Golden Age Legitimate Fei

Chapter 728: 728

Since the fall of Fei Hong pass by Mo xiuyao, the occupation that had always been anxious changed immediately. The two groups of people who besieged feihongguan were beaten to pieces. After the arrival of liuwai's winter, Beirong's troops and horses slowed down obviously. Beirong territory in winter, frozen inch grass disappeared. Although they occupied a large part of the northern part of the great Chu, they had no choice but to do harm to these places in the past six months. So as soon as winter came, the grain and grass of the northern army began to be tense. Mo xiuyao beat back the besieged Beirong and Xiling army, and went eastward to Chujing without stopping. Before that, the troops led by Murong Shen had already approached Chu Jing. However, another 300000 soldiers and horses, named he Su, bypassed the capital of Chu and directly got in touch with the northern army on the other side. They cut off the rear road of the northern army. Although the appearance of these two armies did not directly solve the encirclement of Chu Jing, it also made the enemy's offensive much easier. Let the Da Chu Garrison who has been fighting hard for more than a month to breathe a sigh of relief.

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At this time, a big event happened in the Northern Territory. The queen of Ren Qining, the current king of the northern frontier, who was the princess and the children born to her, all died overnight. But strangely, the child born to his concubine's room was safe and sound. Although the people in the northern frontier are brave and not good at wisdom, they are not really stupid. Not long ago, the story of Ren Qining secretly harming his wife began to spread in the northern border city. Because Ren Qining himself was not from the northern frontier, and after he unified the northern frontier, he also appointed many Central Plains people. Many seeds of incompatibility between the Central Plains people and the northern border people had been buried for a long time. Now, the outbreak suddenly caused a headache for Ren Qining.

However, when Ren Qining has just suppressed these rumors, his remaining children, wives and concubines have also died. This time, it seems that it was the people of Beijing who did it. However, no matter what Ren Qining thought was the Beijing people or framed the blame, he could only suppress the incident again. Otherwise, the conflict between the people in the Central Plains and those in the north will break out even more severely next time.

In the study

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Ren Qining looked at the post that had just been sent in front of him and almost bit his teeth. A black gold painted post with golden auspicious clouds and flying dragons on the back. The content of the post is very simple, only a few words: "people don't offend me, I don't offend.". If a man offends me, he will pay him back a thousand times. " A few lines of Chinese characters with dragon flying and Phoenix dancing look natural and unrestrained, domineering, and even more like an undisguised provocation.

Ren Qining clenched his teeth and kneaded the post into a leg, which instantly turned into scraps of paper, "Mo xiuyao!" Ren Qining's original elegant face no longer has half silk smile, some are only endless distortion and hatred. This sudden blow from Mo xiuyao is absolutely enough to make Ren Qining deeply hurt. Not only his wife and concubine, but also all his children, four sons and five girls. Ren Qining knew that this was mo xiuyao's revenge on Ye Li in Xiling, but people always did not care about other people's pain, only when they felt unbearable.

"Young master." In the study, a few men who are obviously the appearance of Central Plains people stood in silence, some worried looking at Ren Qining's distorted face. They were loyal ministers of the previous dynasty who had been loyal to the Lin family for generations. After establishing a foundation in the northern border, Ren Qining naturally placed them in the imperial court of the northern frontier to hold important posts. Compared with those northern frontier people who worked hard on the battlefield, they were Ren Qining's true confidants. Although the barbarians in the northern frontier started to make them who claimed to be orthodox in the Central Plains have some problems, but they were born at a very bad time. For a hundred years, the Central Plains has been the Dingwang's mansion, and the former kings of all dynasties guarded them. Their ancestors couldn't move at all. At that time, when the dingwangfu was badly damaged, they found an opportunity to control the whole northern territory. Otherwise, they still had to hide in the dark to become a hermit family.

Ren Qining sneered and said, "the post that Mo xiuyao asked people to send. Is it true that the people of King Ding's residence are all pervasive That's a good way

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One of them hesitated for a moment and then asked, "this is the matter of the queen and the little princes. Is that what Mo xiuyao called? All over the house Mo xiuyao's cruel means Even these people could not help but tremble for Mo xiuyao's ruthlessness. Some time ago, Mo xiuyao had just killed half of the nobles in Xiling imperial city. Now he has killed all but Ren Qining, the royal family in the northern border. Such a method must be said to be thrilling.

"Is it hard for Mo xiuyao to really care about the princess? Or did he intend to do so for a long time, but just found the excuse? " Some people suspect.

Ren Qining was silent. In fact, he only met Mo xiuyao and Ye Li in Xiling last year. However, he could clearly feel that Mo xiuyao cared about Princess Ding. Moreover, because of the influence of the Xu family behind Princess Ding in the Ding palace, he started to attack Ye Li. But I didn't expect that this time it was really a loss, and my wife broke the army again.

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Silence for a while, Ren Qining just asked: "how is the war over there in Chujing?"

"Tell me, young master, our troops have besieged Chujing for more than a month, and we believe that we can break through Chujing soon. Just don't know from where suddenly killed all the soldiers and horses, even cut off the road of the Chu Jing Road. There were only 200000 soldiers in this army, but the leader was very extraordinary. They occupied the three small cities in the middle and acted as horns for each other. Ling's army lost a lot. What's more, he occupies the main road and blocks it. Our supplies and supplies can't keep up with it. I'm afraid the time to capture the capital of Chu will be later. " They never thought that army could change the whole situation. No matter how powerful it is, it is only 200000 people. Compared with the nearly one million troops in the Northern Territory, it is not enough. It's just that it's going to delay some of the city's broken days.Ren Qining slightly frowned and asked, "who is the leader?" As far as he knew, there were few generals in the great Chu who could fight, and most of them were taken to the south of the Yangtze River by Mo Jingli. However, lenghuai, who had been stationed at the Zijingguan pass, are now besieged in the capital of Chu, and they are not able to lead troops.

The middle-aged man shook his head and said, "I only know his name is he su. Now the world is in chaos, Mo Jingli left Chujing and took many people. Our people couldn't find out about him for a while. "

"Not exactly?" Ren Qining stroked his chin and asked thoughtfully, "so Can it be mo xiuyao's man? "

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"This..." The crowd was silent and suspicious. Although those soldiers and horses don't look like Mohist army, who knows if there are any other soldiers and horses hidden in Dingwang mansion? Moreover, the sudden attack in this oblique stab clearly meant to delay the northern territory's attack on the capital of Chu. Now, Mo xiuyao has also set out for Chujing. Therefore, it makes sense to say that it is to buy time for Mo xiuyao.

Ren Qining grew up and said, "send orders to go down and immediately mobilize all the troops. Within three days, I was defeated by the king. The army attacked Chu Jing with all its strength. We must take Chu Jing before Mo xiuyao's army arrives. " People should be, "childe, what's your plan?" Ren Qining narrowed his eyes and said coldly, "if Mo xiuyao wants Chujing, he also wants to see whether this king agrees or not. Send a message to the seventh Prince of Beirong. Ten days later, the king invited him to visit the Bauhinia pass. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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