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Theo pinched his reddish face and said with a provocative smile, "My little one, if you get so embarrassed, I'll give you a kiss."

Shina lifted her head, surprised by what she heard, her eyes were wide open and her mouth opened and closed without knowing what to say and how to react to it.

"I... I doubt you'd kiss me..." Shina said in a mosquito voice, she wanted it, but she couldn't say it out loud.

But it was enough for Theo to hear. He revealed a charming and malicious smile as he wrapped his right hand around her waist.

With his other hand, Theo put it on the chin of nervous and surprise Shina. He raised his hand a little, making his eyes meet.

By the time Shina looked at Theo, there was something unknown in his eyes. Theo smiled at her. Your heart's lost a beat. Shina immediately looked away from his eyes.

Theo felt like provoking even more. Shina was so shy and cute!

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Shina strongly believed that she could melt in his strong and comforting arms. She felt a tingling all over her body. She thought it was strange to be nervous and embarrassed like that. Since she'd kissed him before.

Her eyes had already become drunk, in love, they shone even brighter than the stars on a day of starry skies. Theo himself was fascinated to see it. Now not only Shina's heart was beating like crazy, but also his heart.

Shina was surprised to hear Theo's heart racing. It gave her the courage to look straight into your eyes. Your body shook a little bit when you did that. Theo was looking at her with desire and passion. Something even stronger than before, it disconcerted her, but it made her so happy that she believed it was a dream.

Shina never in her life felt so desired and courageous at the same time. She stood on her toes and sucked the bottom of Theo's lips like she was sucking the juice from an orange.

Theo who intended to kiss her was surprised, but not cowardly. He sucked Shina's upper lips at the same time as she sucked his lower lip. Her lips began to intertwine until Shina once again stuck her little tongue in Theo's mouth in search of Theo's much-loved tongue.

Shina wrapped her arms around Theo, causing their bodies to press each other. Theo, in proving the sweet taste of Shina's kiss, felt addicted to that taste.

Shina felt as if she were on the moon, sure that if Theo didn't hold her with his firm, well-developed, strong arms, she would have been taken by gravity by now. In her man's arms, she knew she wouldn't have to worry about any of this.

After almost 20 minutes of kissing his lips began to fill up a little. But neither of them wanted it to end. Their hearts that beat so fast, were incredibly beating at the same speed, it was almost as if they had become one.

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Theo who was with his knees bent a little, to stay at Shina's height. As their lips stopped moving and separated, Shina and Theo were panting hot air from their mouths as they opened their eyes.

His eyes had become even more passionate than before. Shina opened her mouth and closed, but then she opened it again and whispered, "I love you, thief!"

Theo was happy to hear her say that she loves him, but had a strange expression when she heard him call him a thief. "Thief? Why thief?" Theo asked with a certain interest.

Shina was brave enough to say something she never thought she'd have the courage to say, "Yes, that's right! Thief, you stole my heart! Now I can't live without you, my thief~♪" Your voice at the end of your speech was so slim but incredibly seductive.

Theo was surprised by his answer, but he revealed a smile when he said, "So my prisoner, I can't leave you, right?"

"Exactly!" Shina revealed a shy smile: "You must bear the consequences for what you have done and have me by your side for all eternity!"

Although she felt very, very ashamed of what she said, she was even happier to say it. She knew a little childish thing, but it came from the depths of her soul! She doesn't regret it at all. Besides, it was the most sincere and true vow she'd ever made to anyone. Stand by Theo's side for all eternity.

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In a place farther but farther away, where the evillest beings and danger live. There were two women in front of each other, they looked extraordinary, they were like two goddesses who illuminated this whole dark place.

They were drawing a huge formation on the ground from where they were. Not far from them, there were 8 mountains... actually, there were 8 deities who were defeated and killed by them, but their sizes were so huge that they were easily confused with great mountains.

"Sister, it's almost all set!" One of her with long red hair in pure, celestial flames spoke. Along with his voice, there were traces of the law, that if a weak human being would die only from hearing his voice. Not that she was ugly, far from it, it was because of the power her voice had.

"En." The other woman just nodded with your head. She was also an extremely beautiful woman with long black hair, even darker than the darkness itself. However, like the other woman, she also had her body surrounded by flames, but her flames were fiercer and more arrogant.

"Soon we'll be able to summon the beast of emptiness and get out of this goddamn place!" The woman spoke again in anger, causing the entire planet where they were to tremble even more strongly than an earthquake.

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"TOC...! TOC...! Toc...!"

"Shina, Theo?" Zaika's voice has reached your ears.

Theo knew they'd been here a long, long time. He then said, "We're coming."

Theo smiled at Shina and said, "Shall we?"

"Yes..." Shina answered with her flirtatious voice, drawing circles on Theo's chest with her finger.
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