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After doing tiring activities, soaking in bathtub indeed feel refreshing. With a beautiful girl in my embrace, this bathing time feels more complete. It would be better if the water is warm and there's sake accompany me bathing. But I can't demand too much consider with my current condition, my current condition is already good.


Claire whose lean her head on my shoulder suddenly speaking.

"Yes, Claire?"

"If I wish time stops now…is that exaggerating?"

"No…Unfortunately, that's impossible"

"If I wish I can be your wife one day?"

"That definitely I will do in the future"

"Mmm….i can't wait until that day comes. After we married, how many children do you want to get Henry?"

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"Just two, a girl who beautiful like her mother and a boy who as handsome as me"

"Only two? Your father eve have five children Henry"

"Two is enough, I can get another two from Clara besides, if every year you get pregnant, your time will spend mostly to take care of our child. There will be no time to do things like we doing now. I wish after we married you not get pregnant too soon so we can have a nice honeymoon together"

"Honeymoon? What is that Henry?"

Whoops! The honeymoon is something comes from my previous world. There's no such thing like honeymoon tradition in this world.

"Honeymoon is a time for the newlywed couple to enjoy a new life together. Like me for example, after married, I will busy taking some of my father duties as preparation to inherit his position. There will be no time for us to travel outside together, visiting exotic places. After married, I want to take you to go to many places which you never have seen before. Spend our time together, make time feel so sweet like honey. That's why I called that time as honeymoon"

"That's sound nice Henry…can we do that after we married?"

"I can't promise that but I will try to make that comes true"

"I want to see the sea, Henry"

"If you want to see the sea, you can go there without waiting for us married, but you must able to ride a horse first, and will be better if you can swim too"

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"Is that a must?"

"If you can't ride a horse, you will lose many good places there. Some roads only can pass with the horse, not with the carriage. About the swim, what's the point going to sea without swimming there?"

"I can practice riding horse here…but where I can practice swimming in here, Henry? I don't want to practice swimming in the nearby river"

There's a river flowing near the castle town which used by many citizens to do washing and catch fish. It's not too deep and kids like to swimming there but not deep enough for sailing. But for castle maids for practice swimming with common people, that would be too embarrassing. Not to mention, there's no swimsuit that used to practice swimming either in this world. There's no swimming pool either in the castle to practice swimming.

"Ah, let's skip the swimming practice since there's no place to practice swimming here. But able to ride a horse is a must"

"Alright…I understand. Please teach me how to ride the horse later, Henry"

"No problem. If you can ride a horse, I will take you and Clara for a walk together"

"That would be wonderful….Henry, I almost forgot to ask you this. When we have kids, what names you will give to them?"

"Ugh…you not even pregnant with my child yet…why you already ask me the names?"

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"Can't I ask that?"

"Of course you can…but I haven't thought a good name for my kids yet….let me think for a while"

Whew…I'm not planning to have kids yet but Claire already asks me for the names for our kids. Well, what should my child's name be…I start thinking nice western names for my child later.

"Have you got a good name yet, Henry?"

"Hmm….i did, but I don't know if these name will sound good or not"

"That doesn't matter…please tell me that names Henry"

"Alright…if our child is a girl…let her name will be Clarissa…and if a boy, his name is Hendrick"

Claire turns her back so she can see my face. I can see her eyes sparkling like stars in the night

"You like the names, Claire?"

"Yes! That's good names Henry, I like it very much, thank you!"

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She kisses my lips after say thank you. Well, she looks so excited with the names although that will take some years before she can use those names.

"Henry…did sister Clara ever asks the same question as me?"

"Clara? No…she hasn't asked that question. Why?"

"Tee hee~ so I'm the first one who gets names for our kids"

I silently sighed, although Clara and Claire get along well, there's still some competition between them if that related to our relationships, although limited on some trivial matters. As long as they did not make it goes too far like poisoning each other, I think that still alright.

"Are you sure you can get pregnant first before Clara?"

Claire dumbfounded when hearing my question. Of course, if Clara giving birth first, it's her child who gets names first. But surprisingly, Claire can reply it wonderfully

"I'm sure I will get pregnant first because you see…my hips and buttock are bigger than sister Clara. Old people say a woman with hips and buttock like me will get child easily"

Err…did she just was mistaken giving birth easily with getting pregnant easily? Oh well, I don't want to ruin her confidence by correcting her mistake. Let's time will decide if she right or wrong later.

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