C63: The Party

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Kai Huang’s annual party was usually held in May or June. The ones who was on the invited list were not only the company’s directors and entertainers, celebrities in the circle, but also wealthy investors.

To put it bluntly, this party was to create a chance for everyone to flatter the powerful guys.

Li Yan had never been to a social ball like this, so it was understandable that even if she rummaged through the closet, she couldn’t find a suitable dress to wear.

Looking at the mess of clothes she made, Li Yan finally gave up struggling and sat down on the bed.

It looked like she would have to buy a dress tomorrow.

Thinking about this, she felt some kind of pain. Although she had just received a salary a while ago, 5000 yuan of salary was deducted from insurance and personal income tax. As for the rest …

She didn’t know if it was enough to buy such an expensive dress.

Why was she going to spend all the money she had just been paid in?

Fortunately, Tang Qiang had really shortened her probation period to one month. From next month, she would be able to get paid by an official employee.

Tang Qiang said that Mo Zhen has given her a high evaluation of her performance - although he didn’t know what kind of high praise there is for an assistant who even can’t drive a car, but he still raised her salary to 8,000 yuan a month.

She was now assisting Mo Zhen, whose daily schedule was very full. So there was no time for her to go out shopping. In addition, she lived in Mo Zhen’s place, and ate the food Mo Zhen had bought. She didn’t need to use her salary. If it continued like this, she would soon become a little rich woman!

After thinking about it, Li Yan finally felt comfortable.

Because of the banquet tonight, the film crew would close their work early, so they would start work in advance today.

Li Yan looked at the watch. She had only slept for three hours.

Yawning, she came down from the stairs, and Mo Zhen was already sitting in the living room for breakfast.

He seemed to have gotten used to only sleeping for two or three hours. Although he looked a little tired, he was much more refreshed than Li Yan.

“Morning, Zhen Zhen.”

Li Yan picked up the milk cup on the table and poured half a cup of milk into her own cup. “Can I take half a day off today?”

Mo Zhen looked up at her and took a bite of the bread he had just baked: “What’s up?”
“I’d like to buy a dress for the party.”

Li Yan sat down on a chair, unable to open her eyes.

Mo Zhen’s hands paused for a moment, then glanced at the almost sleeping person beside him: “There’s no need, after work ends today, I’ll take you to buy it.”


Li Yan, who was holding a piece of bread in her hand, slid down the chair as if she was talking in her sleep.

Mo Zhen can’t help but smile. He came to her and touched her black hair, “If you’re really too sleepy, go upstairs and sleep. I’ll call you in the afternoon when I knock off.”

“No need, I’m not sleepy!”

Forcing herself to open her eyes, Li Yan sat up straight and took a bite of bread that was about to fall off her hands. “I’ll be ok after I eat something!”

Mo Zhen looked down at her for a while, then softly said: “Don’t force yourself, your body is more important.”

" Zhen Zhen, you are the one who need rest. You won’t be able to handle this kind of filming everyday!"

She could also sit on the film set and kill time, but Mo Zhen had been filming, and she didn’t know how much harder he was than she was.

Mo Zhen smiled quietly. He came to the chair, and sat down. “I’m used to it, but you don’t have to force yourself.”

“I’m your assistant, of course I should be with you!”

Although her boss often gave her a chance to take off day, she was still a professional employee!

Hmm …

Li Yan was embarrassed. She rubbed the tip of her nose and asked, “what is …”

“Going on?”

Had she said something wrong?

“Nothing, let’s eat.”

Mo Zhen withdrew his gaze and continued to have the breakfast in front of him.


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Li Yan looked at the time and quickly began to nibble on the bread.

After sleeping in the car for half an hour, Li Yan felt much better by the time she arrived at the film set

Mo Zhen closed his eyes and rested for a moment while the dresser was giving him makeup, and Li Yan began to blame herself again.

The last car accident was just an accidental one, and it was that she lacked a little practice and skill, but after that, every time she mentioned she would like to be the driver, he would turn his back on her with a straight face, leaving no room for negotiation.

“Ghost School” had already been filmed for two months, and the film crew had entered a weary period. Taking advantage of today’s early closing, the director decided to give everyone a day off tomorrow, and the crew cheered.

With the motivation to take a break, everyone’s work efficiency suddenly increased by a lot. Even Li Yan’s eyes were sparkling with tears of gratitude. A day off!

Off day!

She could finally take a day off in the name of justice!

“I have other work to do tomorrow.”

Mo Zhen, who was taking advantage of the break and taking a nap, suddenly opened his eyes and looked up at Li Yan.

Tears that welled up in Li Yan’s eyes were forced back into her sockets. She looked at Mo Zhen with disbelief. “What work?”

“The portrayal of Tomato magazine.”

After giving a short answer, Mo Zhen continued to nap with his eyes closed.

Li Yan: “…”

King Mo was simply a work maniac.

The expression on her face changed a few times, but in the end, she still earnestly said, “King Mo, the work intensity is too high, and it’s easy to die from overwork.”

Mo Zhen: “…”

Was this a curse?

Or was it just advice to him?

The corners of King Mo’s lips twitched as he continued sleeping.

With everyone’s efficient work, the knocked off at four in the afternoon.

Both Director Xu and Wen Xiaoxiao received invitations from Kai Huang. They had heard that the author of Ghost School, Qiu Yi, would also be attending tonight’s banquet.

Although Li Yan didn’t chase after the stars, she was still a little excited to meet so many famous persons.

After work, Wen Xiaoxiao wanted to go to the party with Mo Zhen, but Mo Zhen declined her with the excuse that he had to have a spa.

Li Yan followed Mo Zhen to get into Bentley. It wasn until the car turned into the intersection that she felt Wen Xiaoxiao’s resentful gaze finally disappear.

“Zhen Zhen, where are we going?”

Although Mo Zhen said he had to have a spa, but she thought it was just a perfunctory excuse to get Wen Xiaoxiao away.

“To An Yi’s studio.”

Answered Mo Zhen.

An Yi?

Li Yan felt that she was somewhat familiar with the name. After frowning for a while, she finally remembered who it was.

He was that internationally renowned dressmaker. She heard that people had to make an appointment a month ahead of schedule.

Because he was Mo Zhen’s stylist, Li Yan had read about posts about him on the forum. There were many girls who were infatuated with him.

An Yi’s studio was not far from the Kai Huang’s building. Although it was far less splendid than Kai emperor’s building, its decorations were absolutely stylish and even a fashion film could be done directly in it.

Li Yan looked at the rows of shoes, pants, skirts and hats that were sorted according to the color system. She was somewhat at a loss for words. Was that the entire department store had been moved into this studio?

Not only that, every makeup table was neatly arranged with all kinds of cosmetics. They were various, and even the nail polish had 108 colors.

“Mr. Mo, please wait a moment. An will be down shortly.”

The staff member in front of Mo Zhen smiled at him and motioned them to sit on the sofa.
What needed to be mentioned was that every staff member here was a great beauty who can be used as a cover model for fashion magazine.

Mo Zhen nodded, walked to the sofa and sat down, then picked up a magazine and started flipping through it.

Li Yan cautiously followed him. She had a nagging feeling that in a place like this, she would instantly be filled with the aura of a country bumpkin.

The beautiful staff poured two glasses of water over. Li Yan thanked her and took a sip from her glass. Wow, it was lemonade.

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Mo Zhen was reading a magazine, while Li Yan drank the water, studying the eye shadow of the beautiful sister across from her – sharing several colors.

“Sorry, I was a little busy today.”

A man came down the stairs, his voice melodious but with a hint of a foreign accent.

Li Yan looked in the direction of the man. He was wearing a pink shirt and a black gray ponytail. He wore a flat English hat on his pale blond hair and two silver earrings on his left ear.

It’s easy to be a sissy when a man is wearing pink, but the man in front of her just looked clean and stylish.

“I am honored to have the chance to wait for Master An.”

Mo Zhen put down his magazine and stood up from the sofa.

An Yi smiled and didn’t answer. Instead, he started to examine Li Yan.

Li Yan had been sitting on the sofa, but now that he saw her, she quickly bounced up from the sofa and said, “Nice, nice to meet you.”

An Yi nodded to her as a greeting, then looked at Mo Zhen: “Is that her?”

“Mm, You’ll take care of her”

Li Yan looked at them strangely. Did these two just make a deal?

“You should have made an appointment earlier, but since you are the King Mo, I’ll have to do it.”

An Yi put his hands in his pockets, looked Li Yan up and down a few times, then smiled and said, “Don’t worry, I’ll make a princess for you right now.”

Li Yan: “…”

So, what was the deal the two of them had made?

With a grunt of acknowledgment, Mo Zhen sat down on the sofa again. An Yi came over and led Li Yan upstairs. Li Yan looked at Mo Zhen in a pleading manner, while Mo Zhen continued to read the magazine as if he didn’t notice anything.


What’s so special about that magazine!

“Are you going to the Kai Huang’s banquet?”

An Yi, who had been holding his arm, suddenly spoke up. Li Yan was stunned for a moment before she nodded and said, “Yes.”


An Yi seemed to be thinking about something.

There was a dressing room upstairs, which was larger than the one in the first floor, half full of clothes and shoes.

“Ada, help her wash her hair first.”

An Yi handed Li Yan over to a staff member, walked over to the pile of clothes, and started picking.

Li Yan followed Ada to the hairwashing room, and when An Yi came out, he had already taken off his saddlebag. He was sitting at the dressing table in a pink shirt, waiting for her.

“OK, come here and sit.”

An Yi stood up and pointed to the seat beside him.

Li Yan pursed her lips as she walked over to the spot that An Yi had indicated and sat down. After that, she looked at An Yi as he trimmed her hair.

“Your hair is good, soft and dark.”

An Yi cut off the curls on Li Yan’s hair and praised her, “I also like the shape of her face. She has the characteristics of a classical Oriental beauty.”


“Thank you.”

Li Yan held her breath for a long time, but only these two words came out of her mouth.

An Yi glanced at Li Yan through the mirror, then couldn’t help but laugh. “Don’t be so nervous, relax. You should enjoy this process.”

Li Yan: “…”

When she said that, she seemed to be even more nervous.

Li Yan admired An Yi’s beautiful hair blowing in the mirror, and couldn’t help but sigh in admiration as she watched her hair change from straight to wavy. She had always thought that the curls were easy to look old, so she had only ironed the pinky at the end of her hair. But now that An Yi had done this, not only did she not feel old-fashioned, but she looked very stylish and beautiful.

A woman’s magician.

These words suddenly popped out from his mind. This was the comment on An Yi made by the forum in Haiguo.

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His hands really were like magic. He could make a girl turn into a princess.

His hair was hot for one use, so he didn’t spend too much time. He put down the wind in his hands and said to Da Da, “I’ve already chosen the clothes, shoes and accessories. Take her to change them.”

“Okay.” “Please follow me.”

An Yi had chosen a short dress in a blue dress with bare shoulders and a large bow on the left side. Her shoes were straps of the same color, and she was wearing a necklace with pink roses. After changing clothes, Li Yan almost could not recognize herself.

He whistled at her and called her over to put on her makeup. He was very meticulous, even the nail polish was personally painted by him. After helping Li Yan make her nails, he blew on her hair with the wind. Finally, he tied up a small bun with his left long hair and stuck a small blue flower with a water drill into it: “Alright, now you can go see Heavenly King Mo.”

Li Yan: “…”

He felt that there was something weird about this sentence.

Li Yan had never worn such a small dress in her life, so she was not used to it. Moreover, she had to show it in front of Mo Xiang, which made her a little nervous. When he got to the stairs, he was lying on the sofa with his eyes closed to make up for his slumber. However, he had already changed into a new set of clothes. His hair had also been blown back, making it seem soft and soft.

The suit was a specially designed black suit and a white shirt, and the magenta tie was the finishing touch.

The hazel is really handsome.

Seeming to feel Li Yan’s warm gaze, Mo Qianni’s eyelashes trembled, and she slowly opened her eyes. He raised his head slightly and saw Li Yan standing on the stairs.

Noticing the astonishment in his eyes, An Yi laughed and asked, “How is it, Heavenly King Mo? Are you satisfied with my work?”

“It’s mainly because of the model,” she said, getting up and walking toward the stairs.
An Yi lowered his head and laughed silently. Mo Wei pulled Li Yan over and examined her carefully. He frowned and asked, “Are there any who don’t show their shoulders?”

Although her long hair covered more than half of her shoulders, her faintly discernible appearance made people wonder, “Also, isn’t her skirt too short?”

An Yi smirked, “Don’t worry, no one will dare to make a move with you by her side.”

Mo hazi thought this made sense, but she did not give up and asked: “Don’t you have those clothes that cover you from head to foot?”

Then why don’t you just pull a curtain and wrap it around yourself?

Listening to this, Li Yan also felt that the clothes seemed to be a little less cloth. A little self-consciously, she tugged at the hem of her skirt. She looked at Moriarty with difficulty: “Hazel, I only brought five thousand dollars.”

Mo Zhen: “…”

Li Yan was still worried about herself. Not only did she have her hair and makeup done, she couldn’t afford to wear these clothes and shoes. In fact, she didn’t even have five thousand yuan.

An Yi was already laughing from behind. Mo Qianni held back the twitching corner of her mouth and revealed a standard smile to Li Yan: “Swipe my card.”

Q: When a man says something, the most handsome answer must be to buy and swipe my card.

Looking at Li Yan’s dazed look, Mo Zhen felt that she should take more time to take her to go shopping, so as to establish their tall image.

Instead of staying in An Yi’s studio, Mo Xiang took Li Yan directly to the venue of the party. As Li Yan watched the elevator climb up, her heart felt like it was rising along with it. She had never participated in such a high class banquet, so she might not be able to discuss with everyone whether she would lose Hazel’s face if something went wrong …

“Don’t worry, after you go there, you just have to eat.”

Li Yan: “…”

The hazelnut is really sweet.

The meeting was on the 21st floor. Li Yan heard the elevator ding and saw the welcoming party standing at the entrance. He handed them the invitation and instinctively reached out for her, but stopped before he touched her hand. Pausing for a moment, Mo Xiang gently withdrew her hand, looked at her and said: “Let’s go.”

“Alright!” Li Yan nodded seriously, her expression like a warrior on the battlefield.

Mo Zhen: “…”

Actually, it was just an ordinary banquet, so there was no need for that.

The receptionist opened the door for them in a very professional manner, and Mo Xiang and Li Yan walked in together. Many people had already arrived at the venue, but when they heard the door open, they all intentionally or unintentionally looked over, and then their expressions simultaneously turned subtle.

Kaiser’s parties were held every year, but he never brought his female companion. This time, with a woman by his side, he would inevitably come up with some guesses about what he had said on the red carpet not long ago.

This is also why Wen Xiaoxiao wanted to come to the party with the hazel. As long as you show up with him, you don’t have to do anything, and everyone will naturally look at you differently.

Li Yan felt that since she stepped into the banquet, everyone had been watching her and whispering to each other. Her footsteps became more and more hesitant, and Mo Qianni shook her hand and whispered beside her: “Don’t worry about them, you can see if there’s anything you want to eat.”

Li Yan: “…”

So in the eyes of Heavenly King Mo, I’m just a foodie.

The truth was that in the heart of Heavenly King Mo, the only thing worth eating was food.
Although Li Yan was feeling indignant in her heart, she did not have the courage to look around for food. He followed her wherever she went.

It was a lot of people who wanted to come up and make friends with Mo. Originally, Mo Xiang had been the focus of the crowd, but now he didn’t leave the woman’s side, and everyone stayed where they were, unsure of what to do. No one wanted to be the first to go up.

What if he bumped into a gun?!

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But there are always people who are not afraid. Tang Qiang walked over from the other side with a glass of champagne in his hand. Mo Xiang glanced at Li Yan, who was eating something, and took two steps toward Tang Qiang. “What’s the matter?”

This dissatisfied tone made Tang Qiang raise an eyebrow, “You guys have already reached the point of never leaving each other!”

“If that’s what you came to be sure of, I’ll tell you, yes.”

Tang Qiang, “…”

Seeing that Mo Zhen was about to leave, Tang Qiang quickly stopped him, “How did you convince the chairman?”

Yesterday, after the chairman talked to him alone, he issued an order saying that the company would not interfere with Mo Qianni’s emotional problems. Tang Qiang really had to admire Mo Tianxue’s skill.

“Nothing. I just told him that if he didn’t agree to my marriage, I’d find a company that did.”

Tang Qiang, “…”

Will it really be all right to threaten the chairman so bluntly.

Mo Xiang glanced at Tang Qiang and smiled: “Tang Qiang, the Chairman of the Board of Directors has been a businessman for his entire life. He will definitely not let us take advantage of him.”

Tang Qiang was stunned for a moment before he laughed as well. He was right, as the saying goes, to buy something you never sell.

He glanced at Li Yan, who was enjoying her meal, and then looked up at Mo Wei. “This model was made by An Yi himself, right?”

“You are in love with Anyi.”

Tang Qiang, “…”

He took a sip of the champagne in his cup and moistened the corners of his somewhat dry mouth. “She looks pretty pretty good after dressing up. You have to be careful.”

“Thanks for the reminder.” Mo Zhen smiled at him and turned around to find Li Yan. The moment he left, those who wanted to talk to him first started talking to Tang Qiang. Not long after, everyone in the venue knew that the person that Mo Xing brought was his assistant.

For a celebrity to dress up an assistant so beautifully while attending a party, it could only be said that Mo Tianxue was a good superior who was a compassionate subordinate.

Li Yan looked at Tang Qiang, who was constantly being approached by others. She sincerely sighed, “Director Tang is really popular.”

Mo Xiang laughed lightly and didn’t correct her. She only glanced in Tang Qiang’s direction. “Did you see that woman?”

“The one with yellow hair …” Li Yan also looked in Tang Qiang’s direction.

“Yes.” Mo Xiang nodded, “The man beside him is Boss Wang, the famous rich tycoon of A City.”

Li Yan: “…”

She looked at him in silence.

Mo Qiong continued, “That woman should be his latest love. He must be looking for Tang Qiang to sign her, but Tang Qiang has already refused.”

Li Yan: “…”

If this was in the past, she would never have imagined that there would be a day where she and Mo Tianxue would discuss gossip together.

On the other side, Tang Qiang had used his excuse of not signing any new players to reject the request of the king and suggested that he could ask Luo Tian Cheng. After sending off this group of people, the next group of people pasted themselves on.

Tang Qiang had said that there was a reasonable basis for him to be thought of by many of the little Demons. 

There was another small commotion at the door, and Mo Lihuo glanced at the door and introduced it to Li Yan: “That is the author of Ghost Academy, Autumn.”

“Where?” Li Yan excitedly looked towards the door. There was a circle of people there, and in the middle stood a man wearing a simple black suit and a white shirt. He had a pair of rimless glasses on his face.

“That’s the meaning of autumn!” Although the name Qiuyi sounded very feminine, Qiuyi herself was more elegant than feminine. She looked very much like a scholar from ancient times in Jiangnan. “Can I get him to sign his name?”

“You’re a fan of his.”

“No, but I have a friend who likes him.”

Mo Zhen’s eyes moved a little. The friend she mentioned was probably boiled lemon: “I’ll help you ask about it later.”

“Thank you, Hazel.” Li Yan thought for a moment before asking, “Can you give me an autograph as well?”

Mo Zhen looked at her and blinked: “You are my fan.”

“My friend is a super fan of yours. I once tricked her into giving her a poster of yours, so I wanted to return your poster of yours,” Li Yan said, her voice becoming softer. The company clearly stipulated that she couldn’t ask for an autograph from an artist.

“I’ll go back to the lounge later and help you find it.”

“Hazel, you’re so nice.”

“Don’t hold it in, I’ll allow you to come up and kiss me.”

Li Yan: “…”

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