Godly Base

Chapter 239

239 – Undoing The Seal

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Along with brittle sounds, cracks appeared and spread rapidly on Phoenix Mountain.

“What’s going on? Is this Shu Feng’s doing? But this is Phoenix Mountain, where Hunter King personally set up restrictions. How could Shu Feng break the restrictions set up by Hunter King?”

Ramo looked at the cracks extending in all directions and felt a chill go down his spine. His powerful spirit sense warned him that deadly danger is brewing under his feet.

Without any hesitation, Ramo turned around and darted down the mountain.

Everyone on Phoenix Mountain is a Spirit Grandmaster realm powerhouse. They instinctively felt the great terror brewing in Phoenix Mountain and fled in different directions.


Along with a deafening blare, Phoenix Mountain was split into pieces, and fearsome Phoenix Fire capable of burning everything shot out and swept in all directions.

Swept by the fearsome Phoenix Fire, Spirit Grandmaster realm powerhouses were set on fire and screamed miserably.

“Is this really Shu Feng’s doing? Truly vicious!”

As he watched Phoenix Mountain collapse from dozens of kilometers away and fire soar into the sky, Alcala felt his blood run cold. He turned around, urged his Hollow Demon force, and ran away like crazy.

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Tang Ming’s eyes flickered with disbelief: “He, he really cooked up something big! Phoenix Mountain collapsed!”

There were restrictions set up on Phoenix Mountain. Even if they attacked with all their might, Great Grandmaster realm powerhouses with god realm bloodline like Shou Gui and Jushen Wushuang would be able to destroy a stone on the mountain with a strike at most.

But Shu Feng made the whole Phoenix Mountain crumble. This is simply outrageous.

“This guy is really amazing!”

Wu Yuexia’s eyes flashed with excitement. She likes people who hunt Hollow Demons and cook up big things in the Realm of Hollow Demons the most.

“Go, go! Let’s return!”

Shu Feng suddenly came out of the hole, shouted a few words, and ran away.

Wu Yuexia and company followed Shu Feng and ran away like crazy.

“Hunter King, I will kill you! I will burn you to ashes! I will destroy your clan!”

Along with a voice full of resentment, a 100-meter-long, beautiful true spirit Phoenix shrouded in Phoenix Fire, full of dignity flew out from Phoenix Mountain and unleashed a terrible roar.

The Phoenix’s roar echoed in the entire Hollow Demon Hunting Ground.

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With Phoenix Mountain as the core, the terrible flames rapidly spread outward and set up everything in their path on fire.

Black Jade Mountains, in a deep pit, a black coffin flew out, flew to the Phoenix, and opened.

Five black skulls flew out of the black coffin.

“Huang Weiwei, I was able to suppress you before! And I can suppress you now! After being suppressed for 3,000 years, how much power do you have remaining?”

The cold voice of Hinter King came from the five black skulls, and the five black skulls opened their mouths.

The phantoms of countless geniuses who died in the Hollow Demon Hunting Ground appeared behind the five black skulls, and five black beams shot toward Huang Weiwei.

Due to the restraint of the Worldheart, when Huang Weiwei, his god realm power began to weaken rapidly.

The strongest power that the small world can accommodate is Great Grandmaster realm power. Power that has exceeded this realm will be restrained. In order to break this rule, either the energy level of the small world has to be upgraded, the small world has to be pulled into a higher level world like the Realm of Hollow Demons, or the world’s Worldheart has to be destroyed with absolute strength.

Without any of the three options, even a god realm powerhouse will be restrained to the Great Grandmaster realm by the small world. This is the reason why fearsome powerhouses of the Realm of Hollow Demons won’t lightly go to the small world with their true body.

The God of Darkness of the World of Grunt was a lunatic that descended on Blue Star in person and stirred up havoc. As a result, he was suppressed and killed by the Seven Sacred Guns.

“You want to suppress me? It won’t be that easy!”

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Huang Weiwei bellowed, and the whole person turned into a terrible fire that soared into the sky.

The black beams fired by the five black skulls were set on fire. The Phoenix Fire surged and landed on the five black skulls.

Soul phantoms of geniuses who died in the Hollow Demon Hunting Ground emerged from the five black skulls.

The soul phantoms of geniuses emerged, and then were set on fire. Every time the Phoenix Fire burned a genius’s soul, it dimmed slightly.

The fire Huang Weiwei turned into broke away from the siege of the five black skulls, soared into the sky, burned a hole in the sky, and disappeared.

The five black skulls quickly gave chase.

The Realm of Hollow Demons, the Hunter King’s palace.

“Someone dared to destroy my seal and release Huang Weiwei! That’s truly daring! Truly heinous!”

Hunter King opened his eyes, and his eyes flickered with a vicious shade. A fearsome aura surrounded him.

“Shou Ji!”

Hunter King spoke coldly.

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“Father, I’m here!”

A young powerhouse who looks similar to Shou Gui, yet has a pair of Dragon wings on the back appeared in front of Hunter King, knelt on one knee, and spoke respectfully.

Hunter King uttered frigidly, an icy look in his eyes, “Take 1,000 soldiers of the Hunter God Army equipped with Hunter God Crossbows to the Hollow Demon Hunting Ground, destroy all the gates, and kill all the other world ants inside!”

Hunter God Crossbow is a godly artifact that Hunter King forged by expending a large number of resources. When faced with the Hunter God Crossbow in the Hollow Demon Hunting Ground, even gods will die nine times out of ten.

“Yes! Father!”

Shou Ji replied respectfully.

The Realm of Erosion, in front of a black gate, ripples surged, and shadows shot out of the black gate.

“We finally came back alive!”

As soon as Wu Yuexia emerged from the black gate, she breathed a long sigh of relief.

When Shu Feng released the sealed true spirit Phoenix in the Hollow Demon Hunting Ground, he surely must have alarmed Hunter King.

When she thought of this, Wu Yuexia had some trepidation. Hunter King is a god realm powerhouse on the same level as the God of Darkness and might even be more powerful. The anger of such a terrifying being will surely set off terrible waves.

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