Godly Base

Chapter 260

260 – Breaking Into The Other Side

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A black shadow flew out of the legendary Sword Saint’s corpse and fled toward the bridge of bones

The black shadow just emerged when Su Mi waved her hand, and a blood thread ejected out and ran through the black shadow.

The black shadow screamed miserably and turned into ashes that drifted away with a gust of wind.

“Big brother Shu Feng, I will kill them all for you. Set aside god blood and origin force for me~~!”

Su Mi smiled sweetly. Her figure shook, and she turned into a bloody ray and shot toward the bridge of bones with the possessed lionman powerhouse.

Shu Feng hurriedly removed that transparent tentacles on the bridge of bones. If Su Mi falls from the bridge of bones and dies, it will be a great loss to him.

When Su Mi reached the bridge of bones, she was bombarded by claw rays, petrification rays, ice rays, ghost flames, arrows, and other long-range attacks.

“Blood Flurry!”

Su Mi’s beautiful eyes surged with a scarlet gleam. Within 300 meters of her, wounds burst open on the bodies of corpses possessed by Apparition powerhouses, and black blood sprayed out, gathered around her, and formed a river of blood.

As if a god of blood who controls a river of blood, Su Mi sped along the bridge of bones.

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Where she passed, wounds burst open on corpses possessed by Apparition powerhouses, and black blood spurted out. The corpses lost their vitality.

Only some Great Spirit Master realm and above Apparition powerhouses who didn’t possess other people’s bodies could barely resist Su Mi’s Blood Manipulation ability.

Blood threads ejected out like needles, stabbed Great Spirit Master realm and above Apparition powerhouses, and left tiny holes. A large amount of blood and essence sprayed out from the tiny holes, and they turned into desiccated corpses.

When Andrea saw this, her pretty eyes flickered with shock: “Strong! This beauty is so strong! Even the Five Tycoons of White Hawk Sword are no match for her, not unless they use sacred artifacts. This beauty is my idol and inspiration!”

“How reckless!”

Shu Feng gazed at Su Mi, who is mowing down Apparition powerhouses as if grass, and felt a slight headache.

With Shu Feng’s fighting style, he wouldn’t easily cross the bridge of bones and go to the unfamiliar world on the other side. However, Su Mi’s fighting style is clearly different from that of Shu Feng.

“A commander is needed to oversee the battlefield on this side!”

Shu Feng’s eyes swept across the faces of the people present.

The Steel Beast only knows how to obey orders to fight. He has strong fighting ability and high obedience. As for his command ability, heh-heh. Kamila’s archery is outstanding. Hasna’s swordsmanship is exceptional. Luna is a pretty good assassin. None of them is the right person to serve as the commander.

“Adnan isn’t half bad! Unfortunately, he isn’t here!”

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Shu Feng missed Adnan, the commander of the Reio Republic’s royal guards whom he subdued in the Reio Republic.

Adnan is definitely an outstanding talent, but he was sent to build Shu Feng’s intelligence network around Blue Star and thus is not around.

Shu Feng’s eyes fell on Andrea, the Thunderhawk of White Hawk Sword, who is an excellent commander. It’s a pity, but she isn’t following Shu Feng wholeheartedly. She just can’t betray him.

Shu Feng said: “Hold this place! Don’t let those Hollow Demons set foot here. I leave you in charge here, Hasna!”

Hasna smiled confidently and said, “Leave it to me, Shu Feng! I promise I won’t let those Hollow Demons pass.”

Shu Feng beckoned with his hand, and 200 White Dragon Eagles flapped their wings, flew toward him, and disappeared into the base space.

Shu Feng activated the Lord of the Night’s Ring. He instantly turned invisible, stepped on the bridge of bones, and darted away.

On the other side of the bridge of bones, Yin Bahai, who possessed the lionman powerhouse, rushed out from the black hole like a heavy tank.

“Get lost!”

Yin Bahai roared and knocked into Apparition powerhouses, blasting them into pieces one after another.

“Yin Bahai, why did you come out?”

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When Yin Yiluo saw Yin Bahai, his eyebrows wrinkled, and an indistinct foreboding welled up inside him.

Practically in the next moment, a dark red river of blood flew out of the bridge of bones.

At the moment when the river of blood flew out of the bridge of bones, wounds burst open on the bodies of the surrounding Apparition powerhouses, and black blood gushed out and integrated into the dark red river of blood.

Surrounded by the dark red river of blood, looking like a lofty god of blood, Su Mi glanced at Yin Bahai, and her eyes flashed with the color of derision.

“Blood Sword Cut!”

Blood swords emerged, turned into bloody rays, and slashed toward Yin Bahai.

“Lion Tyrant Fist!”

Yin Bahai bellowed, frenziedly stimulated his Hollow Demon force, and performed a top fist art that only lionman royals can cultivate. A lion phantom appeared behind him, and he unleashed punches filled with frightening might one after another.

The blood swords were broken by Yin Bahai’s fists one by one. The moment when the blood swords were broken, they turned into blood threads that stabbed toward Yin Bahai from different directions.

A Hollow Demon force membrane emerged from Yin Baha’s body and evolved into skulls of different sizes that bit the blood threads and crushed them.

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“Help me!”

Blue veins protruded all over Yin Bahai’s body as he pushed his Hollow Demon force to the limit, performed his secret method with all his might, and roared thusly.

“Too late!”

Su Mi grinned. The scattered blood threads suddenly gathered together and formed a blood sword that sliced apart a small skull and then collided with Yin Bahai and left a terrible gash on his body.


With a look of despair in his eyes, Yin Bahai screamed tragically, and his strength left him at a crazy speed as a large amount of blood and essence sprayed out of his wound.

Blood swords emerged and sliced Yin Baha to pieces.

A black shadow flew out of the body that Yin Bahai possessed and then was pierced by blood threads and went up in a puff of smoke.

“You are the only one left, Yin Yiluo! Once I kill you, the Apparition army will become leaderless and be butchered!”

Su Mi’s eyes shimmered with a bloody shade. She smiled sweetly, turned into a river of blood, and surged toward Yin Yiluo.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

Wherever Su Mi passed, an empty space with a radius of 300 meters was formed. Wounds burst open on the bodies of Apparition powerhouses, and their blood and essence was extracted and channeled into her body.

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