He stood there in his usual black suit, white shirt, and blue tie – the perfect portrayal of the arrogance and superiority that elites exhibited.

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Even if I was beaten to death I wouldn’t have expected that this person will appear at the door of my house. Hence, when I saw him, I was slightly astounded and the words automatically slipped out of my lips, “It’s you?……Darn it, why are you here?”

After I finished speaking I wanted to close the door but a pair of big hands suddenly reached out to stop me. In a low voice, Kang Zixian said, “I heard that you’re ill.”

Suddenly a realization hit me. He came to visit me! It’s indeed as the old saying stated: Cats weep for the dead mouse with a false sympathy[1].

I did not wish to be that dead mouse.

I nodded expressionlessly, “Yes, I’m sick, sick with an STD. You can go now.” After I said that I attempted to shut the door once more.

Of course, it was just a bluff. Currently, I was very weak and I felt like my head was about to explode. I only wanted to go back and throw myself into the bed and sleep.

Kang Zixian’s face did not look good. His hand was still firmly holding the door, unwilling to let go. There was a great disbalance in our strength. I got angry as I could not close the door. I weakly said, “What are you doing? Let go! You’re not welcomed. Damn it! Try to act tactfully and quickly leave.”

I started to loose a torrent of swearing yet he still did not let go of his hold. We have ended up in a deadlock, one inside, one outside. He said, “Your complexion doesn’t look good.”

“Sorry to disappoint you but I’m not going to die anytime soon…….”

“Since you’re sick, you should put your claws away.”

“Alright, alright. I will try to be more polite. So, mister Kang, can you please remove your claws from my door and let me shut them? Ok?”

“Fang Liangliang, is this how you’re showing a hospitality?”

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“I’m sorry to disappoint you but I have always lacked manners.”

“It seems like I have met a soulmate. The same here.”

I rubbed my forehead. This man made me feel powerless. My body was currently swaying yet I could do nothing about this man. I had to lean my forehead against the doorframe to support my body, still refusing to open the door.

All my actions indicated that I have admitted a defeat.

I was in such a miserable state yet Kang Zixian didn’t look like he was leaving anytime soon. I was sure he was born without a compassion.

“How do you know I live here?” I was suddenly alarmed.

“I have asked Aidong.”

I knew that fellow would sold me out. His mouth was so unreliable. He was truly not suitable for the undercover job.

“Why are you here? We’re not close, right?”

“I came to take a look at how you got leukemia overnight.” His voice was full of mockery, “Surprisingly, you have ended up in a condition far more pitiful than I have originally expected as you have even been contracted with an STD.”

I have indeed overestimated this person’s moral. He didn’t come to pay a visit to a sick person, he clearly came to add insult to injury.

I raised my head to scowl at him. I saw the corners of his lips curling up into a smile. He evidently saw me as a source of his amusement.

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I was at my wit’s end so I weakly said, “Yes. Hostess profession is full of hardships. Mister Kang, you have witnessed the commoner’s suffering firsthand, so can I ask you to be kind enough to let me close the door and go lie down. Consider it as me begging you.”

“Why did you leave Mei Se?” He stood at the doorway, asking an irrelevant question.

I was seething with an anger, thinking inwardly: Are you still not finished? I opened the door and strode forward to stand in front of him. I looked up at him and said, “Kang guy, you want to play with a miss and make her your mistress?”

He looked at me with those ferocious eyes of his.

I pulled at him but he stood there still. I pointed at the elevator, “Take the elevator, press the button to ride down, get out and turn right. After 20 minutes of walk, you’ll reach the park. There you’ll see orioles and swallows[2] who will be able to meet all your needs.”

With a cold face, I turned around and walked back to my house. Who would have thought that this pest would follow my suit? While I was in a daze he had already closed the door. He has so calmly invaded my private space and yet I could not find any trace of guilt or uneasiness on his face!

Holy moly, what a lousy luck I had this year to encounter a beast of this quality!

With the sound of the door closing all the hairs on my body abruptly stood up. I was so scared I stepped backward and made a defensive posture, “What….what are you doing?”

In a panic, I have stumbled over the sneakers on the ground. I lost my balance and immediately fell backward with a cry. In the midst of Kang Zixian’s call: “Be careful!”, my skull and the floor made an intimate contact. The pain made me lose my breath for a moment. This content belongs to, if you see this translation elsewhere, it’s been stolen!

There were few seconds when my world was left only with darkness, golden stars, pain as well as feeling of a great frustration.

This year seemed to be unfavorable for me, meeting such a devil.

Kang Zixian strode toward me and knelt down to inspect my head while furrowing his brows tightly, “How do you feel? Do you hurt anywhere else beside the head?”

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The pain was so bad the tears kept flowing out of my eyes. I laid there curled up unable to move for a very long time. After I have put myself together I could not help but yell at him, “Scram out! It’s all your fault. Get out! Get out! I don’t need your false sympathy.”

After yelling I have realized that my voice was already hoarse.

In the next second, I was being carried up by him firmly confined by his arms. I exclaimed, feeling so scared I stuttered, “You…you…what are you doing?……. Hey, hey! I only sell my skills, not myself! Let me down! Otherwise, I will yell that you’re sexually harassing me!”

Kang Zixian frowned, “Sexually harass you? Aren’t you too confident of yourself?”

“You…you…you…you are….”

“Are you always acting like a dog that bites Lu Dongbin[3]?”

“Lu Dongbin would never so casually enter a maiden’s private quarters.”

I was being mean yet he smiled and said, “Only Lu Dongbin himself would know….…but which maiden’s private quarter would be this messy?”

“I don’t mind!” I was so angry I bared my fangs at him, fluttering in his embrace like a drowning duck.

He carried me to my bedroom with a quick pace and softly put me down on the bedcovers. Seeing this, I immediately rolled over the other end of the bed. While using the bed as my shield I picked up the phone from the nightstand and blurted out, “Hey, if you don’t get out, I’ll call cops!”

I whined inwardly. I, Fang Liangliang, who was an actual cop was forced to dial 110 to call for my colleagues’ help! Even if I were to die I mustn’t let my coworkers know about this incident.

This move seemed to have no effect on him as his eyes started to roam around my room. He calmly said, “You’re welcome to do so. I would like to see how efficient is the police.”

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I felt extremely helpless. Cheap people were invincible people. I did not know how many years of cultivation took Kang Zixian to turn so invincible but I, Fang Liangliang, conceded my defeat.

When I gritted my teeth and was truly about to make a call, my eyes inadvertently fell on the nightstand next to him. A photo of my police academy graduation stood there. In the photo, attired in police uniform and police cap, I looked valiant and formidable. Holding a bouquet, I stood between my mom and Alan, three of us were laughing like a cluster of camellias.

At this moment, Kang Zixian stood at the edge of the nightstand. As long as he slightly turned his head, with his wit, he would be able to immediately see through my identity. If that happened, I, Fang Liangliang, can outright forget about fooling around.

Kang Zixian was right now sweeping his eyes around my dump like a small room. When his eyes were about to lock onto the photo, at that critical moment, a thought flashed in my mind. I stood up and shouted, “Hey~”

His eyes were successfully shifted over to me. With a tremble I took off my coat, pointing my chin at him, “You…you… turn around. I want to undress and sleep.”

His eyes darkened. He said, “I’m going out.”

Afterward, he left the room. As soon as he departed, I leaped across the bed, quickly grabbed the photo and stuffed it under the pillow. The heavy burden has been finally lifted from my shoulders. I could at last lie down and let out a sigh of relief.



[1] Cats weeps for the dead mouse with a false sympathy is an idiom meaning to show a false sympathy, compassion
[2] Orioles and swallows is an idiom meaning group of women (on this context group of prostitutes)
[3] A sog that bites Lu Dongbin is an idiom meaning to ill reward a person’s kindness

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