I don’t even have to guess to know what was the reaction of the two people in the car.

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Sure enough, the car seemed to be infected with the owner’s anger, slide away in a flying speed with a screeching sound.
Glancing at the car, I held back my smile and changed my sight to the neon billboard overhead.

There was a peculiar feeling in my heart, I can’t divert myself from the loneliness.
Then I tried focusing on the flashing words in the billboard but suddenly found out that I lost the feeling to read.

A harsh braking screech abruptly sounded.
An Audi car drove ten meters away and stopped.
The door opened and a gloomy Fu Chen stepped out from it.
He exasperatedly pulled off his tie while striding towards me.

WeiYi opened her door screaming, “Fu Chen, come back here! Do you hear me? Come back!!”
She wanted to follow him but Fu Chen turned around and scolded, “Don’t follow.”
WeiYi is a small sheep 1 after all, she could only stamped her legs where she stood
Red-eyed, she looked at a side with grievances like a small daughter-in-law.

Frowning, I looked at the haze 2 across Fu Chen ‘s face.
Pretending not to notice him, I stubbornly looked away from him.

Fu Chen said it before, I am just like the wind who don’t know my own place.
When the forest fire came, always undiscriminatingly fanning the fire.
Fearing nothing in Heaven or Earth, simply wanted other’s life.

[Translator note : The whole paragraph above is just Fu Chen saying LiangLiang is someone who is fearless and angered people a lot, and stubborn the Hell out of the people around]

Perhaps my don’t care expression is making Fu Chen angrier.
He stood in front of me, his gentle face not smiling, just rage.
I was surprised, someone as stable as him has never gotten so furious before.
It was like he changed to another person.

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Clasping both of his hands on my shoulders, his pair of eyes behind the glasses was dark.
He yelled at me in loud voice, “Fang LiangLiang, do you know what are you doing?”

“What are you doing exactly? I’m asking you, what are you doing exactly?”

“Do you know that I’m living a life worse than death, do you know?”

I glanced at his hand, then smiled with a ‘puchi’ (pfft) sound.

“Doctor Fu is flushed with success, soon becoming my dear brother-in-law. Why say something like dying ah, so unlucky.”

Something flashed past his eyes.
If I am not mistaken, that thing is called pain.
Knowing that he was also suffering, I smiled even more brilliant.
Yet, my body trembled slightly.

His hands was tightly pressed on my shoulder, the force of his strength was scary.
But he still didn’t let go, practically mumbling.

“Why do you have such a personality?”

“Why did we gotten to this point today?”

“Why didn’t you explain that time? I just wanted you to explain, was it so hard?”

“Why did you make yourself looked bad when you obviously not like that?”

The Doctor Fu who has always been knowledgeable asked ‘Why’ for the first time ever.
Come to think of it, I didn’t proper read that book [One hundred thousand Why] 3 when I was young.

Staring at him, I said quietly in my heart, ‘You are so stupid, it makes me sad’.

Despair and helplessness dominated his emotions.

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The Fu Chen right now was not that refined and gentle Doctor Fu that I knew, he was more like an imposing lion in the prairie.

I stared at him without words, letting him shook me violently.
I just stubbornly bit on my lips, not opening my mouth.

“Is that damn job so important? Have you ever think of me whenever you are desperately doing something for someone else?”

“Was it that hard to be content with your own place (as a woman)?”

“As long as you say it, I don’t mind supporting you for the next half of your life….. Fang LiangLiang, look at me! I want you to look at me!”

No matter how much he roared at my ears, the ungrateful me still stubbornly looked away.
I was afraid to see his pair of painful eyes that silently reminded me that time, when I ruthlessly pushed him away until we reached this point beyond redemption.

FeiGe was right, kicking away a good man is my fault.
I am a masochist, not only harming myself, I harmed the others too.
Who fell in love with me was his eight lifetime of bad luck, destined to live a life of utter confusion and chaos.

Even the good man Fu Chen was angered by me till he left, who else will fall in love with me?

Completely disheartened, I heard my dry voice speak, calm yet sad, “Not explaining was because I thought you would understand. But apparently I was wrong.”

“Two months ago, Old Sun died of stomach cancer. He was an informant his whole lifetime, and also scolded by his son and wife as spineless coward.”

“Only when he passed away that they learnt he has done so many distinguished things.”

Slowly turning my head, I looked sadly into his eyes.

“A lot of thing can’t be stopped once started. Even if I know I will lose a lot, but I already don’t have the power to make the decision anymore.”

“I’m sorry, Fu Chen. I won’t be able to be the woman you wanted in this lifetime.”

The pain buried in Fu chen’s eyes seeped out, drop by drop it soaked into my heart.
I laughed at myself, feeling a bit hot at the corner of my eyes.

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“The way we are right now is fine. Being a doctor is tiring enough, if you worry about me I’m afraid your life will shortened a few years more.”

“WeiYi is more obedient comparing to me, perhaps it is destined that you can only be my brother-in-law.”

Fu Chen dejectedly slumped down his hands, with a grim and sad expression he said, “Fang LiangLiang, you are the cruelest woman I have ever seen.”

My body trembled and I gave a bleak smile, “You should be glad you found out early.”

Disappointment filled Fu Chen’s face.

From a distance, a silver Mercedes-Benz came over and stopped.
Kang ZiXian stepped out and thoughtfully looked at me and Fu Chen standing in a deadlock.

Slightly lowered down my head, I said, “The person I am waiting for has come. Goodbye.”

I walked past him to leave, but at this moment was pulled back by him.
Fu Chen glanced at the Kang ZiXian a few meters away and opened his mouth.
Just like back in those years, the gentle words he said every time we parted.
The manic feeling was gone from his voice, it was low but it tugged at the deepest string in my heart.

“Promise me, protect yourself properly.”

Without waiting for my answer, he stepped away with heavy footsteps.
He sped away with WeiYi, farther and farther away.
That leaving arc 4 actually left me feeling desolated and cruel.

The sky started to drizzle, my hands slowly moved up and finally covered my face.
I cried gently in silence but I only shed two drops of tears.
At a moment like this, even the time to love, to pay homage to the dead or to die is wasteful.
The most pressing matter was to rescue DongZi from the man surnamed Deng.

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After organizing my emotions and wiped my tears dry, I turned around to look for Kang ZiXian.
But the moment I turned around, I accidentally bumped into a hard chest.
Shocked, I looked up to see Kang ZiXian emotionlessly stared back at me.

His black eyes were sure beautiful but it carried a trace of questioning feel and there were no warmth in it.

The tears on my face have yet to completely dried so I could only step back and laughed.

“Don’t misunderstood, you were too close. I didn’t throw myself at you.”

He was silent, but it imperceptibly gave a heavy sense of oppression.
A man not easy to communicate with.

“Let’s go.”

I went ahead of him to his car, while walking I tried calling DongZi’s phone again but it was still off.

“Miss Fang looked like someone with a story.”

He said faintly behind me.


PS : It’s my first time translating something not from ancient China time so I’m confused with the tenses. Do advise what I need to know and I’ll fix it ya.

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According to google, it means a tame person  阴霾 : Dictionary said it’s haze, I’m guessing MC is saying Fu Chen gotten so angry, he is emitting steam(figuratively)  十万个为什么 – For those who wanted to know the title in Chinese  弧线 : Literally an arc. I’m thinking it actually means the trail of the leaving car 

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