Godly Base

Chapter 222

222 – Encirclement

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“They’re all dead? A bunch of rubbish! I’m not satisfied! I want to fight stronger powerhouses!”

In the valley, standing in the middle of 30 plus corpses, with the weakest possessing Spirit Grandmaster realm strength, the eyes of Bamu Kuang, who is covered in blood, shimmered with the shade of madness, looking extremely dangerous.

Bamu Kuang closed his eyes and said faintly: “Hounds! Go find more prey!”

“Yes! Master!”

The figures of the Hounds, who were standing in the surroundings, flashed, and they disappeared from this place. They moved stealthily towards different parts of Black Jade Mountains.

Black Jade Mountains, next to a stream, at the top of a big tree, there is a hidden tree house.

The exterior of the hidden tree house is camouflaged with color changing coating, which can change according with the changes of light and environment and integrate with the tree, making it difficult to find it.

Shui Lingyan said: “Is the Vermilion Jade Grass ripe?”

Jiang Feng replied, “I’ve seen it through the eagle’s eyes, but it’s not ripe yet. It’s about a day or two away.”

Each of the earth realm materials of heaven and earth is a rare treasure, and particular attention needs to be paid when picking them. If they are picked before they are ripe, they will be destroyed, or even become highly toxic. If the Vermilion Jade Grass is picked before it is ripe, it will have no effect.

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Zhang Ying sighed faintly, “Then let’s wait for two days. I hope nothing goes wrong.”

After Shui Lingyan and her party found the Vermilion Jade Grass, they hid themselves, waiting for the Vermilion Jade Grass to become ripe.

The Hollow Demon Hunting Ground is full of dangers and is replete with hollow demon hunters. Zhang Ying and them just want to finish the task, and then leave directly. They don’t want for things to complicate.

Jiang Feng’s complexion suddenly changed greatly, and he said, “Not good! That bastard Luo Ye is leading a bunch of Devils this way!”

The other three were startled. They quickly came to the observation point of the tree house and looked outside.

They saw Luo Ye shuttling through the woods like a nimble cheetah, heading in their direction.

Behind Luo Ye, there are Devil elite soldiers with horns on the head and mysterious runes engraved around the horns.

“What should we do, Shui Lingyan?”

The eyes of Jiang Feng and the other two focused on Shui Lingyan.

In this team of four people, Shui Lingyan has the highest cultivation base. She is a pinnacle stage Great Grandmaster realm powerhouse and wields the prestigious gun Light Fang, putting her at the top of the food chain among Great Grandmasters.

Jiang Feng and the other two are also Great Grandmaster realm powerhouses. But compared to Shui Lingyan, their combat power is quite lacking. The leader of the team with four members is naturally Shui Lingyan, who is a most formidable contender for position of a Big Three of Heavenly Sword.

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“Luo Ye is up to no good! Let’s get out of here!”

Shui Lingyan’s beautiful eyes flashed coldly, and she made a prompt decision. She jumped out of the hidden tree house and fled into the distance.

Jiang Feng and the other two unleashed secret methods and followed after Shui Lingyan.

Shui Lingyan’s team of four are each wearing an Invisible Cape, which can hide their figure and aura. The Invisible Cape is not as formidable as Shu Feng’s Lord of the Night’s Ring. But if used carefully, it can greatly reduce the probability of detection.

“Want to escape? Show yourselves!”

Luo Ye’s eyes flashed frenziedly. All of a sudden, his figure blurred, and he appeared behind Shui Lingyan’s team of four and waved his hand. A handful of Star Moth dust flew out and turned into specks of starlight that fell on Shui Lingyan’s team of four.

Shui Lingyan’s team of four turned visible at once.

Jiang Feng felt both shocked and furious and shouted: “Luo Ye, what are you doing?”

Zhang Ying drew her spirit gun, and her eyes filled with murderous intent. If Luo Ye were not a genius of the royal family, she would have blasted his brains apart already.

“Stop the pursuers behind me! Goodbye!”

Luo Ye smiles brightly. His figure blurred, and he disappeared in an instant.

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Swoosh! Swoosh! Swoosh! Swoosh!

A dozen plus archers among the Devil pursuers fired from their bows, and arrows shot towards Shui Lingyan’s team of four like shooting stars.

The arrows possess tremendous might. With the weak human physical constitution, so long as he is hit by one of the arrows, then even a Great Grandmaster realm powerhouse will be seriously injured.

“Warping Force Field!”

Jiang Feng’s eyes turned cold, and he pointed with a staff. A mysterious warping force field emerged and blocked in front of the team.

When the arrows hit the warping force field, they twisted, turned, and missed their target.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Zhang Ying and Shui Lingyan both opened fire, and beams slammed into the Devil archers, blowing their brains apart one after another.

Three Devil powerhouses suddenly broke out with Spirit Grandmaster realm hollow demon force and fired an arrow each.

Three arrows containing black light shot towards Shui Lingyan.

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“Wall of Ice!”

Jiang Feng pointed with his staff, and a wall of ice appeared and blocked in front of the team.

When the three arrows containing hollow demon force collided with the wall of ice, they burst apart and shattered the wall of ice.

With a cold flash in her beautiful eyes, Shui Lingyan fired three shots, and three lances of light cut through the air and blasted apart the heads of the three Spirit Grandmaster realm Devil powerhouses.

After the three Spirit Grandmaster realm Devil powerhouses were killed, countless Devil elite soldiers armed with bow and arrows poured in from all directions and fired at Shui Lingyan’s team of four.

“It seems that we caught four big fish!”

Behind the Devil clan army, a tall and handsome Devil powerhouse with a horn on the forehead and wicked temperament gazed at Shui Lingyan’s team of four, and his eyes flashed with excitement.

The Devil powerhouse’s eyes flickered, and he uttered slowly, “It’s a shame, but these four are Great Grandmaster realm powerhouses of Blue Star. Now is not the time to hunt them.”

“Big brother Li Yuan, I have 5,000 subordinates. Let’s grind them down. By then, you can easily hunt them, big brother Li Yuan!”

A sexy and gorgeous Devil beauty with an horn on the forehead smiled sweetly at the Devil powerhouse and spoke thusly. The gorgeous Devil beauty is Yin Feifei, the third princess of Devil Kingdom.

“I can’t wait. It’s best tear such good prey apart when they’re in full strength!”

Li Yuan smiled frigidly. His figure fluttered, and he disappeared.

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