Godly Base

Chapter 25

25 – Changeling

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Big Black bit aunty Wang in the neck, and black gas gushed out from her neck.

As if a deflated balloon, aunty Wang became shriveled and turned into a rotten corpse, and the eyes fell out of the eye sockets. Yet the corpse still slapped Big Black lying on top of it.


Upon seeing this scene, Zhong Jietong felt like her world outlook had been subverted. She issued a shrill scream and hid behind Shu Feng.

Big Black was extremely ferocious. It bit at the wizened corpse’s head several times, and a grey gas flew out of the wizened corpse and disappeared.

The stench of rotting flesh came from the wizened corpse.

Zhong Jietong looked at the nauseating corpse, covered her mouth with a hand, ran to some bushes, and vomited, her face pale.

“Obtained 3 points of soul force and 100 points of psionic energy!”

A prompt sounded in Shu Feng’s mind.

Ding Xiaoxue’s beautiful eyes lit up, and she praised: “Shu Feng, your hollow demon is really impressive. Changeling is one of the most tricky hollow demons to deal with. After all, it’s very difficult to guard against sudden attacks from the person standing beside you.”

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Shu Feng said strangely: “Is it that difficult to distinguish Changelings from ordinary people? After all, it stinks of rotten flesh!”

“Changelings usually wear lifelike human skin, which seals away the smell of rotten flesh. Furthermore, it is very difficult to distinguish them from ordinary people with the naked eye. Unless you practice a spirit eye art, have special a pupil skill, or use a special secret treasure, it is very difficult for even spirit users to see through the disguise of Changelings.”

“They infiltrate human society, eat people, and then replace them and live in human form. They are our sworn enemies. There is no possibility of a compromise between us.” Ding Xiaoxue said solemnly.

Shu Feng thought carefully and suddenly shuddered. He had no idea that the world he lives in is so strange and has such scary monsters.

Shu Feng asked, “What about the memories? For their disguise to be so perfect, what do they do about the memories?”

Ding Xiaoxue’s eyes flashed with a dignified color: “After they eat the brain, they will get the memories of their victims. This is one of the scary things about Changelings. Except for us spirit users, ordinary people can’t distinguish Changelings from ordinary people at all.”

Zhong Jietong said with a worried face, “Let’s go upstairs. I’m worried about my parents and younger sister!”

Shu Feng asked curiously, “Zhong Jietong, you have a younger sister?”

Shu Feng pursued Zhong Jietong fort two years. Although he didn’t make any progress, not even holding hands once. However, he heard from their classmates that Zhong Jietong is an only child.

Zhong Jietong answered, “That’s my father’s illegitimate daughter. She’s a lovely girl. Her mother died of cancer not long ago, so our family took her in.”

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This is a heavy topic, so Shu Feng didn’t pursue it.

Ding Xiaoxue stopped Zhong Jietong, who wanted to enter the elevator, and said, “Let’s take the stairs!”


Zhong Jietong was slightly taken aback, but then reacted and followed beside Shu Feng.

In such dangerous times, men always seem more reliable than women. Besides, the ferocious Big Black gives her a greater sense of security than the dainty Ding Xiaoxue.

The tenth floor.

When Zhong Jietong opened the door of her apartment, they saw a refined middle-aged man sitting on the sofa watching TV and a charming middle-aged woman cooking.

An 11 or 12 years old girl with black hair, delicate as a doll, with a small teddy bear in her arms, is watching TV with keen interest.

Zhong Jietong’s eyes flashed with doubt, and she asked, “Dad, mom, why are you still at home?”

The middle-aged woman smiled gently: “Jietong, your father and I feel a little under the weather, so we asked for leave today and didn’t go to work. Come and have some! I made your favorite braised ribs!”

Zhong Jietong smiled happily and walked towards the living room: “Okay! Mom, I just so happen to be hungry!”

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“Don’t go! They are all psionic hollow demons! Stop her, Shu Feng! Put this talisman on her forehead!”

Ding Xiaoxue’s eyes flashed with a dignified color, and she drew her sword and gave a yellow paper talisman to Shu Feng.

Shu Feng received the yellow paper talisman, took a step forward, and stopped Zhong Jietong.

Zhong Jietong felt bashful and angry and struggled hard: “What are you doing? Shu Feng! What are you up to? Let me go!”

“Take a closer look!”

Shu Feng shouted and plastered the yellow paper talisman on Zhong Jietong’s forehead. The yellow paper talisman started to decompose slowly and turn into yellow gas.

Zhong Jietong took a closer look. All of a sudden, a stench of decay assaulted her face. On the sofa, there sits a dead man whose flesh seems to have been completely stripped. In the kitchen, there is a dead woman hanging in the air.

On the table, there are human intestines, hearts, and other kinds of internal organs and they are all full of maggots, painting a hair-raising picture.

“Dad, mom!”

Zhong Jietong looked at the male and female corpses with horror, despair, and disbelief in her beautiful eyes, issued a shrill scream, and collapsed to the ground.

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“Hee-hee, what a pity! I was going to eat you tonight! Older sister! Unexpectedly, you brought back spirit users! What a miscalculation! However, spirit users are more delicious! Thank you, older sister, for bringing two desserts home.”

The girl as delicate as a doll holding a small teddy bear suddenly grinned, and her mouth split from ear to ear.

Four transparent humanoid figures rushed towards Ding Xiaoxue and Shu Feng.

“Shu Feng, protect Zhong Jietong. I’ll take care of it!”

Ding Xiaoxue’s beautiful eyes flashed with a dignified color, and she barked. Shrouded in hazy light, the sword in her hand followed an abstruse trajectory and slammed into a transparent humanoid figure.

The place cut by the sword emitted gray gas, and the transparent humanoid figure trembled and retreated in fear.

Three transparent humanoid figures attacked Ding Xiaoxue, while one transparent humanoid rushed at Shu Feng.

With a scarlet flash in its eyes, Big Black bit the transparent humanoid figure, and gray gas rose from the place where it bit.

The transparent humanoid figure trembled and stabbed its hands into Big Black.

Big Black’s body stiffened and emitted black gas. Consequently, Big Black became more frenzied, and bit at the transparent humanoid. In a few breaths of time, the transparent humanoid figure was shrouded in gas, and became increasingly thinner.

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