Chapter 26.2

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Mo Zhen breathed a sigh of relief and asked: “Then is *deceiving people one of your personal hobbies?”  The rumours of a haunting ghost in the Kenisi Villa, there was definitely a connection to this woman.

*(TN: 裝神弄鬼, meaning play God, but in truth you are a demon idiom.)

  ”It’s not what you think, because I am a true ghost, I don’t have the power to take on another form.” Piao Piao rubbed her cheek thoughtfully. “And I did not do it to frighten them. I just wanted to warn them to guard their cats carefully. “

  But they did not understand her good intentions, after seeing her they would run away as fast as they could; it really was… … so sad.

  ”How did you know that their cat would go missing?” In addition to Mo Zhen, almost all of the households in Kenisi Villa owned a pet, and the majority of them had cats. Unless she and the Cat Gang were on the same side, how would she know which cat would be targeted next?

  ”Zhen Zhen, Piao Piao!” Ah Yao floated over and placed herself in the middle of Mo Zhen and Piao PIao, “She was the one who called the police for you! The people in the warehouse were all defeated by her!”

  Mo: “…”

  How did he forget that this Piao Piao was a ghost? If she wanted to know their next target, it couldn’t be too difficult for her.

  Feeling flattered, Piao Piao shyly bowed and muttered: “Aiyo, in fact, these are only small matters, I am a qualified ghost ah.”

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  Mo: “…”

  You might be qualified, but I am not HR.

(TN: HR, human resources, the part of the company that controls the hiring of workers)

  ”They had decided that their next target would be Ah Yao, and once I found out, I had wanted to tell you directly. But you have some barrier surrounding your body and I couldn’t get close, so I could only directly tell Ah Yao.” Piao Piao lowered her head, and shyly continued to speak.

  Mo Zhen’s eyes flashed a trace of doubt, what was the barrier that stopped her from coming close? Did Master’s spell not have a shell life?

  ”I don’t know why, but now it seems like there isn’t a problem.”

  Mo: “…”

  It seemed like it really did have a shell life.

  Ah Yao heard this and nodded excitedly, “En, uh, Piao Piao and I came up with a plan, and I pretend to be caught by them so we could wipe them all out.”

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  Piao Piao raised her head, looked at Ah Yao and nodded: “En, although I had just come to tell you to be good and stay at home, and not to run around.”

  Ah Yao:”…”

  Piao Piao was originally planning not to intervene in this matter, but to see those miserable kittens was truly too pitiful, so she decided to try to warn their owners. She never imagined that when she was trying to persuade Ah Yao, she was actually persuaded by Ah Yao to become a chivalric woman … … it was actually quite fun.

  Mo Zhen heard this and could not help but ask: “I watched the surveillance footage, all the cats had voluntarily run away from their homes, why was this?”

  Piao Piao replied: “The truth is they did not run out on their own will, but the surveillance camera could not capture what had happened.”

  Mo Zhen froze, he finally understood, “There was a ghost?”

  ”En,” Piao Piao nodded, “The air around my body is too heavy, when kittens or puppies get close, they feel very uncomfortable. Er Gou and I are the opposite, the kittens and puppies are all very attracted to the smell around her.”

  ”Er… Gou?” Mo Zhen looked Piao Piao, the doubt could be seen clearly in his disbelieving eyes.

  ”Er Gou is my former friend, but later we got into a fight, and she ran to an Abusing Cats Gang.” Piao Piao explained, as she thought about that time, she felt a little melancholy.

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  Mo: “…”

  If you call me Er Gou, I would definitely be angry with you too –  but he had completely forgotten that he had originally named Ah Yao Li Gouhai.

(TN: Er Gou, means second Dog… chinese and their insults, i don’t even know anymore)

  ”Where is Er Gou now?” He asked curiously. If Er Gou was one of the murderers, they could not let her get away so easily.

  ”Er Gou has already been taking away by the Ghosts, and I was almost taken away with her!” Piao Piao still had some lingering fears about that moment, she has not completed her revenge, therefore she did not want to enter the reincarnation circle.

  Ah Yao gazed at her, pondering for a moment before asking: “Piao Piao, Mo Zhen said before that he can only see the souls of the dead, how did you die?

  Mo Zhen looked at Ah Yao for a moment, although she usually looked very stupid, when she encountered serious things, she could understand the situation very clearly

  But this was not one of her great moments of wisdom.

  Piao Piao blinked and replied: “This is a very melodramatic story, I will not say it since it would make your IQ go down.”

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  Ah Yao: “…”

  But Mo Zhen knew it was no coincidence, she would not even say her real name, let alone the cause of her death.

  Looking at the time- it was almost ten o’ clock. Mo Zhen looked at the two ghosts floating in the air and smiled, “Miss Piao Piao, it’s late, you should go home.”

  Ruthlessly kicking out a guest, Ah Yao disagreed strongly and jumped out, “Zhen Zhen, Piao Piao is my friend!” How could you drive her away with such a cold expression?

  Mo Zhen’s eyes moved to Ah Yao, “She can stay, you go.”


  Ah Yao looked at Piao Piao, her eyes were very sincere, “Piao Piao goodbye!”

  Piao Piao: “…”

  To be betrayed so easily!]

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