Godly Base

Chapter 216

216 – Slaying The Dragon

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The Dragon breath hit the Great Spirit Master realm Vampire and set him on fire.

The figures of the other 14 Bloodseeker nobles fluttered, and they rushed towards Derian’s lair. If Derian wants to kill them, he must return to his lair.


A black moonlight emerged, hit Derian’s right wing, and left another bloody hole.

With a flash of unwillingness in his eyes, Derian bellowed, flapped his remaining wing, and shot towards the entrance like crazy. At the same time, he swung his tail and turned three Great Spirit Master realm Vampires into mincemeat.

Compared to killing the Bloodseeker nobles, Derian leans more towards running away. He can vaguely feel that his life is in danger this time.

Along with a flicker of ripples, the Steel Beast, who has already entered the Second Stage Transformation, suddenly emerged behind Derian, and his right hand turned into a blade shrouded in Spirit Force Psionic Lightning and slashed Derian’s right wing.

With a flash of blue lightning, Derian’s right wing was cut in two by the Steel Beast, and blood spilled everywhere. Consequently, Derian dropped from midair and fell on the ground.


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A black moonlight ejected out from afar, hit Derian in the head, and stabbed into his skull.

“Die! Bastards! Go to hell!”

Derian’s eyes flashed with the shade of madness, and he belched a white Dragon breath shooting towards the Steel Beast.

The Steel Beast retreated briskly. His right arm turned into a steel shield, and a spirit force membrane covered the steel shield.

When the Dragon breath slammed into the steel shield, it disintegrated the spirit force membrane, and then began to dissolve the right arm of the Steel Beast.

Swoosh! Swoosh! Swoosh! Swoosh!

The Vampires fired from their crossbows, and special crossbow bolts hit Derian and stuck on his huge body like toothpicks. Their attacks could only cause negligible damage to Derian.

Derian sent his huge tail whipping at the Steel Beast.

The Steel Beast’s tail ejected out and slashed Derian’s tail like a sword.

Blood splashed everywhere as Derian’s tail was severed.

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Viscount Oakley turned around and unleashed a blood fire blade that slammed into Derian and cut open a bone deep wound on his body, and blood fire burned furiously and eroded Derian’s life force.

The other Bloodseeker nobles also unleashed blood fire blades that slammed into Derian and cut open wounds of different sizes on his body.

“Go to hell!”

Derian suddenly turned around and opened his mouth, and a Dragon breath slammed into a Bloodseeker noble like a meteor and set him on fire, turning him into a torch. The Spirit Grandmaster realm Bloodseeker baron unleashed tragic screams.

The Steel Beast brandished a pair of blades and cut open a terrible wound on Derian’s neck, and a large amount of blood sputtered.


A black moonlight flew over from afar. In an instant, it stabbed into Derian’s eye, making him scream. Derian sent a paw shooting towards the Steel Beast.

The Steel Beast leaned towards a side and blocked Derian’s attack with his blades. Next, the Steel Beast stepped forward, brandished his blade, and left another wound on Derian’s neck, and terrible Spirit Force Psionic Lightning broke out and electrocuted the opponent. Derian trembled uncontrollably.

Viscount Oakley unleashed a blood fire blade from afar that slammed into Derian’s thigh and cut open a terrible wound.

A Dragon’s life force is really tyrannical, making it very difficult to kill them. The best way to kill a Dragon is to constantly whittle away at their combat power.

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Of course, if there’s a godly artifact, or if a god or a demigod steps in, it is possible to kill a Dragon with one strike.

Derian’s face distorted in pain, and he looked for traces of the Steel Beast.

The figure of the Steel Beast fluttered, and he stuck to Derian’s blind spot like a specter, brandished his blades, and left wounds on the opponent’s body. A large amount of blood gushed out and scattered on the ground.


A black moonlight turned into a stream of light and instantly plunged into Derian’s remaining eye, blinding him completely.

Viscount Oakley and the other Bloodseeker nobles unleashed blood fire blades that opened wounds on Derian’s body, eroding his life force.

Derian screamed and thrashed violently with his huge body.

The Steel Beast retreated briskly. He wielded his blades and, after a dozen plus swings, finally chopped off Derian’s head.

Viscount Oakley pointed with his hand, and bloody fluctuations shrouded the ground.

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The White Dragon’s blood that spilled on the ground flew out and flowed into basins.

“It’s finally over! Dragons are really strong. Although so many powerhouses besieged him, yet he still managed to kill a Bloodseeker noble. No wonder no one has gone to kill him before.”

Along with a flash of ripples, Shu Feng appeared in front of Derian’s body and looked at the huge body with a burning color in his eyes.

The White Dragon is a treasure from head to toe. The skin and scales can be made into extraordinary armor, the Dragon Crystal can be used as the medium for casting magic, or as the main material for refining magic staffs, the bones can be used for refining the body of magic staffs, the heart can be used as the main material for brewing potions. As for the blood, after it has gone through treatment, if it is used for bathing, it can upgrade people’s physical constitution.

Of course, if ordinary people bathe in Dragon blood, their physical constitution will be greatly improved. As for a powerhouse like Shu Feng, bathing in the White Dragon’s blood won’t greatly upgrade his physical constitution. Unless he bathes in Spirit Saint realm Dragon blood, it’s impossible to significantly upgrade Shu Feng’s physical constitution.

A notification sounded in Shu Feng’s mind: “Discovered origin force! Coordinates, north 34 meters, east 45 meters.”

Shu Feng took out an amber-colored stone containing origin force and ordered, “Search for such stones in the surroundings!”

“Yes! Master!”

Viscount Oakley and the other Bloodseeker powerhouses responded respectfully and then went to search White Dragon Mountain.

Shu Feng waved his hand, and Spirit Warrior realm Black Dog Hollows, Souleaters, Goblins, and other synthesized soldiers began to search White Dragon Mountain. The synthetic soldiers are much more obedient than Viscount Oakley and them. Shu Feng himself walked towards the White Dragon’s lair.

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