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I'm so shocked to know there're other people in the bathroom, moreover, they are Clara and Claire. They squatting beside the tub and watching me taking bath. They smiling and giggling when see me panicking.

"Wha.. wha..what are y..yyou doing here? Ww..wwhy you don't le..leave?" I'm so shocked until only can utter broken words.

"Sister Clara, brother Henry sleeping face is cute, but his panic face also cute"

"See? I'm right?"

They didn't answer my question instead they talk to each other. I try to move my hands that originally holding the tub edge to cover my junior, but their hands move faster and hold my hands. Claire brought her mouth closer to my ears and whisper

"Brother Henry, you don't need to be shy, we already see your 'manhood' before"

Eh? EH? EEHHHHH??? What she just say before?

I'm dumbfounded hearing that. When I ever show my junior to her before? Before I can free from this shock, Clara also brings her mouth closer to my ears and whispering.

"Not only see, we also have 'taste' it before"



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Did Clara just say she and Henry already do 'that' before? Damn Henry! Why he didn't make that memory as special so I can remember it. I stare at them blankly. They only nodded and giggling again.

After my shock recedes finally I can ask them what filling my mind just now

"Can you tell me when?"

Claire is the first one explaining.

"When brother Henry unconscious, it is us that always wash your body using the wet towel and change your dress"

"All my dress?"

"All of it. We also try to wake 'that' up with hope if 'that' can wake up, you can also wake up. But it's futile"


Do you mean when I'm unconscious, both of you using my junior to wake me up? Oh my God! I can feel my face become so hot because of this.

"And the 'taste' things?"

Clara takes her turn to explain.

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"It's 2 weeks ago after you return from Elrond wedding"

I try to remember Elrond wedding, finally, I remember that party. In Elrond wedding my friend keep pour wine on my cup and make me, who a little weak to alcohol, getting drunk and actually didn't remember anything when in a drunk state.

"I was drunk at that time"

"Yes, your body and dress reek of alcohol. And when we try to change your dress before take you to bed, you also strip our dress and ….. "

Clara didn't continue her story and only blushing shyly. But I know what her meaning.


"No need to apology Henry, we're happy with that. You know, when people drunk, they become honest with their feeling?"

"Ugh. Did my father know?"

"Your highness knows because he comes to your room in that morning and found us"

"Did he angry?"

"No, instead he said if we can bore your son, we can be your mistress. But we don't care with that"

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"Oh" I'm getting speechless with their sincerity. I don't know what I should do or say to them.

Seeing me dumbfounded make them chuckled and giggling again.

"Claire, can you give chance for me and Henry together?"

"Okay sister Clara, but tonight is my turn with him"

"Alright, he's your tonight"

Claire look happy, she laughs and stands up but she manages to peck my cheek before standing up.

"Take care brother Henry, sister Clara. I'm leaving"

After saying that, Claire leaves the bathroom, leaving me and Clara together. Seeing Claire already left, Clara starts to strip her maid uniform one by one. I can only be puzzled by her action.

"Waa…wait a minute…wh..what are you doing?"

"I've seen yours, and to be fair, you should see mine right?"

Without waiting for my answer, Clara who already naked step into the tub and kneel in front of me.

Because I'm in sitting position, her kneeling makes her big breast exposed right in front of my face. Calmly, Clara takes my hand and place it in her mounds.

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"Here, feel it, you like them right? I know you always take glances at them. Now they are yours, do as you like, do as you pleased"


I can't hold to gulp my saliva. Such beautiful views in front of my eyes with my hands on top of it. Unconsciously I start to rub it. Not only rub I also start to grope it like knead the dough. Soft moan starts to come out from Clara's mouth. Not satisfied just by hand, I pull my mouth closer to these twin mountain and start to lick it, after lick it I also suck the hard erected nipples like a baby. Clara grabs my head with her hands and starts to rub it again her breast. She keeps uttering soft moans while doing that. My hands also start to rub her full buttock. It's so full and elastic. Sometimes I also spank that round butt only to make her moans louder. I still keep my mouth exploring her mountain. After exploring the left mountain I change to the right mountain. On its perky nipples, I not only suck it but also bite it a little, make her wriggling in pleasure. My free hands keep exploring every inch of her body. Her legs, her thigh, her back and finally ended at her crotches. I can feel small bushes grow lustfully there.

"Henry…argh….don't…touch there ….ticklish…argh" although she begs me not to touch there I keep touching her pubic area. Didn't she say to me to do as I like?

"Henry … put…yours.. to me…I…I can't stand…argh…anymore" she lowering her hip and release her hand from my head and use it to guide my junior into her genitals.

"Argh … so big…it's..tearing me…argh…augh!!" when she feels my junior already entering her, she pushes her hips down. For a moment we didn't make movement and try to adapt. Later she starts to move her hips up and down. Her sexy mouth starts producing moans again. Afraid someone maybe hears that I grab her head and lock her mouth with my lips. Like what we do this morning, our tongue starts to twisting each other and saliva being exchanged between our mouth. she keeps doing this for twenty minutes, sometimes she stops her movement but from the feeling that my junior gets to like being massage inside her genitals, I know she reaches her climax. After twenty minutes her move getting slower and slower, I know she's exhausted since she already reaches climax several times, so I take to control the pace and move my hips faster like a piston. She almost screams but I close her mouth with my lips make her only can make a low panting sound. I keep trusted until I feel something is about to explode inside me. I hug her tightly while trusted my junior as deep as possible into her genital and explode it there. After some shots finally it's all over. She closed her eyes, panting heavily while lean her head at my shoulder. I also lean at the tub edge try to catch my breath. From our chest that pressed to each other, I can feel her heartbeat and my heartbeat like beating together in harmony.

After she rests a while and regains some energy, finally she opens her eyes. Our eyes meet each other and she smiles timidly. I lean my forehead in her forehead and start to peck her lightly for some minutes before she stops it

"Please Henry, save some for Claire"

"Okay. I also think we already take bath too long. Let's get out from here"

She nodded and stood up from the tub. I can see white liquids dripping from her crotch. When she realized I watch her crotch, she blushing and use her hand to cover it.

"Wait, don't leave yet. That area needs some cleaning"

Without waiting for her approval I remove her hand from her crotch and scoop some water to clean it. To make sure it really clean I also rub that area which makes her moaning again. I do that several times until the area absolutely clean. Together we step out from the tub. I take the towel from the table to drying our body. When I wipe her body from the sprinkled water I take chance to measure her breast. My palm is not enough to cover them all, make me guess her size must be over 36B. after we finish put some dress we leave the bathroom.

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