I looked at Dongzi´s slim and amiable small physique. I complained endlessly in my heart. Apparently, there was a big likelihood that Deng Long was after this little physique. I didn´t complete the mission. On the contrary, Lao Tan´s unintentional move enabled us, who were behind bolt and bar[1], to find a glean hope of survival. However, where´s a gain there must also be a loss. At present I´m putting Dongzi´s chrysanthemum at stake and it isn´t like there aren´t any rapes within gay circle of rich people, who are relying on their fat wallets.  What´s more, Dongzi is not as quick-witted as me. Should I use this thread or not? (She is meaning using Dongzi´s chrysanthemum)

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And on the other hand, I have honestly failed the level of my professionalism tonight.

Arguably, if I couldn´t catch Deng Long, it was possible to begin with that thread Kang Zixian. Maybe I would be able to ferret out some informations. However, when I saw that insufferably arrogant cold face of his, the moment I opened my mouth, I have turned into bristled chicken. To made me sit down, flirt with him, drink alcohol and cracking melon seeds was simply an impossible mission.

When I contemplated the reason, I summed them up: firstly, this Kang Zixian was good-looking, had a good body and furthermore he smelt good. And all of this violated my taboo. Mhm,  it should be said it violated Feige´s taboo.

Being friends with Feige for ten years and being influenced by her hatred toward rich and beauties, I, Fang Liangliang, considerably a  moderate beauty, in order to simply match up to her I forsook outward beauty. Encountering handsome guys I scolded them being ducks, encountering beauties I cursed them being chickens. Together we have embarked on a hopeless journey of „pursuing inner beauty“.

I thought it was truly squandering a talent for Feige to play volleyball. She should become a missionary, who topples others´ belief.

Feige was a noisy crow.

She constantly, for many years, chattered into my ear: “Liangliang, men that appear like gold and jade on outside are bound to be shabby inside[2], yet, a troll has a heart of a lily. What? Didn´t you know that it was a belief, that encouraged me to keep on living?……… What is a lily? Oh, two women being together is lily. Is it really true? Is it really really true? But what does it have to do with us…… are you afraid that others will say that we are lilies? Rubbish! We are obviously trolls. We merely have clean and honest hearts of lily, that´s all.“

Feige nagged for more than ten years. I have already wholeheartedly believed her. Therefore, I decided to scold that Kang Zixian: What are you tugging at? You are only a duck.

The second reason was that he has actually bluntly threatened me in the depth of night. I, Fang Liangliang, am who? A well-know godness of vengeance inside bureau! In other words, I was the so called petty person. For this reason I have decided to scold Kang Zixian once more: You duck. I curse you to grow all over your body duck buttocks.

Following few hours, I was again to keep a company for entertainment. Fortunately I was lucky. I didn´t encounter any top-level monster. There were crafty customers, but at most they only punished me to drink a little wine. They could be considered to have a tender heart for the fair lady.

When time to get off work approached, I passed by bar counter. I didn´t see Dongzi. I asked the lad, who stood behind bar counter. He said he (Dongzi) got off work one hour ago. Boss allowed.

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Hearing this I was anything but reassured. I madly rushed off back to lobby for phone. Sure enough, Dongzi sent SMS: I´m at Bandao shayu shop. He has began to take liberties.

I was so scared I was covered in cold sweat. I called Dongzi´s mobile but, unexpectedly, it was turned off.

There was always a rule inside the bureau. We had to be available 24 hours a day. It was too odd. My heart was hanging in the midair. I didn´t even change my clothes. Amid sharp and delicate strange shouts of women, I draped over a thin coat and right away rushed out of door. I even managed to hit mama-san, who just wanted to enter to demonstrate her imposingness.

My mind went blank. I totally couldn´t hear Three character classic mama-san recited afterwards. I had only this thought in my head: Deng Long, if you dare to touch Dongzi´s little chrysanthemum, I, Fang Liangliang, will simply chop your rotten cucumber!

Spring. All living things being awaken. Beasts are lurking. And I have been thrown into the panic.

After a long time passed, I have finally fetched a car. Amidst my continuous urging to overtake other cars, the driver bestowed me several eye-rollings. After I have arrived to Bandao shayu shop and searched all over the place, people already left and teas were already cold. There was absolutely no shadow of Dongzi and Deng Long.

A perspiration oozed from my forehead. I ran till I was panting. I was still reluctant. I stretched my neck to once again look around. Yet, unexpectedly I have seen a person I dind´t want to see —— Fu Chen.

I haven´t seen him for three months. Under his eyeglasses was still that gentle smile from the memories. I knew even without guessing that kind of smile carried bits of spoiling. It warmed one´s heart, making you wish to go to mountain to burn incense to thank heavens for letting you meet the gentlest and most perfect man in this world.

In fact, God is selling tea set (has the same sounding as tragedy) in Taobao. How is it possible for him to be so kind-hearted.

Fu Chen seemed to be well. His smile was like first rays of morning sun. Yet, in his bones he was stern perfectionist. As his girlfriend, you coulnd´t be like this nor could you be like that. As a result my friends told me for such picky man like Fu Chen to be able to endure such unruly woman like me, it was simply a miracle .

According to what Feige said, our heads must have been kicked by a donkey. And when we broke up, she indicated our heads that were kicked by donkey finally recovered.

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Therefore, when I was dumped by Fu Chen after a year, it was expected by everyone. Beside me, everyone was laughing.

The one who was laughing the most happily was naturally my little cousin Lin Weiyi.  Precisely the one who was just, with a happy face, sitting across with Fu Chen, playing a role of perfect lovers and smiling like a camellia at present.

To be honest, my sister (she is referring to her cousin) didn´t look as good as me. What´s more she was thin like a washboard. But fortunately she had an unequalledly crude tomboy older cousin Fang Liangliang. Having a rotten wood like me, in contrast, she appeared even more gentle as water, quiet and pleasant.

Since fifteen when I have decided to be a tomboy, the one who was most happy was no one other then Weiyi.

What made her even happier was, when I broke up with Fu Chen half a year ago. Fu Chen, doctor Fu, who was used to coarse language, suddenly discovered that by his side was actually a person who although was thinnier than daylily yet had a temper that could match to a sheep´s little woman. It was like when one was used to eat deep-fried breadstick and was suddenly offered fresh tasting congee. He would think this stuff was beneficial to stomach, gradually he will be inseparable with it.

Weiyi also truly put a great effort into it. She left pediatrics, used every possible way and connections to get yourself to surgical department where Fu Chen stayed. Ancient people said, the one who was near water pavilion first got moonlight[3]. Moreover, nothing in the world is difficult for one who sets his mind to it. Weiyi got Fu Chen with determined to win´s attitude and strength.

Are you asking me why do I know? It´s because after I broke up with Fu Chen, Weiyi specially dropped in to thanks me. At that time she and Fu Chen already exchanged flirting glances with each other. He was holding a scalpel during the surgery, she was wiping his sweat. Everything developed in the right direction. I could see Weiyi´s happiness, although it was still in an arrogant manner. Originally, that day, if it was according to my unyielding personality from childhood, I would be unable to bear it and would have spouted at her: „ You just picked what I didn´t wanted. What´s there to be pround of.“ However, on that day I have very calmly made a sound of „Oh“. I wasn´t able to say any hurtful words because he was Fu Chen. He wasn´t a doll I and Weiyi fought for in the childhood. He was the man, who I have loved deeply but haven´t properly cherished.

Weiyi´s crush of many years came true. She prided herself being a main heroine in taiwanese romance fiction. Just like a goal-keeper, who defended to death its goalmouth, defended that piece of hymen. At last, guarded it till the end and heard the sound of victory whistle. There was a temporary spring sunshine and one was pround of oneself. One´s walk also carried a wind.

And I, who was in their eyes an arrogant supporting role with blind dog eyes, became a laughing stock in the mouth of relatives. I catched a good man yet let him escape by himself. Fortunately Weiyi was from our family. The good man in the end didn´t end up in the pocket of other family.

My aunt was always mean. Once she sticked out for her well-behaved daughter and critized me with a mockery, “It´s not our Weiyi, who pried oped the corner[4]. Take a look at Weiyi, who was well-behaved and smart from childhood till now. If you want to blame blame it for Liangliang´s bad fate. Think about it. She already didn´t have a dad. Nobody even disciplines her. Which men could bear her temper? I wonder how come Xiao Fu took a fancy to her then. It would be a surprise if she could firmly hold a man. She doesn´t have a good fortune to marry a rich husband.“

This speech was coincidentally heard by me who was outside the door. At that time I truly couldn´t swallow my anger. I directly pushed the door open, put on a false smile and said, „It seems that aunt is more and more capable. Being able to even calculate if my fate was good or not. After all is said and done aunt´s fate is actually the best. If it wasn´t for having me, an elder cousin with bad fate, Wuiyi wouldn´t meet a rich husband, right? Although my fate is not good, however, aunt don´t forget to thank me.“

With this remark coming out plus adding a clumsy drama of the sisters (she and Weiyi) fihgting over the same man, my relationship with aunt became very rigid. I haven´t already almost for three month went to her home to visit her.

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My mom knew about all of this. Her temper was even more explosive than mine. Yet, she firmly endured it. During that time when my mum became a widow my uncle helped a lot. It cannot be justified for him to be stuck in the middle now that he is old. Thus, I also dropped the subject.

Those two were just now affectionately speaking intimate words. Seeing this I just felt it offended my eyes.

Almost at the same time, they in tandem saw me. Fu Chen´s smile became stiff. He stared at me in daze. Seeing him like that Weiyi took a glance at me, her complexion didn´t look well.

On the contrary I was too busy to take into consideration the awkwardness. I was so worried that I was running around in circles. And the complexion of Fu Chen, who was not far away, changed. My experience told me, this perfectionist was again going to fuss. Whenever his eyes became sharp and his brows slightly knitted, it was certainly because his radar like eyes picked some faults on my body.

Without saying anything further, I turned and left. While walking I dialed Dongzi´s phone number as if my life depended on it. He was still not picking up. My brain turned in lighting speed. Without turning my head I run out of restaurant.

I was currently grabbing my hair at the spacious and empty shopping mall. It was truly odd that Dongzi at such a crucial moment had his phone turned off. Inside my mind emerged a tragic scene of Dongzi being violated, biting the corner of quilt. Aside, Deng Long, who wiped himself clean after eating, lit cigarette and wore a sated smile. Furthermore, a horrible thought like a thunder flashed in my mind. Deng guy played men for so many years. One didn´t know if he had some dirty disease on his body. Did he use sheath during the violation? My adorable Aidong should not have any relation and relationship with that not very adorable AIDs, right?

I couldn´t find answers to my questions. And if I don´t find them, maybe tomorrow these questions would turn into terrible reality.

Once again I irritably pulled my hair. I leaned against the railing on the public square, forcing myself to calm down. Since I couldn´t find Dongzi I had to find him through Deng Long. However, a failure like me, absolutely didn´t get hold of his personal phone number.

Suddenly, a good luck came and with it also a good idea. I indeed didn´t have, but, one person did.

Kang Zixian did have!

Burnt with anxiety, I pulled out the phone and found out yesterday´s call history.  Fortunately, I didn´t delete it. I dialed out.

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I breathed nervously. The phone was connected. After a while a voice with a very resonant feeling spoke up.

„Hello?“ He hesitated for a moment, „It´s you?“

I reminded myself that at present I was seeking a help from this lord. By all means, I musn´t hurl at him insults.

„He he. Brother Kang, I am Fang Liangliang-ah. I have an urgent matter that needs your help.“ The sound of „brother Kang“ made my hairs shake for a while.

„Brother Kang?“ He on that side was silent for a moment, his words carrying a  sneer. „It seems that miss Fang indeed seek help from me.“

„Big brother~~~~~“ With a tremble I continued with my tireless effort.

„Save it. I want to live for another two years. What´s the matter?“


[1] idiom meaning being found in difficult times

[2] idiom meaning someone, who had a beautiful appearance but inside was a mess

[3] proverb meaning to enjoy the benefits of a favorable position

[4] idiom meaning steal someone´s boyfriend/girlfriend, becoming a third person in a relationship

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