the Hollow Demon Hunting Ground. The resistance forces are composed of powerhouses coming from different worlds that were unable to return to their original worlds for various reasons. After staying in the Hollow Demon Hunting Ground, they formed resistance forces of different sizes.

Bloodwood City is one of the 10 cities of Blood Kingdom and is in change of hundreds of towns and villages. There are many experts in Bloodwood City, including 15 Bloodseeker nobles. Bloodwood City’s city master and two vice-city masters are even more so incredibly strong.

Outside Bloodwood City, there is a forest. In the forest, there are thousands of rebels nailed to trees, some of which are paragons who sneaked in from the outside.

Yusef is an assistant of Baron Aura of Bloodwood City’s 15 Bloodseeker nobles and is tasked with the collection of blood slaves.

At Bloodwood City.

A warrior riding a mount stopped in front of Baron Aura Manor and dismounted.

“Wallace, why are you so badly injured?”

Two soldiers guarding in front of the Baron Aura Manor asked with surprised looks on their faces.

Wallace is covered in wounds. Despite the powerful healing ability of Vampires, he only barely managed to keep the wounds in check, so that they don’t deteriorate.

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“I have urgent information! I request an audience with the baron!”

Wallace trembled, gnashed his teeth, and shouted.

A warrior replied, “Okay! I’m going to inform the baron!”

In the reception hall of the Baron Aura Manor, Wallace, who is covered in wounds, stood quietly in the center of the hall.

A tall, handsome young man with blond hair, blue eyes, and veiled vicious temperament walked into the hall, sat down on the seat of honor, looked indifferently at Wallace, and uttered flatly: “Wallace, I was just enjoying the fresh blood of a virgin screaming in despair. You disturbed my fun time. I’m quite displeased with that. If your information is not important enough, I will roast you and serve you to those lowly blood slaves.”

This young man is Baron Aura, who is famous for his cruelty! He is the master of the Baron Aura Manor!”

“Baron, I have something important to report. Please have your attendants step back! This concerns the fate of the entire manor!”

Wallace knelt on the floor and spoke respectfully.


Baron Aura’s eyes congealed, and he waved his hand.

The experts hiding in the surroundings retreated.

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Baron Aura said, “Go ahead, speak!”

Ripples flickered in the air, and the Steel Beast, who has already entered the Second Stage Transformation, suddenly emerged, turned his right hand into a blade, and slashed at Baron Aura.

Hasna also emerged our of nowhere and brandished Rainstorm, and a sword ray shot towards Baron Aura along with a Dragon roar.


Baron Aura’s complexion suddenly changed greatly, and he turned into a strange mist and escaped.

The Steel Beast cut the thick mist with his blade, and spirit force broke out in an instant and crushed a small part of the mist.

Hasna sliced the mist and also crushed a small part of the mist.

Following a flash of ripples, Shu Feng appeared and unleashed Sun Blots out the Sky, and a sun barreled towards the mist.

The mysterious mist instantly condensed and formed Baron Aura’s figure. With a ferocious glimmer in his eyes, his right hand turned into a blade, surged with blood fire, and slashed towards the sun.


Along with a loud noise, the sun collapsed, and a blood fire dlade ray shot towards Shu Feng along with a string of afterimages.

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Shu Feng retreated briskly and stimulated his spirit force, and the spirit force membrane around him surged and turned into a mirror blocking in front of him.

When the blood fire blade ray collided with the mirror, strange blood fire churned. The blood fire blade ray forcibly sliced the mirror apart and slammed into Shu Feng.

“Hundred Temperings Steel Body!”

Shu Feng frenziedly stimulated his spirit force and stretched his muscles taut, looking like he has turned into a piece of steel.

When the blood fire blade ray slammed into Shu Feng, it barely cut open a wound, and then collapsed.

But then strange hollow demon force emerged from the wound and poured into Shu Feng’s body, making his blood boil, as if it has been set on fire.

This is the terror of the Bloodseeker clan’s blood fire. Once it enters the body, it is extremely difficult to remove. If the cultivation method is too lacking and the target isn’t treated in time, the blood fire will burn the target’s blood until nothing is left.

At this moment, a sharp tail ran through Baron Aura’s body like a sword. The Steel Beast grabbed Baron Aura’s head with one hand and smacked it against the ground.


A terrible loud noise sounded, blood sprayed out from Baron Aura’s mouth, and cracks appeared all over his body.

Hasna stepped forward and lopped off Baron Aura’s limbs.

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Shu Feng’s figure swayed, and he arrived in front of the dying Baron Aura and sent him into the Origin Force Evolution Tower.

Numerous transparent tentacles extended, stabbed into Baron Aura’s body, injected various types of mucus, and began to transform him.


Baron Aura is tyrannically strong. Even though Shu Feng mounted a surprise attack, but he still wasn’t able to deal with the other party in the first moments, thus alarming the guards staying outside. Led by a guard commander with short hair, dozens of guards rushed into the hall.


Shu Feng stimulated his illusion badge force, and his eyes turned into two unfathomable whirlpools. He looked at the dozens of guards who rushed in, and mysterious illusion fluctuations surged towards them.

“Greetings, sir!”

The eyes of the dozens of guards turned dull. As if Shu Feng were Baron Aura, they trembled, looked at him with dread, and knelt on the floor.

Baron Aura is a ruthless character. If anyone disobeys his orders, he would kill them in the most cruel way. The guards naturally don’t dare to disobey his orders.

“No, you’re not the baron!”

The guard commander, Balanta, is a Spirit Grandmaster realm Vampire. His eyes turned dull for a moment, then he came back to his senses and shouted.

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