Chapter 384 – An Invitation to Depravity

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“I’m tired.”

“Good, good. Isla is such a hard worker.”


After she finished supervising the magic airship, I hugged and patted Isla as she arrived at our assigned room. She looks very happy, and that’s good. Isla is so cute.

The Beastmen maids have also arrived and are carrying their belongings into the rooms Gerda has assigned them.

“Why am I in this room?”

“Because Master loves you too much, don’t you think?”

“Some people think that if it’s a room connected to the master bedroom, the master might crawl in there at night.”


Olivia groans as Shen, the horse beastman, and Fey, the weasel beastman, interfere with her. She groans but doesn’t deny it. I’m sure they’re joking. They are joking, aren’t they?

By the way, these girls were assigned a connecting room that was connected to Driada’s room.

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“We’re this way.”

“Yeah, together.”

“I’m tired.”

The ones carrying their luggage into the connecting room connected to my room are Luna and Lana, the dog beastmen sisters, and Mito, the mouse beastman. All in all, the three of them are rather clumsy.

“We’re done with the luggage.”

“Well then, I’ll go check out the area and greet the maids of the castle.”

The double bedroom connected to the living room is occupied by the head maid, Gerda, and the big rabbit beastman Meme. The fox-eared beastman Byaku stays on the magic airship and seems to take turns with Gerda in this room. This is because there is a need for manpower over there. After that, it seems that everyone except Gerda and Meme will return to the ship to do various chores. The maids, who had finished packing their things, leave the room with a clatter, leaving Meme alone.

“How’s your work going? Meme.”

“Yes, it’s hard because there’s so much to learn. I’m not very smart… but everyone is very nice, and the work is very rewarding and fun.”

Meme says with a smile. The content of what she is saying is very positive or even exemplary… but it makes me feel uncomfortable.

“Is everything okay? Are you pushing yourself too hard? Are you really struggling? Talk to me all you want about improving the work environment. I’m not going to make my people work in a black, uh, harsh environment, okay?”

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“It’s fine. I really have no complaints about my life right now. Far from being dissatisfied, I’m very content.”

“That’s fine, but… if it’s too hard to tell me face to face, then write me a letter or a note or whatever you can sneak it to me. Just don’t force it too much, okay?”

“Thank you.”

Meme smiles as she thanks me. She always smiles, which makes it hard to read her emotions. It’s a smile that makes me feel relieved, but I can’t help but wonder if she’s really holding something inside.

“Kosuke, what’s the situation?”

“Yes, I’ll share some information with you.”

I shared information with Isla about what happened on the royal castle side and what happened on the airship side. From the royal family’s reaction, it seems that Grande’s presence is very important to the royal family of the Dragonis Mountain Kingdom and that my presence is also very important. It is possible that they consider me more important as Grande’s companion than as the Prince Consort of the Merinard Kingdom.

“I see. There were many people from the Confederation of Small Nations who came here to see things. They just watched from a distance because they were not allowed to enter the landing site of the flying dragon. However, there were a few who tried to catch the members of the Magic Rifle Squad and the officials who were going to their quarters and talking to them.”

“Catch them?”

“I don’t mean physically detain them; just talk to them. It seems that no one would do anything reckless in the territory of the Dragonis Mountain Kingdom.”

“I see. Should I do anything about it?”

I think it’s safe in the eyes of the Dragonis Mountain Kingdom, but in some cases, some might try to extract information through blackmail tactics.

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“Meanwhile, it might be better to have a magic rifleman accompany the civilian officials when they act. If they try to get information from our personnel in an outrageous way, it would be a disgrace to the Dragonis Mountain Kingdom, so I think it would be okay.”

“I see.”

I am sorry to add more work, but I will contact Ted and Darko, the platoon leaders, and have them make arrangements. At the same time, I have also contacted the civilian officials and told them to be careful. I don’t think it’s possible for other countries to imitate the specifications of the magic airship, no matter how much is leaked, but there is a possibility that they will develop some countermeasures if they know the specifications.

Even if they do not have access to the actual gun, they might be able to imitate it if they know how it works. This is more dangerous. Therefore, I will tell the magic rifle team to never lose their magic rifles.

“But am I allowed to sit here and relax while all these people are working so hard? Is there something, something I have to do…?”

With Isla and Driada on either side, flowers in both hands, and even a rabbit beastman maid present, and a dragon girl sleeping a little further away, this is not an easy situation to handle. Objectively speaking, it’s like a boss making his subordinates work and flirting with beautiful women. If I were the subordinate, I’d want to kill the boss with all my might.

“Kosuke usually works too hard. Besides, in a situation like this, if the head of the delegation is running around and working hard, the Kingdom of Merinard will be looked down upon.”

“That’s right. Please be patient.”

From left and right, Isla and Driada tempt me as I try to regain a human heart. But I have to stand here, don’t I? Isn’t this the point where I have to decide whether I will fall as a human or not?

“All right! Let’s go sightseeing! It is necessary for me, the prince consort, to look around other castles and expand my knowledge. This is not work because it is also a distraction. Perfect.”

I get up from the comfortable sofa and shake off Isla and Driada, who are entangling me left and right. Besides, there’s a saying that even a dog bumps into a pole when it walks. Walking could be good for you.

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No, the original meaning was that a stray dog walking around might get hit by a person with a stick or something and cause unnecessary trouble? Well, it doesn’t matter either way. If I stay here, I’ll be corrupted by the two of them.

“Kosuke is in too much of a hurry to live.”

Saying this, Isla also got up from her seat. Driada seems to want to stay here.

“It’s my turn. I’m looking forward to it since it will be my first visit to the Dragonis Mountain Kingdom.

“Yes. Then I’ll stay here and watch over things, I guess.”

Of course, Driada could not be left here alone, so Meme had to stay behind. It is said that it is not possible for royalty to spend time alone without a servant. I just want to be alone once in a while.

“I’m off then.”

“Hmm, I’m off.”

“Okay, see you.”

“Have a good day.”

Driada and Meme said goodbye as Isla and I left the VIP room.

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