Gold Medal Coach

Chapter 166

Of course, Coach Cha knew that Jiang Shaoyu wouldn’t really do doping. He just used this as an excuse to report the Chinese team and let the Chinese team be investigated by the league.

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There were many newcomers in the Chinese team. If they were suddenly checked before the game, they would definitely be flustered, nervous, and angry. There would be all types of mistakes when playing with such emotions.

This public opinion battle might’ve failed, but as long as the Chinese team’s mentality was affected, he would be more than half successful. The next step depended on the performance of the Chinese team.

The opening ceremony officially started at 7 o’clock.

The opening ceremony of the World Series was held with great grandeur, and there were huge crowds of people. Delegations from all over the world sat in the viewing area neatly in term uniforms and watched the performances on the big stage.

The organizers invited some stars to sing the theme song of the game. There was also cosplay and a small theater for some game characters. The show ended at 7:30 and was followed by the opening match.

There were two opening matches today. The first was the United States vs Indonesia in Group A, and the second was Germany vs China in Group F.

The US team was playing at home today, and the players were in good condition. They neatly won against the opponent with a score of 2:0.

The second opening match was about to begin. The national flags of the German and Chinese teams appeared on the screen, and Jiang Shaoyu led the team to the preparation area.

At this time, it was exactly noon in China.

The number of people online in the official live stream room had exceeded 5 million. This was twice as much as the previous World Series.

[Is it going to start? I’m so nervous!]

[The Chinese team, jiayou!]

[It would be great to win one game against Germany. Losing 1:2 is better than losing 0:2.]

[Do you think we will lose even before fighting? Are you so unconfident?]

[No bragging, no criticism. Germany is very strong. It was third place last year! Isn’t it normal to lose?]

[In theory, there is a high probability of losing, but I still look forward to Coach Jiang’s lineup!]

[I will take a look at the legendary omega coach. Can I trouble the director to give Coach Jiang a shot?!]

At the San Francisco game venue, the director really gave the Chinese team the camera.

Jiang Shaoyu also wore a team uniform and had a calm expression on his face. He took Mo Hantian, Hua Ran, Xia Li, Qin Xueyao, and Shi Xiaobin to the soundproof room of the big stage.

The starting lineup of the Chinese team was displayed on the big screen:

CHN-Devil, CHN-Flower, CHN-Summer, CHN-Snow and CHN-Time.

Seeing this list, the domestic live stream room suddenly exploded.

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[F*k! A lineup of newcomers?]

[Five young players are playing in the first round. Captain Liu, Captain Zhou, Lao Lin, and Yezi are all on the bench? There are no mistakes, right?]

[Who is the substitute for the national team?!]

[The first game is full of newcomers. Are they deliberately trying to lose?]

[Fred didn’t go either. So who is commanding this game?]

[Is Princess Mo in command? [Panic.jpg]]

[Mo Hantian will probably be beaten to the point of tears again…]

[So what is Coach Jiang’s tactical thinking this time? Accepting one loss in order to ensure two wins?]

[I think he knows he can’t beat Germany, so he simply let the newcomers go up to train them!]

If Coach Jiang let Lao Lin, Zhou Zhou and Captain Liu play, perhaps the Chinese team still had a glimmer of hope. Now the netizens saw the lineup of five newcomers, and their hopes were completely dashed.

Alas, it was really hard to guess Coach Jiang’s mind.

Actually letting such newcomers go up when fighting Germany? Wasn’t this just watching them lose?

The coach of the German team was also surprised when he saw the list.

Based on his understanding, the strongest commander of the Chinese team was Jiang Shaoyu’s apprentice, Fred. It was Fred who led the team to win against South Korea in the Asian Championship. The captain and commander of the national team at the last World Series was the charger Laolin. As a result, Fred and Laolin didn’t play against Germany today?

The German coach, Clemens, touched his chin. “It seems they think they can’t win, so they sent some newcomers to practice. Let’s not be careless and win the match as soon as possible. End the battle at 2:0 like the United States just now.”

The players sent by the German team were the sniper Wagner, the scout Weber, the medic Klein, the charger Frank and the assaulter Hoffmann. It was a regular lineup with all positions. It was just that their charger and assaulter weren’t the main force. The main charger and assaulter were on the bench.

Obviously, they didn’t think they needed their main force to play against the Chinese team, nor did they need to come up with the strongest three charger system.

Seeing this, Jiang Shaoyu calmly told Mo Hantian, “Xiao Mo, pay attention to setting up your gun at a long distance and covering Xia Li and Hua Hua. Kill the opponent’s medic first and take advantage of our medic to drag them down.”

Mo Hantian nodded. “Understood.”

Players from both sides checked their equipment while the information of the starting players was displayed on the big screen.

In the domestic commentary room, the two commentators also started to formally explain.

“Audience friends, welcome to the official live stream room! This is the scene of the 6th World Series’ Group F stage. It is China against Germany!”

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“We can see that the players on both sides are preparing. The starting lineup sent by the Chinese team is the sniper Mo Hantian, the assaulter Xia Li, the charger Hua Ran, the scout Qin Xueyao, and the medic Shi Xiaobin! The German team’s main charger, Kaiser, and the assaulter Miller didn’t play. Substitutes were sent!”

“Yes. The German coach obviously believes that China is at the bottom of Group F and there is no need to send too many main players. The main players must be kept to play in the knockout rounds.”

“Both sides are using regular lineups with all five positions. The match is about to start. Let’s look at the results of the system’s random draw…”

“The German team drew the first hand! The first hand has a certain advantage. Once Germany wins the first game at home, the psychological pressure on the players of the Chinese team will be even greater!”

“The game mode submitted by the German coach is—Endless Bloody Battle!”

“Endless Bloody Battle is a quick game. Play five small gives and destroy all the opponents to win one small game. Both sides will refresh at the same time, and the first to win three games will win. This is also the most commonly used mode in the competition and is very fast-paced.”

“It is the turn of the Chinese team to do the map BP. Let’s take a look at Coach Jiang’s choice.]

Netizens in the live stream room complained one after another.

[He won’t release the ban this time, will he?]

[He kept releasing the ban in the Asian Championship, and I have a psychological shadow.]

[Coach Jiang said: It is all about the heartbeat when playing!]

Jiang Shaoyu didn’t release the ban. In the map library of this World Series, there were up to 14 maps for Endless Bloody Battle mode. He couldn’t accurately predict the opponent’s maps like in the Asian Championship.

He simply banned the three maps of No 7 Subway Station, Deep in the Jungle, and Winding Corridor. These three maps were small and medium-sized maps, which were difficult for snipers and convenient for close-range combat. This gave an advantage to the German team’s melee core system.

Coach Clemens raised an eyebrow when he saw this and said with a smile, “It is okay. We will choose Aquarium.”

The map was quickly selected, and the game officially began.

The coaches of both sides shook hands politely in the middle of the stage. Then they turned and walked off stage to the preparation area.

The camera came to the preparation area. Jiang Shaoyu was sitting on the coach’s seat. Next to him were Pei Feng, Lao Lin, and the others. The players sitting on the bench looked calm. Pei Feng and Yezi were chatting with smiles on their faces, and they didn’t seem nervous at all.

In the soundproof room on stage, Mo Hantian took a deep breath, clenched his fists and said, “Come on, everyone!”

The map loaded, and the game officially began.

The Aquarium map was very beautiful. There were a lot of glass fish tanks with various colorful fishes as well as transparent jellyfish. The blue lights on the roof made the whole aquarium beautiful, and it was like being in a deep sea world.

The fish tanks were made of bulletproof glass that couldn’t be broken. This meant the glass fish tanks could be used as shelter in battle. Players could hide behind them to block bullets.

Since most fish tanks were cylindrical structures ‘from the ground to the roof’, it was difficult for snipers to find a sniper point in this map. They had to fight guerrilla warfare. Melee occupations such as assaulters and chargers could quickly go around between the fish tanks, using the advantage of a large number of bullets and a wide range to suppress the enemy.

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The German team spread out and rushed forward at the beginning of the game. The assaulter went to the left and the charger to the right. On China’s side, Xia Li and Hua Ran also scattered to the left and right.

The two ‘fake brother and sister’ of the Gemini sign always had different ideas. In the usual training, Jiang Shaoyu would let them move separately. The two of them wouldn’t affect each other as long as it wasn’t a maze-like map. It was enough to quickly disrupt the opponent’s rhythm.

Qin Xueyao quickly circled around the outside and looked for the enemies.

Soon, she found the position of an enemy player and reported it on the team channel, “At 9 o’clock, the medic is hiding there. The sniper is at 11 o’clock.”

Mo Hantian quickly issued an order. “Hua Hua and Xia Li, rush from the left and right. Wrap them in the direction of 9 o’clock.

There was a pointer on the mini-map. As soon as the direction was locked, Hua Ran and Xia Li immediately double-teamed from the left and right in the 9 o’clock direction, trying to kill the medic first. However, Hua Ran ‘encountered love around a corner’. He had just come out of a glass fish tank when he bumped into the German team’s charger.

Hoffman, the German team’s substitute charger, was also one of the best professional players of the European division. He reacted quickly and pulled the trigger as soon as he saw Hua Ran!

Bang bang bang bang!

A large number of bullets hit Hua Ran like torrential rain. Hua Ran’s health dropped a lot in an instant. He hurriedly dropped a smoke bomb to cover his position and ran away without a trace.

At the same time, Xia Li jumped out from the other side. The AK in her hand fired a volley of blind shots toward the back of the glass fish tank! Her instantaneous reaction was very fast, and she shot at an astonishing speed. Before the medic hiding there had time to raise the bulletproof light panel, she had killed them in one go.

[‘CHN-Summer’ used the AK-47-Blue Sky to kill ‘GER-Klein’!]

The gun in Xia Li’s hand happened to be a summer limited-edition skin that matched the scenery of Aquarium very well. She swept away the enemy medic, and the domestic live stream room was immediately filled with 6666!

At this time, Hua Ran used the cover of smoke to quickly go around behind another fish tank. Xia Li happened to go around from the medic’s side. The two of them, one in front of the other, fired fiercely at the German team’s charger!

Two against one, see if you die or not!

Hoffman was also fearless in the face of danger. He was double-teamed from the front and behind, but he didn’t care about the low health Hua Ran. He shot wildly to injure Xia Li.

The moment he was killed, his assaulter teammate arrived in time and killed Xia Li and Hua Ran.

At this time, Mo Hantian was moving quickly around the periphery.

The German scout was looking for him. The moment he heard the footsteps, he immediately turned and ran, taking the other person to the lower left corner that contained the largest fish tank in the aquarium, full of beautiful jellyfish.

The viewers with a god’s perspective could see both sides circling the jellyfish tank.

Since both of them detoured clockwise and in the same direction, they couldn’t touch each other for a while. At this moment, Mo Hantian suddenly turned around and ran in the opposite direction.

The German scout was caught off guard and bumped into him head-on.

Mo Hantian immediately opened the scope and shot.

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There was the clear sound of gunfire in the aquarium, and the other person was shot in the head!

[‘CHN-Devil’ used the DSR-Apocalypse to kill ‘GER-Wber’!]

The audience in the live stream room was excited.

[F*k, is this still the crybaby, Xiao Mo?]

[The instantaneous reaction is too good. Reverse encirclement and a headshot in one go!]

[Xiao Mo 6666!]

At the same time that Mo Hantian killed the enemy scout, messages popped up continuously on the screen.

[‘CHN-Time’ has resurrected ‘CHN-Flower’ using the first aid kit!]

[‘CHN-Time’ has resurrected ‘CHN-Summer’ using the first aid kit!]

Hua Ran and Xia Li, who were killed just now, were actually rescued by Shi Xiaobin.

The medic of the German team was dead, the charger was killed by Hua Hua and Xia Li in a two-on-one situation, and the scout was killed by Mo Hantian. All members of the Chinese team were resurrected, forming a 5-on-2 situation.

Mo Hantian excitedly said, “Xueyao, report! Get them!”

The five people cooperated with the siege and killed the remaining two people of Germany.

In the first round, the guardians were all destroyed, and the lurkers won.

The Chinese team won the first game.

The domestic audience excited filled the screen. “6666!”

It seemed that this group of newcomers was better than imagined? They actually won a small game?

At the scene of the game, the coach of the German team noticed something was wrong and immediately pressed the timeout button.

-The German team requested a timeout.

In the viewing area, the smile on the face of South Korea’s coach, Cha Injun, gradually disappeared.

What about their affected mentality???

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