Godly Model Creator

Chapter 1.1

Chapter 0001.1 The era of origin ability

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Translated by Yorasu, edited by Kai


High school Class 301, a very spacious classroom. Dozens of students were sitting cross-legged looking similar to monks seeking enlightenment. A thin indistinct ray of light was revolving around their surroundings.


“You all are not carefree students! Already entering third year, you only have 1 year before sitting for college entrance examinations. If you fail to enter a university, then it will be your destiny to be the food of those abnormal beasts.”


The class teacher Yang Ziqing, a more than 40-year old middle aged woman, with both hands at her waist, splattered her saliva at those students who were training.


“I do not care about how you caused any trouble in past and how lazy you are. When you are in my class, you are not allowed to slack off. By the end of this year, I want everyone here to train and improve their origin ability to at least rank 6 or above. If not, I won’t allow you to participate in the college entrance examination.”


“You all heard what I said clearly?” Yang Ziqing, who did not receive any response from the students, shouted loudly.


“Yes, we heard!” The students replied in unison.


“Very good.” Yang Ziqing nodded in satisfaction. “You have all been taught the method to improve origin ability. Once you go back home, you can continue training. In one month’s time, high school year 3 will be having its first mock exam. Do not shame me! O ya, those who rank top 100 in the whole school would be entitled to join the natural selection class. I am sure you guys are aware of it too. Class now dismissed!”




Just a moment ago that calm expression of monks instantly changed. Nobody could imagine the students who were diligently into their meditation had now excitedly left the classroom.


Yang Ziqing’s face turned ashen. She knew that these monkeys were just acting. She could only look at them helplessly. Luckily, there was still a student who stayed behind and seriously practiced. At least, it did give her a trace of comfort.

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However, it was really unfortunate. His origin ability talent…….


Down the rostrum, Su Hao took a deep breath. Dim light rays slowly gathered around him. He woke up from the meditation. “My origin ability had increased by a tiny bit. With this rate, within a month, my ability index should be able to rise till 100. In addition to my body essence and theoretical foundation, my origin ability has the potential to reach rank 4!”


Su Hao stood up and did some stretching while looking outside the window.


Outside, his schoolmates were proudly showing off their ability. Some were practicing crushing stone with their fists. Someone was generating fireballs in the woods. There were also some who squat down beside the swimming pool and were producing ice. Even worst, some f*uckers were fooling around flying in the sky.


This is the era he lived in --- the era of origin ability!


Year 2030, a calamity swept across the Earth. The later generations called this event as the descendance of the origin ability light ray into the Earth’s surface.


Various origin abilities started to appear, bestowed upon human beings. Some animals even obtained special abilities. The Earth was then thrown into chaos. In the end, all governments from different countries had to make a joint alliance. After 20 years had past, peace was finally able to be restored and the situation stabilized.


The power of the origin ability and its usage had been fully grasped by humans for research, education, agriculture and other fields. The societal development had improved by leaps and bounds. Many technologies that we were not able to achieve are now possible. Entering the current year 2050, the world has long ago entered the era of origin ability.


This is the best era ever. People do not need to worry about clothes and food. High school students are given the chance to integrate their origin ability and master it with all the facilities provided free for them.


This is also the worst era ever. The wild wandering animals had all turned into ferocious beasts. They would kill mercilessly. Besides the cities, no other place has such guaranteed safety.


For the students in high school, their only goal was to be able to control their origin ability perfectly!


To participate in college entrance examination!


Enter the best universities!

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“If I want to enter an university, my origin ability needs to reach at least rank 6. Based on my current speed, by the time I sit for the college entrance exam, I might not even reach rank 5. Seems that it is hopeless to enter university after all.” Su Hao was somehow sad.


This era, all those special abilities are mostly for their own survivability and fighting for their own existence. But his origin ability……was surprisingly model analyzing, a poor and weak ability.


Su Hao had calculated before. Even if he trained non stop and was barely able to qualify into university, what he could use would still be model analyzing. He would most probably end up as a general’s …... advisor’s …… sand board maker?


Or becoming an unknown planning architect who worked behind the scenes?


Yes, he could still live on with such a life but which young boy does not have any blood boiling dreams? Slaying abnormal beasts, protecting the Earth. Just mentioning that would make any youngster fired up.


Too bad, a dream would still remain a dream.


The origin ability rank was greatly related with one’s talent. If one has a weak talent of the origin ability, then he was doomed to have low rank.


According to the latest global evaluation, the final value of original ability was calculated by summing up the value of theoretical foundation, physical fitness, fighting skill and also ability index before being divided by 100.


One of them, theoretical foundation is a basic theory course which includes all the information regarding origin ability, fearful beasts, combat methods, overcoming weakness and even all those herbs growing on Earth. In short, all the knowledge of this world. The difficulties were so high that it raised people’s ire. The upper limit of this course is 200 points. In general, any student who can obtain 100 points out of it is considered great.


Physical fitness which represented the strength of the body has an upper limit of 400 points. In human limit, the average points scored by a high school student would be around 100.


Combat methods, comprising of current combat skills and martial arts, has the upper limit of 400. However, for an average student, the score would be around 0 to 5.


The last and also the most important is ability index!


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Ability index together with talent rank, are obviously closely related to origin ability. Though the calculation is very complex, if the talent rank is much higher, from F to A, the difference of ability index would be even greater.


The upper limit, is limitless!


Because of Su Hao’s ability, a grade E model analyzing pulled down the overall score line.


He scored 180 points in theoretical foundation, 100 points in physical fitness, 0 point in combat method and lastly 100 points in ability index which in total 380 points. That would made his origin ability had a value of 3.8, soon to reach 4.


Su Hao silently counted in his heart, his hands were cleaning up his stuff while preparing to leave the school.


However, at this moment, a loud door sound could be heard. The classroom’s door had been destroyed with a kick.


“Su Hao, come out and meet this father of yours!” A handsome and tall student stood at the door.


“What is happening?” Su Hao did not go out. He is no fool. This student was called Sun Yaotian, a genius character. His origin ability value was above 8 point something. Thus, it was not worth mentioning that he could casually crush Su Hao at any moment.


“You and Chen Yiran went back home together yet again?” Sun Yaotian snorted.


Su Hao frowned. “We are in same direction. After school, we would occasionally walk home together.”


“I do not care whether both you heading to the same direction or not.” In a single breath, Sun Yaotian interrupted him. “Chen Yiren’s ability is what, I believe you must be clear about it. With your qualification, you do not deserve even a look of her! Next time get far away from her. If not, I will crush you whenever I see you.”


“Su Yaotian, you!” Su Hao got furious, clenching his fist tight.


“What, you wanna fight?” Sun Yaotian sneered at him, “The school rules state that no fight is allowed in the classroom. If you dare, walk out from this classroom then.”

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Su Hao’s face became ashen. The anger in his heart was going to erupt but he immediately compressed it back.


With his value of 3.8, his origin ability against Sun Yaotian, it was like throwing an egg onto stone. Most probably with a hit, Sun Yaotian would smack him dead. The classroom is indeed a place that forbids fighting but if he was the one who started the fight with Sun Yaotian, then it would be an entirely different story.


“Chicken-hearted!” looking at him not giving any reaction, Sun Yaotian sneered and left the classroom. “Remember my words. This is the last warning.”


“Sun Yaotian….”


Su Hao was filled with boiling anger.


He was more hardworking than anyone else. However, he could only manage to lurk around at the bottom level. It was just because of that damn talent. His theoretical foundation score of 180 points make me one of the top 10 in the school but his ability index was just 80 points. As for Sun Yaotian, just his ability index alone scored him a whopping 500 points.


This was because Sun Yaotian’s ability is an A rank, metal control. It was a master level fighting ability which combines both offensive and defensive. Thus, improving the overall combat effectiveness. As compared to his nuisance model analyzing, the gap was too huge.


“One day…..I will definitely exceed you!”


A raging anger could be seen on Su Hao’s eyes. He turned around and left the classroom.


His mindset was very simple. Talent does not necessarily beat hard work.


So what if his origin ability is low leveled? Since he won’t score well in talent index, as long as he could score the remaining 1000 points in other elements, he would be fine. Scoring 200 points in theoretical foundation, 400 in combat technique and another 400 in physical fitness. Once the points are in his grasp, he would still end up with origin ability of value 10 and be powerful! (1)


Su Hao clenched his teeth. Leaving the school’s compound, he went straight back home.


1. Kai: I don’t understand how model analysis beats metal control, but hey, paper does beat rock, so you never know >...>

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