Godly Sword System

Chapter 23: 23

“9100 times.”

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“9101 times.”

“9102 times.”

Yang Qi drew his sabre for 27 days.

There were only three days left until the battle with the Best Student from the Black Tiger Martial School.

He thought that if the Black Iron Wolf Blade hadn’t increased the success rate of drawing his sabre by 5%, he would not know how long it would take for him to successfully draw his sabre ten thousand times.

After Yang Qi continuously drew his sabre for 27 days, the Thunder Snake Martial School students concluded that a crazy student had entered their school.

Different students came to see Yang Qi draw his blade daily. Even the Martial Masters in Thunder Snake Martial School had come to watch.

Because Yang Qi was quite good-looking, he even made a few female students blush a few times. That was something Yang Qi did not expect.

Whether they said he was a crazy student or a stupid student, it didn’t matter.

He wanted to wait until the battle with the Best Student from the Black Tiger Martial School to shock them.

They claim I am a crazy student?

I am the Super Student!

He was getting closer and closer to reaching his 10000th draw. Yang Qi was very satisfied with his progress and wanted to see how strong his current combat strength was.

He arrived in front of a combat strength Testing Instrument.

Fortunately, there was no one.

Yang Qi raised his fist, took a deep breath, and smashed it onto the combat strength Testing Instrument.


9000 kg combat strength!

F * ck!

Yang Qi looked at the number on the combat strength Testing Instrument and was stunned.

9000 kg combat strength?

Could it be that he was no longer a Primary Martial Disciple?

He opened the Property Panel and checked his realm.

Senior Martial Disciple!

He did not expect that he would directly become a Senior Martial Disciple after 27 days of unsheathing his sabre.

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Was this the charm of drawing a sabre and increasing one’s combat strength?

One had to know that the Primary Martial Master only had 10 000 kg combat strength.

Furthermore, the Black Iron Wolf Blade also had a tier 1 Power of the Demonic Wolf ability. So if he used his full strength with his sabre, he would have 19 000 kg combat strength.

Thinking of this, Yang Qi couldn’t help but become excited.

19 000 kg combat strength, he was close to the Intermediate Martial Master.


“Who is it that has a combat strength of 9000 kg?”

Su Xun’er’s voice rang in Yang Qi’s ears.

Yang Qi thought that Su Xun’er did not see him take the test. Otherwise, she would definitely be shocked.

Su Xun’er glanced at Yang Qi. “Don’t stand here. Those who don’t know would think that it was your combat strength.”

“Actually, this is mine.”

Yang Qi knew that even if he spoke the truth, Su Xun’er would not believe him. So he decided to tease her.

“I still don’t know what level you are at.” Su Xun’er looked at Yang Qi with ridicule, “I remember you said to me that you are the Super Student from Thunder Snake Martial School, right?”

“Yes, I am indeed the Super Student of Thunder Snake Martial School. 

 I will represent Thunder Snake Martial School to fight the Best Student of Black Tiger Martial School in three days.”

After such a long period, Yang Qi finally found out that the Best Student of Black Tiger Martial School was called Feng Qiang, a martial artist in the Advanced Body Tempering Stage.

Su Xun’er gritted her teeth. She had no idea why this man in front of her had such thick skin! His skin was thicker than a city wall!

Not only did he peek at her bathing on the Yellow Stone Mountain in Jiang City, but he also claimed to be looking for Demonic Devils!

“I have always wanted to ask you a question.” Yang Qi looked at Su Xun’er. “But I also feel a little embarrassed.”

“What question?”

“Do you like me?” Yang Qi asked.

Su Xun’er was shocked and was tongue-tied.

“Are you sick? Would I like a peeping thief like you?”

“Then why do you like bothering me all the time?”

“That’s because you peeped at me bathing!”

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Su Xun’er said angrily.

Yang Qi nodded thoughtfully. He didn’t really understand the relationship between men and women.


###CHAPTER24 A Battle Between the Strongest Students of the Two Martial Arts Clubs


“That Super Student still hasn’t shown himself. If I find out who he is, I will definitely fight him!”


Su Xun’er said angrily to Yang Qi.


“I am really Super Student. Why don’t you believe me?”


“Can you be more shameless?”


Su Xun’er was very angry. Su Xun’er was very angry. She supposed the identity of the Super Student in Thunder Snake Martial School would be revealed in three days.


Su Xun’er also went to ask her father. His father only told her that Super Student was very strong and could make her feel suffocated.


Yang Qi did not stay any longer. He then slowly walked out.


“Yang Qi is going to the square to dance with his sword again. As a student of Elite Pavilion, does he not feel ashamed?”


Su Xun’er looked at Yang Qi’s back and said.


Su Xun’er naturally knew that the students of Thunder Snake Martial School called him Yang Qi.


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Yang Qi went to the square.


The square was full of ordinary students whose faces grew excited once they saw Yang Qi.


They knew that Yang Qi was about to draw his sabre again.


“9110 times.”

“9111 times.”

“9112 times.”

All the ordinary students shook their heads. The crazy student was indeed worthy of being called a lunatic. 

“What do you think his purpose for doing this is?”

“Who knows? I don’t know if Yang Qi relied on his connections to enter Thunder Snake Martial School.”

“Do you think he has a mysterious feeling? What if he is the Super Student of Thunder Snake Martial School?”

The ordinary students in the square did not know whether to laugh or cry. They knew that this was just a joke. If Yang Qi was the Super Student, then the sky was about to collapse.

“Speaking of Super Student, the battle with the Best Student and Feng Qiang of the Black Tiger Martial School will happen in three days. I’m really looking forward to it.”

“I’m also looking forward to it. I want to see what kind of existence the Super Student of Thunder Snake Martial School is.”

“I think he must be a prince on a white horse.”

Three days later.

Today was the day of Yang Qi’s battle with the Best Student of the Black Tiger Martial School, Feng Qiang.

The number of times Yang Qi drew his blade had also reached 9700.

Yang Qi checked his Slash Points: 60 000.

60 000 Slash Points were naturally useless, but after completing the 10 000th draw, he would obtain 1 000 000 Slash Points.

The square was currently full of people.

The 12 000 students from Thunder Snake Martial School had all arrived. 100 Martial Masters, two great Deputy Hall Masters, and Great Hall Master Su Kun had also arrived.


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Everyone was waiting for the arrival of the Black Tiger Martial School.


A moment later.


“The people of the Black Tiger Martial School are here!”

Someone exclaimed.

Everyone looked forward in unison.

They saw more than a dozen people striding over.

The man in the lead was a middle-aged man with a strong back and a strong waist.

“He is Master Lin Tianzheng, the head of Black Tiger Martial School.”

“The people beside Lin Tianzheng are the two great Deputy Hall Masters of the Black Tiger Martial School, both of them are Senior Martial Masters.”

“That person must be the Best Student, Feng Qiang from the Black Tiger Martial School.”

All the students in the square were whispering to each other.

A dozen people from Black Tiger Martial School walked toward Master Su Kun from the Thunder Snake Martial School.

“Su Kun, how have you been?”

Master Lin Tianzheng from the Black Tiger Martial School sneered at Su Kun.

“By the way, I heard that there is a Super Student in Thunder Snake Martial School. Who is he?”

When Lin Tianzheng said the word ‘super’, he deliberately emphasized his tone. The sarcasm in his words was evident.

“You will know later.”

Su Kun smiled.

Lin Tianzheng snorted, “Feng Qiang, it’s time to fight!”

“Yes, Master!”

A handsome boy slowly walked onto the big arena in the square. This boy was the Best Student from the Black Tiger Martial School, Feng Qiang.

“Super Student from Thunder Snake Martial School, come up and fight me!”

Feng Qiang glanced at the students in the square and said lightly.

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