Chapter 61

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In the living room, Chen Qingyang’s body that had just been dancing for joy stiffened. Even the lights that were non-stop flashing on Mo Zhen’s figure seem to have stopped for a moment.

  The cameras began to flash even more wildly than before. An earth-shattering change swept through the entire venue and the shaking red carpet was surrounded by a white sky. Even though they were sitting in front of the TV, they could clearly hear the photographers crazily pressing the shutter.

  The “kacha kacha” sound was crisp and rhythmic- just like the screams that were repeating continuously on TV.

  Chen Qingyang’s roaring inner feelings were even more out of control than the live audience’s. She rushed in front of Li Yan and wanted to hold and shake her a few times to divulge her surging emotions, however she discovered that Li Yan was even more dazed than she was and was stupidly staring at Mo Zhen’s figure on TV.

  Chen Qingyang’s hands hugged Li Yan’s shoulder. “Da Li, I didn’t expect your feelings for Emperor Mo to become so profound. Just cry it out. I will not laugh at you. ”

  She had help developed such a high-quality devoted fan for Emperor Mo.The feeling of accomplishment was even more exciting than promoting a Communist Youth League Member.

  Li Yan licked her lips and finally tore her eyes away from Emperor Mo. She looked at Chen Qingyan’s mournful expression,“I was just thinking; what should I do if the one he’s talking about is me?”

  Chen Qingyang: “…”

  Da Li, hurry up and wake up!

  She walked to Li Yan’s side, sat cross-legged on the couch and said: “I also think he’s talking about me.” It could be estimated that over a thousand people thought the same.

  The hostess on TV was attempting to ask more questions, but Emperor Mo had calmly stated that he would answer no more.

  Mo Zhen’s unintentional or intentional sentence had become the climax of the entire awards ceremony. Even after reading the list of winners, the audience couldn’t become as excited as they were before.

  ”Emperor Mo’s heart belongs to someone, I feel like I will never love again.” Although the ceremony had not yet officially started, this topic occupied major forums and Weibo with lightning speed.

  Although Chen Qingyang tried to hypnotize herself into believing that she was the person Mo Zhen was talking about, she had still suffered a considerable blow. The entire audience at the awards ceremony remained muddle-headed until the honorable guests went to the stage and were ready to announce the winner of the Best Actor award.

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  Li Yan also couldn’t help but feel nervous. This kind of feeling made her feel like she had returned to elementary school and the teacher was reading each student’s score on the podium.

  ”We’ve finally arrived at an exciting movement. The winner of the 53rd Golden Bull Award for Best Actor will be announced. The competition for this year’s Golden Bull Award is extremely fierce as 37 outstanding films have been nominated this year. This achievement is not only awarded to the movie itself, but to the actors and actresses as well. Among them, there are many dark horses in the race…”

  The host spoke his opening remarks. Just when Chen Qingyang was about to lose her patience, the honorable guests finally took to the stage. The person presenting the award was the king of the movie industry from the previous generation, Guan Ran. When he stepped onto the stage, a small scream came from the audience.

  Guan Ran smiled and greeted everyone as he opened the red envelope in his hands, “The 53rd Golden Bull Award winner for Best Actor is –“

  He was very familiar with the routine and paused. The spotlights of the venue shone on the four nominated actors. All of them held their breath and waited for Guan Ran to read out the name.

  ”The actor of Gao Sen, Mo Zhen!”

  The applause from the scene thundered and the repressed screams burst out at this moment. Chen Qingyang screamed along with the audience on TV. The way she danced made it seem like she had completely recovered from the blow earlier. “I knew it would be Zhen Zhen! I knew it!” After she finished, she still felt it wasn’t grand enough and kicked off her slippers to jump on the couch. “Gao Sen conquers the world! Oh yeah!”

  Li Yan: “…”

  She had said long ago that chasing celebrities truly affects IQ.

  On the 50-inch TV screen, the camera was aimed at Mo Zhen. In the moment the camera swept past, Li Yan spotted Tang Qiang sitting next to him.

  Huh? Zhen Zhen had gotten the best actor award again, so why did Tang Qiang’s expression look so horrible?

  Just when she was about to ponder this issue, Mo Zhen took to the stage and was ready to deliver an acceptance speech. Guan Ran also stood on the stage and smiled at Mo Zhen, “Emperor Mo, after your awards speech, please talk more about that person you just mentioned.”

  The audience at the scene also made a buzzing noise; even if they were the celebrities on the main stage, they loved gossip just as much as ordinary people did.

  Mo Zhen took over the small Golden Bull award from Guan Ran’s hands, the flashing of the cameras on the scene became a new high. Of course, Mo Zhen’s speech was one that he had prepared long before. As for the person he likes, he obviously had no intention of revealing more about them.

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  Although they didn’t get the gossip they wanted, the audience still gave their most enthusiastic applause to the newly awarded film emperor – um, even though he was very experienced in being a film emperor.

  Together with Mo Zhen’s best actor award, “God’s Restricted Area 3” had won a total of 7 awards- including best director and best editor. It became the biggest overall winner in the Golden Bull Awards this year.

  After the awards ceremony, Mo Zhen naturally became the focus of all media. Emperor Mo’s heart has a home – this would definitely be more explosive than Emperor Mo reclaiming his title as film emperor as a headline.

  However, Mo Zhen had spent 10 years in the entertainment industry and dealt with the media almost every single day. He was skilled at dealing with reporters. If he didn’t wish to, these reporters wouldn’t be able to dig a single piece of valuable information from his mouth.

  This is why Tang Qiang was so angry.

  Mo Zhen’s words on the red carpet were obviously deliberately stated. Regardless of why he would choose this time and occasion to talk about this kind of topic, he didn’t discuss this with him beforehand. It was enough for Tang Qiang this economic man to be a mere figurehead.

  A shelf that was very empty.

  Although he did not oppose Mo Zhen’s love, he did not say that he would agree to make his love public. What’s more, he felt that Li Yan herself didn’t know, that is, if the person he was talking about was her.

 ”Aren’t you going to the celebration party for the crew?” Tang Qiang’s tone was a little bleak as he glanced at Mo Zhen who was sitting in the passenger’s seat.


“I won’t go. I’m a bit tired, send me back.” When Mo Zhen finished talking, he leaned back in his chair and closed his eyes. After a day of shooting scenes, he had tossed for so long at the awards ceremony. Finally, he had to spend a half an hour playing tai chi. He was really tired.

(TN: playing tai-chi as in dodging questions)

  He didn’t know if Li Yan had arrived home already.

  Tang Qiang looked at the tired face of the person next to him, his mouth twitching as he started the engine of the car. It was a little after eleven o’clock and there weren’t many cars on the road; the city cloaked under darkness didn’t have the same busy noisiness as it did during the day. It was as quiet as a dignified lady.

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  Tang Qiang drove the car quietly. He tried to resist during the car ride but could no longer hold himself back, “Mo Zhen, why did you say that on the red carpet today?”

  The person next to him was silent for a moment before saying, “Why not?” His voice was very low, carrying the same calmness as the night scene surrounding them.

  Tang Qiang laughed loudly. Mo Zhen, this person, will never do something without a reason behind it, “Do you know that the company has stated that you can’t fall in love?”

  ”Did I say I’m in love?”

  ”Is there a difference?” Tang Qiang was still a little angry. In most situations, he would consider Mo Zhen’s temper and let it pass. However, this matter had touched his bottom line. “The company will definitely speak to you about this later. It’s better to think ahead in advance.”

  Mo Zhen remained silent with his eyes closed.

  Tang Qiang took a glance at him, and continued: “You’re at the peak of your popularity right now, the company will not allow you to get married.” He used the word marriage directly. Mo Zhen had already confessed on the red carpet, so he could now understand what Mo Zhen meant when he said he was serious before.

  ”I’ll negotiate with the company later. You don’t have to worry about it.”

  ”Ha!” A sneer came from Tang Qiang’s heart. “What about Li Yan? Have you ever asked her for her opinion? Would she want your relationship to go public? Could you guarantee that your fans will accept the news calmly?”

  Mo Zhen’s mouth twitched. He finally opened his eyes and looked at Tang Qiang, “Are you sure you aren’t part of those reporters?” This non-stop interrogation method was in the same style as entertainment reporters.

  Tang Qiang’s eyes blinked. Even in this situation, he still was in the mood to make a joke. No wonder Emperor Mo had the title of Emperor; his psychological state was so strong. When he was being jointly attacked by the reporters, he even took the opportunity to cast a fishing net towards them. The most popular topic about the awards ceremony wouldn’t be about the winners of the awards, but instead about how Emperor Mo’s heart had found a home. It would definitely make a proper new headline tomorrow!

  ”Tang Qiang, what I said today doesn’t mean that I want to make our relationship public, I just want to see how she would respond.” He didn’t just want to see her reaction to finding out that he had someone he liked, there were more complicated things he wanted her to think about.

  He could see that Li Yan has a good impression of him; but not everyone can withstand the pressure of falling in love with a celebrity, not to mention someone outside of the entertainment circle.

  Today, he had just simply stated that he liked someone and yet the media had reacted with a huge outburst. If they were really together, even if they don’t make their relationship public, the pressure on her will only grow. Could she accept it?

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  He needs to make Li Yan think clearly if she would like to be together with someone like him. Of course, the first thing she needs to think about before this is whether she likes him as a fan or someone who truly likes him.

  He didn’t want to jump directly into it without Li Yan thinking clearly about the matter.

  Tang Qiang’s thought process was obviously not in the same direction as Mo Zhen’s. He was more concerned about the impact on Mo Zhen’s image. So now after hearing him say this, he could only think about how this was a test of true love.

  Couldn’t you find a more low-key way to test each other? Did you have to make it so that everyone in the world needed to know before you could be happy? There was no need to show this much passion!

  After Mo Zhen was sent to his doorstep, Tang Qiang didn’t idle any longer and drove back. At that time, Li Yan had already returned. She scrolled through Weibo as she sat on the couch in the living room.

  Weibo was very lively. Nine of the ten weibo posts were about the development of Emperor Mo’s feelings. The beautiful scenery of the awards ceremony had already been completely covered by the topic of Emperor Mo’s affection.

  ”Boiling Lemon V: Since it has already reached this point, I’ll admit it. In fact, the person Emperor Mo was talking about is me. I hope everyone will bless us. :)”

  Li Yan: “…”

  She looked at this Weibo message that Chen Qingyang had just sent and replied, “The shameless person who knows their shame is close to bravery, and the person who has no sense of shame is almost brave.”

  Then, Chen Qingyang was not the only one to become a brave man.

  In one night, there were countless netizens jumping out and admitting that the person Mo Zhen was talking about was themselves. Even many big V accounts had participated in this game. The most unreasonable thing is that… The man named Guan Ran was a man, right? Why did he have to come and join the fun?

  Li Yan could foresee that after the wishing game, this would be the most popular game for the netizens for a while. There was no other like it.

  The sound of the door opening resonated in Li Yan’s ears, she turned her head slightly to see Mo Zhen walking in.


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