At the noon of the next day a phone rang, groggily waking me up.

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I struggled to get up. As soon as I sat up, my head started to spin. I sprawled onto the floor, scrabbled around and finally found my phone inside the cotton slipper that laid under the sofa.

This was my police phone. Li Fang, who was in the Bureau in charge of gathering intelligence, called me.

This fellow was of a small build and looked crafty and mischievous for the most part of the day. Those shifty eyes of his were like a radar which kept constantly transmitting a frequency of 100GHz/minute. On the occasions when he travels by the public bus, he would be kept under the tight surveillance of righteous citizens. Actually, Li Fang this person, was a law-abiding citizen. He wouldn’t cheat people out of their money. At most, he would cheat on his wife.

His intelligence came from retired professionals and celebrities as well as people of all walks of life. Basically, he had never made a mistake. But ever since he failed to find out about Deng Long’s homosexuality, resulting in me returning without any achievements, my trust in him had greatly reduced. Though, I wasn’t polite to him even when I needed his help.

“Hello.” I greeted him with a weak voice while leaning against the couch, panting. My eyes saw stars.

Li Fang’s voice was, on contrary, vigorous.

“Hello, Liangliang. There’s a result of the matter you wanted me to check up last time. That Kang Zixian is not simple. Do you know our city’s second most powerful Wang clan’s dowager Wang?”

Who in the A city wouldn’t know about the well-known head of Yindou real estate, dowager Wang, Wang Qihua? Although she was just a mere woman, her fearlessness had put even men to shame. She lost her husband in her middle age due to the internal discords in Yindu real estate. At that time, dowager Wang was besieged on all sides but with a thunderbolt like iron hand and spirit she took on all the burdens. Thanks to her sharp judgment she was able to assign the right people to the right positions. After so many years of hard work, Yindu real estate had already become well established in the real estate industry. You could basically find Yindou’s properties anywhere in this city. Even the single-room apartment in Yuhua complex, where I was currently living, was developed by Yindu.

What was his relationship with this prominent old woman? Her lover?

I laughed at my strange speculation.

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I felt my mouth dry so I went to pour myself some hot water to drink. I said to the phone, “Don’t keep me in suspense. Tell me directly.”

Li Fang started with his endless ranting, “Dowager Wang has one son and one daughter. Her daughter married and went to live in the United States. This Kang Zixian is the son of Dowager Wang’s daughter. So, he is the grandson of the old lady Wang but he has been keeping it a low-profile. He graduated from American Ivy League university. His English name is Ken and his occupation is a bit complicated. He works in M&A business. Do you know what is M&A?…………….consolidating and taking over companies. In recent years he had done few big deals. In addition, he has connections in the United States. His net worth henceforth had also grown. However, it is said that this person is renowned for being ruthless. After he finishes his deals, he generally requires that the number of shares that would be his commission, to be in his favor. Even like that, there are still many people who are seeking his assistance…..”

Li Fang talked too much so he was now drinking water. My head felt dizzy. When I thought that someone with such a character like that Kang guy had actually such a prominent identity……. We were both young people yet he could already get whatever he wanted while l still had to drink a cold water in a place of a bird nest’s size. Even birds wouldn’t bother to visit my house which had only four bare walls[1] and empty jars without any rice. Suddenly, I felt very upset.

After Li Fang finished drinking water, he went on with his chat, “This Kang Zixian mostly spends his time in the United States. But I heard that he has recently returned. Right, Liangliang, I have obtained a really good gossip. Kang Zixian is currently 30 years old. His last girlfriend was a fair-haired and blue-eyed western beauty. Dowager Wang was not happy with the idea that her grandson would marry a foreign woman, hence she had summoned him back while he was single to go on blind dates. I heard that the daughters from prominent families in this city were all included in Wang household’s list of prospective wife candidates.”

Daughters of prominent families? I snorted. This Kang guy’s taste apparently wasn’t as exquisite as it may have seem to be. He dilly-dallies in Mei Se on the nightly basis and also doesn’t forget to bully me, a miss with a pitiful life story. It was clear that Americans didn’t teach him the principle that ‘one ought not to pick the wildflowers on the roadside’[2] in those years when he stayed in the United States.

I gulped down a mouthful of water. When the cold water slipped into my hot and dry throat, I felt a steam forming there. It was very uncomfortable. I closed my eyes and asked, “Who is that Su Jinwei by the way?”

“Oh. He is a lawyer graduated from Harvard Law school, Kang Zixian’s business partner. Kang Zixian can be considered his boss. Together they form a formidable team.”

I made an oh sound. Li Fang continued talking, “I checked them both but didn’t find any sign of them committing crimes. Although swallowing up a company was a little too cruel practice, but these business slyboots are very good at taking advantages of loopholes in the law. At best, they would be morally condemned. Besides, these hunters are hidden deeply. Nobody knows that they are the ones who pull strings behind the scene. In addition, Deng Long sought Kang Zixian’s assistance to acquire two five stars hotels in A city as he was dissatisfied with the fact that his old man was too conservative in the way he runs the business. It’s nothing out of common that youngsters want to do things their way.”

Li Fang was talking too fast making my head feel more and more woozy. I used my hand to support myself and stood up. I wanted to go back and continue sleeping but he kept on ranting. After a while, he paused for a moment to make an important point, “I’m sorry Liangliang………I……..that Deng Long is….”

The journey back to the bed cost me a lot of energy. When I laid down on my bed my heartbeat had already accelerated and my whole body felt weak. I was in hurry to hang up the phone, “It’s alright. It has nothing to do with you that he’s into men. If you treat me to spicy sichuan dish next time then we’re even.”

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In fact, I had no appetite.

“Ai. Ai. I can treat you to as many dishes as you want. Recently, your brother, me, has secretly saved a lot of money waiting just for you to help me spend them.”

I laughed, “Alright, foolish brother. I bet you didn’t save that money for me. Just keep them for your little sisters. I’m going to sleep. I’ll hang up.”

“Oh, right. Liangliang, there’s one more thing. Old Tan has already learnt about this. Moreover, it seems that Deng Long’s suspicion has been cleared. Yesterday a new clue emerged. Your current assignment may come to the end. I guess old Tan will assign you with a new mission. That’s all.”

I unconsciously frowned, “Oh, I got it.”

It seems that the sky outside was about to go through a rapid change again. I didn’t know what kind of dangerous undercover life was awaiting me but I didn’t care at the moment. From the moment I chose this road, my only duty was to obey and an absolute obedience.

People’s energy was limited.

Shedding tears over the changes of seasons[3] was never my style. I covered myself with a blanket and continued to sleep.

Sure enough. Old Tan called me in the afternoon. The ringing made my headache worse. I wanted to smash my phone on the wall but I didn’t do so. Instead, I groggily took it into my hands. When I saw his name on the screen I immediately pulled myself together and respectfully picked up the phone.

Old Tan was my superior, boss, foremost, the awe-inspiring elder I looked up to. There were only few people I was afraid of. He was one of them.

“Liangliang, Deng Long’s suspicions had been basically ruled out. Find an excuse to get out. There’s a new assignment waiting for you but there are still some arrangements that need to be fixed. After everything is done I’ll give you a call.”

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I have been mentally prepared, hence I obediently complied. But in the end, I still couldn’t help myself boldly asking, “Boss, are there any new clues?”

“You can say so. I’m busy now so I’ll tell you on another day. Settle the matters on your side and wait for news.”

A leader was indeed a leader. He was always efficient with his speech, wasting not time on rubbish.

I hesitated for a moment and then asked the crucial question, “Boss, what about Dongzi? Should he also withdraw?

“He can stay for two more days. The anti-drug department suspects that someone organizes drug parties in his place so they need him as a backup. I’m going to hang up.”

I lamented twice. When I was about to report old Tang about Dongzi’s difficult situation he has already hung up, leaving me with a string of busy phone signal. I stared with a stupefied look on the face having the urge to pull my hair.

My eyebrows kneaded together. I felt upset. As I laid down with a frustration my head bumped on the wooden headboard. It hurt so much I grimaced in pain and let out a torrent of swears.

I swept a miserable glance at my room. The sofa was piled up with my unwashed clothes. One of my cotton slippers lay on the top of the computer board, it probably flew there the other day when I threw myself on the bed. The other one was hiding under the bed but I didn’t bother to pick it up as I was busy. The roots of cactus on the windowsill had already decayed but since I didn’t have time to throw it away, I left it there. They were like me, a pitiful stray dog, as I had nobody to take care of me and I was left on my own to fend for myself.

Whenever I thought of my old mom in Seattle, who was currently lying in the arms of the old handsome Alan and listening to the sound of the sea waves hitting the beach, a resentment would start to leak like a water from my heart.

The two elders were quite energetic. They still could do it once a week without taking any medicine. Under the care of old Alan, my old mom was as vivid as a spring onion. It was quite possible that they would make me a mix-blooded little brother to play with. In contrast, I looked even more lonely and bitter. Wrapped in the blanket, I couldn’t refrain myself from cursing, “Damn her for neglecting her child when she got a husband.”

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In the evening I asked for sick leave. Mama-san reacted by opening her mouth cursing me for making her lose money and also told me to be careful of cars when I go out as a person like me usually ends up very tragically.

She cursed me till I was seething with anger. The sickness has already sucked out from me half of my little life. Her scolding made me so angry that I fell from the bed, gritted my teeth and stood up. With trembling hands, I fastened the buttons on my clothes and put on a random thick coat. Then I went straight out to find her and announce her my resignation as well as reason with her.

I still wanted to live. Hence, when I went out I paid attention to cars. I went to Mei Se by taxi.

I have contemplated for a while the car. Mei Se wasn’t a place where you could come and go as you pleased. It had its rules. You could leave only if you were old and faded or they didn’t want you. I have worked here for just few days and now wanted to leave already. Mama-san will surely kill the chicken to warn the monkey[4]. She won’t let me off so easily.



[1] House with four bare walls is an idiom meaning very poor, wretched…….(this content belongs to, if you see this translation elsewhere, it has been stolen!!!!!!)
[2] One ought not to pick the wildflowers on the roadside is a proverb used to describe women that are not wives or girlfriends, oftentimes used to advise and demand men to not seek other women outside
[3] Shedding tears over the changes of seasons means being sentimental
[4] Killing the chicken to warn the monkey is an idiom meaning to punish an individual in order to set an example for others…..(if possible, please support the original translators by reading the translations from the original source)


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