Chapter 6.1

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The director called cut and the scene quickly ended, Mo Zhen walked over to the rest area and picked up a bottle of sparking water from the table to drink.
Ah Yao drifted to Mo Zhen’s side and kindly reminded him: “You must rinse it in your mouth, and then spit it out.”

Mo Zhen’s mouth was filled with water, he was really tempted to spray Ah Yao’s face with water, but in the end his Adam’s apple slipped a bit, and with a “gulp”, he swallowed all of the water down his throat.

Seeing Mo Zhen sit down in his chair, Ah Yao also sat next to him on the floor, “That was Song Ni’s true motive, she just really wanted to kiss you.”

Mo Zhen: “… …”

What right did you have? You’re the one who always tries to watch me bathe!

As Mo Zhen sulked to himself, Ah Yao sat opposite of him, for the entire scene her eyes had been staring at the Song Ni who was stuck on Mo Zhen’s body, her two slender eyebrows wrinkled, “You don’t like that Song Ni right? I don’t like her either. ”

“I don’t like you,” Mo Zhen said coldly.

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Ah Yao: “…”

She felt unhappy, very very unhappy, so she decided to take revenge on Song Ni.

She stared at Song Ni for a few seconds, just as when Song Ni was about to put the mineral water on her lips, “bang” the bottle had suddenly exploded and the transparent liquid inside was splashing out, pouring cold water onto Song Ni’s entire face.

The sudden change scared Song Ni so much that she started screaming, her high-pitched screams raised a lot of people’s eyebrows. The assistant stared at Song Ni’s drenched hair and quickly grabbed paper towels to help her wipe the water stains on her face.

Mo Zhen glanced at Song Ni, and then looked down at Ah Yao, who was squatting and laughing non-stop, he lifted his eyebrows slightly, “Was it you?”

“Ah.” Ah Yao looked at Song Ni whose makeup stained face could fit right into a ghost movie, and suddenly laughed cheerfully.

“You can do that?” Mo Zhen’s eyes flashed a touch of curiosity, “Speaking of which, why aren’t you afraid of light?” This morning he had wanted to ask her the same question; ghosts that were unafraid of light, this matter was too unscientific.

“Why should I be afraid of light? Because of the so-called natural selection and survival of the fittest, ghosts these days aren’t really afraid of light.”

Mo Zhen: “… …”

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He felt that he really did not understand Darwin.

(Oh Mo Zhen I don’t understand Darwin either)

Tang Qiang walked over and vaguely heard Mo Zhen talking himself, he blinked and said to Mo Zhen: “Are you practicing lines again?”

“What else would I be doing?” Mo Zhen looked up, asked very righteously.

Tang Qiang chuckled, he handed Mo Zhen the things he was carrying, “These are the newspapers you wanted, you go ahead and care about the sufferings of people.”

Mo Zhen took the newspaper, casually should be said: “Zhen knows, you can leave now.”

Tang Qiang: “… …”

Was Mo Zhen considering acting in historical drama? Tang Qiang seriously thought that he should examine any new Emperor roles to see if there was one suitable for Mo Zhen.

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Because Song Ni need to get her makeup redone and re-dress, the crew’s break time had been extended by half-an-hour. The rest of the shooting occurred with no problems; it was four o clock in the afternoon when the director finally dismissed the crew. Tang Qiang whistled when he saw Mo Zhen’s black Bentley and turned to talk to Mo Zhen: “Emperor Mo, are you driving back yourself, or should I send you back?”

“I can go back myself.” He put on the large brown sunglasses on his face, Mo Zhen’s face at that moment was hidden two thirds by the sunglasses. Ah Yao followed Mo Zhen from behind and and floated to the car. Just as Mo Zhen was closing the door, a knock came from the glass window.

He looked through the window and saw Song Ni smiling, Mo Zhen frowned, and impatiently rolled down the window, “What?”

“Brother, we got dismissed so early today, we should go eat a meal together.” Song Ni’s smile was very tempting; Ah Yao knew that only a few men in this world would dare to refuse this invitation.

However, Mo Zhen did not want to eat with this kind of person.

“I still have plans tonight, Miss Song, I advise you to find someone else to accompany you to eat.” Mo Zhen said and shut the window, started to pull the car out from the parking lot.

Some part of him admired Song Ni, even though his dislike of her had been quite obvious, but she could still pretend as if she could not see it, her perseverance was really quite strong.

Coming back home, Mo Zhen drove very quickly, but this Ah Yao was prepared so it was not as easy to throw her off. She managed to maintain the same speed as the car the entire time, Ah Yao even took the time to look at the scenery outside the window.

A city was the capital city of the province, had a large population, and steady economic development, high-rise buildings were built on both sides of the road. When they reached the city center, although it was still working hours, the streets still had quite a few people, Mo Zhen had to slow down the speed.

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There was a large department store on the intersection, outside the stores there were many advertisement billboards, Ah Yao floated around above, so that she was in the best position to see Mo Zhen’s face on the billboards.

It was advertisement of Mo Zhen for a well-known clothing brand, next to his billboard, hung a billboard of Song Ni.

A Yao looked at the billboard, which was getting farther and farther away, and snorted. “Is that brand endorsing you and Song Ni?”

Mo Zhen glanced at the left side of the billboard, and snorted. From the time the endorsement began, Song Ni has always been lingering around him. Speaking of lingering, he watched as Ah Yao floated around- this was the true definition of lingering.

Ah Yao looked at only a small corner of the billboard, and breathed a sigh of relief “That brand of clothes will not sell well.” Anyway, if it were her, she would not buy the clothes Song Ni endorsed.

Mo Zhen listened to what Ah Yao said and unconsciously smiled, because it was exactly the same as what he had thought. Although the company wished to borrow his name to gain more followers for Song Ni, his fans would not buy it, they would rather buy it from handsome men, and did not want to buy it from a woman.


Ah Yao strikes again!

Zhen is basically what emperors call themselves.

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