Godly Base

Chapter 220

220 – Victory

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After Oss performed Dragonification, as if an artillery shell, his sword broke out with a speed 50% faster than before and slashed towards Count Aryu.

When faced with Oss’s sword strike, an ordinary human Great Grandmaster realm powerhouse would have their head severed if careless.

“Oss, you’re quite strong. But let me tell you a secret! I am a Bloodseeker count!”

Count Aryu smiled brightly and suddenly shot towards Oss.

When Oss’s strike connected, Count Aryu’s body was partially mistified, easily avoiding Oss’s sword. Count Aryu then consolidated in an instant and sent a hand barreling towards Oss.

“Partial Mistification! Bloodseeker count!”

Oss’s countenance suddenly changed dramatically, and he stimulated his hollow demon force, blurred into motion, and retreated briskly. Yet he was still hit by Count Aryu’s hand, and a piece of his flesh was torn off.

Count Aryu circled around Oss and attacked him like a specter. When Oss attacked, the attacked part would mistify to avoid his attacks.

Partial Mistification is an ability that only Bloodseeker counts can master. At the same time, only a powerhouse like Count Aryu who has experienced many battles can predict the opponent’s attacks and carry out Partial Mistification without a hitch. If he slows down even by a fraction, Count Aryu will suffer serious damage.

Oss is a hollow demon genius who sneaked into this world to hunt. However, under the relentless attacks of Count Aryu, he was covered in wounds after several breaths of time.

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Shu Feng looked at the elusive mistification of Count Aryu, and his eyes flashed with a dignified color: “Amazing, so this is a Bloodseeker count? He has probably surpassed Bloody Ghost Xue Honghong in terms of combat power!”

Bloody Ghost Xue Honghong is a Great Grandmaster realm powerhouse. In addition, he is regarded as quite strong in the Great Grandmaster realm. However, when compared with Count Aryu, he is not in the same league. He’s even somewhat weaker than Oss after Dragonification.

Oss was completely stifled by Count Aryu. If it was Bloody Ghost Xue Honghong instead, he would be in an even more miserable predicament.

“Go to hell!”

Following a flash of bloody light, a big hole appeared on Oss’s chest, and his heart appeared in Count Aryu’s right hand.

Count Aryu crushed Oss’s heart with his hand.

Oss’s eyes flickered with the hue of fear, his body trembled slightly, and he fell on the ground and turned into a corpse.

Count Aryu grabbed Oss’s body, bit the neck, and drunk the opponent’s blood wildly.

Oss’s body trembled, lost its blood at a crazy rate, and quickly turned into a desiccated corpse.

More than a dozen Dragonman Fiend warriors rushed towards this side with swords in hand.

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“Delicious! It’s really delicious! This is the blood of a genius! Unfortunately, it’s not enough! It’s not god-level bloodline! His blood is still too inferior! There’s only those four people! The bloodline of those four people is god-level bloodline!”

With a look of intoxication on his face, Count Aryu snapped of his fingers, and blood-colored threads slashed towards the surroundings like blood blades.

The Dragonman Fiend warriors instantly disintegrated one after another, and blood gushed out and turned into a column of blood that flowed into Count Aryu’s mouth.

“Inferior quality! It’s awful! The blood of these lowly things can only serve as nourishment to restore my strength. It’s not delectable at all.”

Count Aryu frowned and looked discontented, and his eyes fell on Bashir.

Bashir felt shivers go down his spine. His figure fluttered, and he retreated abruptly.

“I hope your blood is more tasty!”

Count Aryu smiled viciously. His figure shook slightly, and he turned into a bloody ray that shot towards Bashir.

Bashir’s complexion suddenly changed greatly. He swung his sword, and a black sword ray slashed towards Count Aryu

Count Aryu easily avoided the sword strike with Partial Mistification. Count Aryu stabbed Bashir in the chest lightning fast, scooped out his heart, and crushed the heart, and then grabbed Bashir’s body and bit the neck.

When Bashir and Oss died, the ranks of the 6,000 Dragonman Fiend troops began to collapse.

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After killing all Dragonman Fiend nobles, Count Aryu lost interest in the opponent.

Viscount Oakley led the rest of the Bloodseeker nobles to hunt the Great Spirit Master realm officers of the 6,000 strong Dragonman Fiend army.

After losing all its officers, the Dragonman Fiend army began to collapse. Some Dragonman Fiends began to run away. But most of them continued to fight the Bloodseeker powerhouses.

In the end, the 6,000 strong Dragonman Fiend army was wiped out by the 15,000 troops of Bloodwood City. But Bloodwood City also paid a great price of 4,000 ancillary troops and 700 Bloodseeker elites.

Shu Feng stood on the battlefield and absorbed soul force and psionic hollow demon force from the powerhouses who died in battle.

Although the Bloodseeker soldiers of Bloodwood City have already fallen under Shu Feng’s control, but they haven’t truly accepted him as their master. Shu Feng naturally is happy to see them die in battle, collect their souls, and use them as nourishment for synthetic soldiers.

After the battle concluded, the Bloodseeker powerhouses began to drink the blood of the Dragonman Fiend corpses, quickly healing their wounds.

Since the Bloodseeker clan’s ancillary troops were transformed into Vampires, their wounded also drank the blood of the Dragonman Fiend corpses and quickly healed themselves.

This is what makes the Bloodseeker clan a though opponent. If a human army went through such a terrible battle and had thousands of wounded soldiers, it would lose its fighting strength and would have to rest.

Shu Feng looked at Count Aryu’s back and mused, “If I use Count Aryu well, it will bring me a lot of benefits.”

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When Count Aryu left the battlefield, Shu Feng deployed many synthetic soldiers to quickly sweep the battlefield and collect the corpses of Dragonman Fiends and Bloodseekers, which he stored in the base space.

The Dragonman Fiend and Bloodseeker elite soldiers were Spirit Master realm beings. As long as Shu Feng invests sufficient resources, he can easily create an elite hollow demon army.

At the foot of Black Jade Mountains.

A Bloodseeker clan army appeared next to the Bloodseeker clan army of Bloodwood City.

Baron Aura found Count Aryu and said, “Sir, that’s the army of Bloodcreek City! What should we do now?”

“Bloodcreek City’s city master, come out to greet me!”

Count Aryu’s figure fluttered, and he arrived in front of the army of Bloodcreek City and shouted sternly.

“I am Viscount Levin, Bloodcreek City’s city master. Greetings, Count Aryu.”

A blond and blue-eyed Bloodseeker powerhouse with thin figure and somewhat delicate temperament emerged from the army of Bloodcreek City and spoke respectfully.

Next to Viscount Levin, there is a gorgeous woman with blond hair, blue eyes, and hot figure.

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