Godly Base

Chapter 277

277 – Suppressing Dark Hand’s Master

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Luna kicked the two halves of Vice-Master Bina toward Shu Feng.

With a cold gaze in his eyes, Fel Cheetah drew a blade, and a black sword ray slashed toward No. 9, who is next to him.

The black ray, which couldn’t deal Shu Feng any damage, burst out like lightning and cut No. 9 in two in an instant, and the other party fell on the floor and screamed tragically.

Fel Cheetah stepped forward and kicked the two parts of No. 9’s body toward Shu Feng.

Dragonhounds appeared out of nowhere and lunged at the other eight black hands like ferocious demonic monsters.

“My ability isn’t comprehensive enough. I lack remote control methods!”

Shu Feng grabbed Vice-Master Bina and No. 9, who have been cut in two, and threw them into the Soldier Synthesis Nest.

As soon as Vice-Master Bina and No. 9 fell into the Soldier Synthesis Nest, numerous tentacles stabbed them and began to modify them.

“No. 10, it was you! You betrayed us!”

No. 1’s eyes shot with blood, and he stared at Fel Cheetah with murderous intent in his eyes and tore a magic scroll.   

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A terrible wind blade erupted and sliced five Dragonhounds in front of No. 1 in two, and then slashed toward Shu Feng.

The powerhouses of Dark Hand have engraved the appearance of Shu Feng, their assassination target, in their minds. However, they never expect Shu Feng to actively attack them, to shamelessly launch a surprise attack, directly taking down a vice-master.

Shu Feng unleashed a palm strike and smashed the wind blade, and his gaze fell on Dark Hand’s master located 10 meters away.

“Shu Feng, you dare incite my subordinate to turn against me! You dare attack me and spoil my foundation! I will murder your whole family, destroy your whole line, and then try my best to make you die in despair and suffering!”

The eyes of Dark Hand’s master flashed with resentment, and he grinned, retreated swiftly, turned into a black ray, and escaped toward the outside.

Shu Feng’s eyes constricted, “He’s really decisive and ruthless! This kind of opponent is really a headache!”

Vice-Master Mu and the eight black hands remained in the room. They are the backbone of Dark Hand. Nevertheless, Dark Hand’s master gave up on them without any scruples. This kind of decisiveness is scary.


A frightening lightning hawk flew out from afar and barreled toward Dark Hand’s master.

Hiding in a secret place, Thunderhawk Andrea, a genius of White Hawk Sword, fired a shot. Moreover, she unleashed her strongest secret art — Thunder Hawk Strike.

“Thunderhawk Andrea! Is White Hawk Sword in on this?”

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The heart of Dark Hand’s master sank. With a cold gleam in his eyes, he extended his right hand dressed in a black glove, and specks of black light flickered. A frightening hand covered in black scales, emanating a fearsome aura emerged and extended toward the lightning hawk.

The frightening hand caught the lightning hawk, and lightning flashed and magic force billowed.

The frightening hand crushed the fearsome lightning hawk.

“Amazing! You’re Dark Hand’s master not for no reason! Don’t run away! Let’s fight for 300 rounds!”

Accompanied by a blur, Shu Feng leaped out of the warehouse. His eyes flashed with violent murderous intent, and he performed Sun Blots out the Sky and brandished his sword. A fearsome sun sword ray broke out, crossed empty space, and slashed toward Dark Hand’s master.

“Shu Feng, you’re really shameless!”

Dark Hand perceived Andrea’s spirit sense lock on him, gnashed his teeth, and unleashed the skill — Flash. In an instant, he disappeared, and then appeared behind Shu Feng and sent his hand shooting toward the other party’s heart.

Shu Feng urged his spirit force and unleashed Shuijing Spirit Shield Art, and the spirit force membrane of his back stirred and surge with a mirror.

The hand of Dark Hand’s master slammed into the mirror, and a terrible reflecting force broke out, trying to shake his right hand away.

The right hand of Dark Hand’s master surged with black light and crushed the mirror.

But when the mirror broke, another mirror appeared immediately after.

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Dark Hand’s master broke six mirrors in succession before the strength of his strike was depleted, and his right hand was flung away.

In terms of spirit force alone, with his 20 million points of spirit force, Shu Feng has surpassed Spirit Venerables. Furthermore, he cultivated Shuijing Spirit Shield Art to an astonishing degree.

“Go to hell! Sun Blots out the Sky!”

Shu Feng took out a sword, superposed his spirit force nine times, and unleashed a sun sword ray slashing toward Dark Hand’s master.

Dark Hand’s master wielded his hand, and his right hand turned into a strange hand covered in black scales, emitting a fearsome aura and shot toward the sun sword ray.


Accompanied by a terrible noise, Dark Hand’s master dropped from midair and fell on the floor, and blood sprayed out from his mouth.

“Sun Blots out the Sky!”

Shu Feng’s figure fluttered, and he appeared in front of Dark Hand’s master, stimulated his spirit force, and slashed down with his sword. His physical constitution is tyrannical and his spirit force is more formidable than that of Spirit Venerables. Furthermore, he unleashed the secret method — Sun Moon Sword Art.

Dark Hand was flung away by Shu Feng’s sword once more.

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As if a terrifying beast with infinite physical strength, astonishing defensive power, and on the whole no shortcomings, Shu Feng unleashed sword rays barreling toward Dark Hand’s master.

Dark Hand’s master performed a dozen plus secret arts in succession. Shu Feng smashed the other party’s resistance and sliced him with his sword, and blood sprayed out again and again.

“So weak! Dark Hand’s master, you’re too weak! You can’t even compare to geniuses like Bamu Kuang, Zhu Yeying, and Jushen Wushuang. Too weak!”

After slashing Dark Hand’s master a dozen plus times in succession, Shu Feng sighed lightly. He stimulated the power of his divinities, and his strength and speed soared in an instant. He slashed with his sword.

“What a fast sword! How come this monster’s strength has risen?”

The countenance of Dark Hand’s master changed greatly, He urged his spirit force, and his right hand turned into a giant hand that extended toward a sword ray.


Along with a terrible noise, the giant hand collapsed, and Dark Hand’s master was cut in two by the sword.

A substitute wooden puppet suddenly reappeared and split into pieces.

Dark Hand’s master appeared dozens of meters away, his face pale.

“You’re too weak! I’m really disappointed!”

Accompanied by a blur, Shu Feng appeared in front of Dark Hand’s master and swung his sword, and a sword ray streaked across Dark Hand’s master and split him in two.

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