Golden Age Legitimate Fei

Chapter 741: 741

Among those who heard the news, Mo Jingli and Ren Qining were the most angry.

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Naturally, Mo Jingli and Mo xiuyao were not born in the same boat. Nowadays, their children are married and their love is deep. However, he could not find his only son. How could Mo xiuyao not be angry. In a hurry, he could not help but remember his deep hatred for Mo Jingqi and tossed the seven or eight year old emperor aside. The timid and cowardly little emperor was so frightened that he could hardly afford to be ill.

Compared with Mo Jing Li, Ren Qining is more indignant. His son, daughter, wife and concubine were killed by Mo xiuyao. It can be said that such a killing method is no different from killing the door. In this way, he also provoked a factional struggle that was not very harmonious within the Northern Territory. How could Ren Qining not hate Mo xiuyao. See that is red enough to aim at the golden auspicious cloud's post, Ren Qi Ning's indignant cavity blood nearly spurted out.

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"Mo xiuyao! Mo xiuyao In the study, looking at Ren Qining gnashing teeth, face ferocious appearance, a dry heart also scared some dare not speak. After a long time, I saw Ren Qining slowly calm down. Then someone came forward and asked carefully: "childe, this post Shall we go? "

Ren Qining sneered and squeezed the post in his hand tightly, as if it was mo xiuyao himself, "go, why not go? Not only the king went back, but also Beirong, Nanzhao and Xiling. If we don't go, we'll be looked down upon. " The aides were surprised and asked anxiously, "is it hard for Mo xiuyao to hold a Hongmen banquet this time?"

Ren Qining glanced at his subordinates and snorted, "Hongmen banquet, no matter how good he is at cultivating Yao, he can't persuade so many people to be killed in Licheng. It's just that I want to explore the thoughts of those in power in various countries. It's just that I want to see yeluno and Lei Zhenting. "

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It was a relief to hear him say so. Soon, someone asked, "if you go in person, I'm afraid you'll have to take a lady with you. But now... " It is not appropriate for the head of a country to go to a foreign country without his wife. What's more, there are some occasions in which female dependents play an irreplaceable role. Especially when there is a real power princess in the Ding palace, all the guests who attend the birthday banquet will bring their wives. But now the problem is that the wives of the royal family in the northern frontier have been killed, and none of them are left. And now let Ren Qining headache is also the matter of the palace.

Before Ren Qining married a northern tribe princess as his wife, and then accepted several concubines. Most of them are women from the Central Plains, which naturally conforms to the thoughts of the Central Plains officials around Ren Qining. After all, they have always considered the Central Plains orthodox. Although they have no choice but to restore the country with the help of the Northern Territory, they still hope that the next generation of emperors after the restoration will be of pure Central Plains blood. Therefore, at the beginning, after the queen and his son and daughter were killed, the people of the central plains were undeniably happy. However, the princesses and princesses born to several concubines of the Central Plains also died. Only then did they find out the seriousness of the problem.

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But now, the state can not be without a monarch for a day, and the harem naturally can't be without a master for a day. However, on the issue of whether Ren Qining married a woman from the Central Plains or from the north, the two sides could not hold on. Originally, it was easy to say when Nakamura's forces were weak. But now that the northern border has occupied a large area of land in Dachu, a large number of the original Dachun people have been recruited into the army. As a result, the situation that the army was full of people from the northern frontier was soon broken, and Nakamura's minister gradually had the capital to challenge. Therefore, it has been argued for more than half a month whether to marry a woman from the north or from the Central Plains. The two sides were even more cynical as soon as they met each other. They had to go straight to fight.

Ren Qining's heart is naturally biased towards the people of the Central Plains. As a man, he naturally prefers the gentleness and gentleness of the women of the Central Plains aristocratic family than the slightly rough northern women. However, the people in the north are not really idiots. Ren Qining himself is a native of the Central Plains. He asked him to marry a central plains man to be his queen. After that, the northern frontier will directly change the name of the Central Plains? Will there be any place for these northern tribes in the future? Naturally, we should firmly oppose it.

As soon as I think of it, Ren Qining has a headache. If he had won Chujing this time, he would have been able to restore orthodoxy by virtue of the reputation of the Royal orphans of the previous dynasty. These northern frontier people would not be so important. It is a pity that Mo xiuyao failed because of his obstruction. In the future, naturally, he still had to rely on these people from the northern frontier. It was impossible for him to get rid of them or suppress them for a moment and a half. It's not just impossible. It's more about holding them up. With a wave of his hand, he interrupted everyone's discussion. Ren Qining said in a deep voice: "go back and announce the king's decision. He Lan of tajib was canonized as the queen. "

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"Childe They all cried out in unison, and one of them came forward and said, "childe, the princess of Helan is unruly and willful. How can he be the queen of a country?"

Ren Qining impatient way: "otherwise you can still find more suitable candidates from the north?"? Unruly and willful There are also advantages of being unruly and willful. At least I don't have so much heart to worry about. " His ex-wife, the princess of Beijing, has no less mental means than a man. There are not as many restrictions on women in the northern border as in the Central Plains. The princess of Beijing was originally trained as an heir. Unfortunately, she fell in love with Ren Qining at first sight and was willing to be a queen in the harem, rather than the head of the most powerful tribe in the northern border. Even so, even so, many places of renqining have long been impatient. If Mo xiuyao didn't do it too hard, I'm afraid Ren Qining really wanted to thank him this time."In addition, confer the eldest daughter of Wang's family and the third daughter of Zhang's family as imperial concubines."

In this way, people were satisfied. On gongdou, do you know that the women in the northern frontier who only know how to be the opponents of the women of the aristocratic families in the Central Plains? , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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