Godly Base

Chapter 331

331 – Suppressing The Three Marquises

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The Black Marsh Viscountdom’s lord manor, in a luxurious banquet hall, at a long rectangular table, Marquis Gilardo, Marquis of Sivan, and Marquis Ledat are sitting on seats of honor. On both sides of the table, there sit 30 Hollow Demon counts subordinated to the three Hollow Demon marquises.

On the table, there are all kinds of delicacies and fine liquors placed.

On a stage in the banquet hall, a beautiful and slender young woman of the Nightingale clan with a pair of yellow wings on the back is singing, and her beautiful voice reverberates in the banquet hall.

“Marquis Gilardo, this is Wanxiang Fruit Liquor that I procured! It has a wonderful taster! I took it out especially for you sirs to enjoy.”

After three rounds, Viscount Gaho walked up to Marquis Gilardo with a blue crystal bottle of fine liquor and spoke respectfully.

Marquis Gilardo said with a cold expression, “Put it there!”

“Yes! Sir!”

Viscount Gaho’s eyes flashed with a hue of disappointment, and he respectfully handed the bottle of Wanxiang Fruit Liquor to a waiter and then backed down obediently.

With a cold flash in his eyes, the waiter threw the bottle of Wanxiang Fruit Liquor on the floor.


The bottle of Wanxiang Fruit Liquor was smashed into pieces, and bursts of mysterious fragrance surged in the area.

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“Not good! There are assassins!”

A faint premonition welled up inside Marquis Gilardo, and he frantically urged his hollow demon force. He was shocked to find that the hollow demon force inside him was gone. He couldn’t muster a trace of extraordinary force. He shouted thusly.

“Crap! This is a trap!”

Marquis Sivan and Marquis Ledat turned pale in the face and collapsed on the floor.

“Poisoned! We were poisoned!”

“Curses, who was it?”

“Who the hell poisoned us?”


The complexion of the 30 Hollow Demon counts changed greatly. They became paralyzed, unable to muster any power.

“That was easy! Poison was indeed the right choice!”

Following a flash of ripples, Shu Feng appeared next to Marquis Gilardo, raised the corners of his mouth, and slashed at Marquis Gilardo’s arms with his sword.

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Shu Feng has to ensure that those who enter the base space are seriously wounded and incapacitated, or else they may snatch away the base space.

With a fierce flash in his eyes, Marquis Gilardo broke out with hollow demon force all over his body, a black skull phantom appeared, and his hand shrouded with dark light shot toward Shu Feng.

“You weren’t poisoned?”

Shu Feng’s countenance suddenly changed dramatically. He unleashed Purgatory Void Step, twisted his body abruptly, and barely managed to dodge Marquis Gilardo’s hand.

“I was poisoned!  However, I dispelled the poison! Shu Feng, to dare poison me, you’re really daring! Use your life to atone for it!”

Marquis Gilardo’s eyes flashed with a ferocious color. He frenziedly stimulated his hollow demon force, and his muscles expanded and a horn extended from his forehead. He transformed into a three-meter-tall monster shrouded in black muscle armor.

After the transformation was completed, Marquis Gilardo’s figure fluttered, and he rushed toward Shu Feng accompanied by a blur.

“Purgatory Void Step!”

Shu Feng used Purgatory Void Step, turned into afterimages, and retreated swiftly.

“Great footwork! Unfortunately, there are no invincible footworks, only invincible people! Your combat power is too weak!”

Marquis Gilardo’s figure swayed several times in succession, and he appeared in front of Shu Feng in a flash and sent his hand barreling toward the opponent’s abdomen.

Shu Feng launched Everlife Demon Body. A great demon phantom appeared behind him, mysterious runes appeared all over his body, and his defense increased sharply.

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When Marquis Gilardo’s hand clashed with Shu Feng’s abdomen, a metallic sound erupted, as if he struck a mass of steel. In the end, he tore off a piece of flesh from Shu Feng’s abdomen.

“So hard!”

Marquis Gilardo creased his eyebrows. He intended to run through Shu Feng’s abdomen with his hand, crush his resistance, and then suppress him.


A beam of starlight ejected out from a side and shot toward Marquis Gilardo.


With a gleam of anger in his eyes, Marquis Gilardo swung his hand, and a claw ray shot out. At the same time, he tilted his body and dodged the beam of starlight.

The beam of starlight hit the ground and blasted open a large hole.

The black claw ray crashed into Shu Feng and tore open a terrible gash on his body, and a large amount of blood sputtered out.

Marquis Gilardo’s huge body is quite agile. He turned in midair and rushed toward Shu Feng like a bolt of lightning.

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“Mi! Come out! Help me kill him!”

Shu Feng beckoned with his hand, and ripples rose in the air.

“Drop dead!”

Su Mi emerged from the void and looked at Marquis Gilardo, and her pretty eyes flickered with a shade of contempt. She smiled sweetly and pointed with her hand.

Countless blood threads emerged and turned into blood needles that bombarded Marquis Gilardo lightning-fast.

Marquis Gilardo was pierced by the numerous blood threads in a flash. His eyes flashed with a color of disbelief, and he screamed tragically. The blood and essence in his body were drained, and he turned into a corpse and fell to the floor.

Shu Feng’s eyes shimmered with excitement: “So strong! Mi’s strength has reached such a fearsome degree! That’s a Blood Ruler for you!”

The fact that Su Mi was able to kill Marquis Gilardo signifies that her strength has reached the quasi-Saint realm. Once this is known, the Shu Family will have the potential to attack the magnus family level.

With the protection of a quasi-Saint, vast enough lands, and sufficient achievements, so long as these three conditions are met, an aristocratic family can become a magnus family, become a true ruler of the Qianyuan Republic, and have numerous privileges in the Qianyuan Republic.

Shu Feng glanced at Marquis Sivan and Marquis Ledat and said, “Mi, go check if these guys were poisoned or not!”

“There’s no need! Big brother, they were poisoned! They won’t be able to move in a short period of time! I’ll seal their blood and have them fall into a state of suspended animation! It’s safer this way!”

Su Mi smiled slightly and pointed with her fair hand, and blood threads appeared and stabbed into Marquis Sivan, Marquis Ledat, and the 30 Hollow Demon counts.

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